Sunday, 24 August 2014

Life love it xx

Life can be a struggle some times when you think everyone is against you and it seems no one understands you it makes you doubt yourself.. You are never alone and it is only your ego talking you down stop listening go and clear your mind by making yourself busy or getting out and about go for a walk or do something else you enjoy to get your mind of your trouble if only for a short while as that may be all you need to bring you back up ask your Angels or God to also help take away the negative energy that surrounds you making you feel this way.. As it is your own thoughts that will be making the doubts your reality and life doesn't have to be like that as you can turn your thoughts into a more positive frame of mind and not ponder on what is wrong with your life, think about what is right with it like your family, kids and pets and how much 'Love' is in your heart for them.. Don't turn to substances such as Alcohol or drugs as they won't ease your pain or make the stress go away as it is your soul that needs the TLC those substances will only block and numb the pain they won't make it go away your ego will talk you into taking them substances don't listen.
 Life isn't about material things they are just comforts and superficial in the scheme of things as they will never make you happy only your own thoughts and inner strength and peace will do that. God made you strong he made us all that way so we could deal with the struggles our path gets thrown onto.. God made your heart full of  'Love' so don't lose sight of that while your ego takes over and has all the power.

Your ego talks through you with fear - turn that Fear into Love and turn your thoughts around
change the energy around you as what you give out will be returned.

Don't beat yourself up over things you've said to others in anger as holding onto those feeling will only cause you more stress and worry, give those feelings to God and your Angels to deal with free yourself so you can move forward and love yourself as much as your Guardian Angel does open your heart and listen to that Angel that is always with you and has been all your life she holds the light that is at the end of any tunnel you find yourself in.. Chin up push on and stop harming yourself as someone loves you. xx

Music one I've put up before a while ago it was just playing on my iPod
Lady Antebellum - Your Never Alone
Sending love and light open your heart and receive
from me and your Angels as you are loved by both

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