Friday, 1 August 2014

Changes xx

The song I heard on my radio just as I drove home from work in the snow .. Brr! it is chilly when the weather is like that I prefer spring I wish we could have that season all year round but that would not be right as we all need to go through changes as nothing ever stays the same even the trees and plants need to have a break so they can grow again in the right season a bit like our souls they need the changes we go through in life otherwise we would not learn or evolve spiritually..
Now for that song it is one close to my heart by Katy Perry as that is
 how I treat all that come into my contact and those I actually let into my heart.
Love Unconditionally

One of the dolls from my collection isn't she sweet and ever so patient
waiting for love to show up although we do all carry it inside us..
My own change song first ..
Sending Love an Light to you
Open your heart and receive..

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