Monday, 11 August 2014

Broken heart xx

The news today has my heart breaking for the children that have to suffer in the wars overseas because of some barbaric belief of a group of so called humans.. It is bad enough the adults have to go through it but the innocence of children being taught such hatred towards another humans life is unforgivable, then there are the victims of that hatred where they behead children and adults in front of onlookers and display them as if they are a prize, the god they worship is not my God as he is love not fear, this is human behaviour at its most evil (there is only one God different human belief systems that worship him/her)... It just breaks my heart so I will pray and send love to all those children that are caught up in this war xx
 Humans can be so judgemental in how someone looks, how they dress or because of the choices others have made in their lives.. I do try not to be judgemental of anyone and except people as they are as it is what inside that counts as your soul is who you are not the outside covering.

For the Children that have been caught up in the wars overseas may God take you in the palm of his hand and surround you in love so you are at peace now your young lives have been taken from you.
Have you met anyone who has crossed your path and changed you or made you look at yourself in a different light if so you were meant to meet as we are all connected and those who are meant to come into your life do so for a reason to teach your soul a lesson so you can grow spiritually, it is destiny as we are all divinely guided.

A1 - Heaven by your side
Sending love and light
open your heart and receive from me
and your Angels.

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