Saturday, 9 August 2014

Clear, Open Mind and Open Heart xx

The quotes on my wall this morning to open up your spiritual path you do need to have a clear mind that is uncluttered by the mundane trivial stuff of life so you can see clearly not only your own truth of who you are but you will also understand how others act and what drives them it will be either their ego or their heart so you can usually pick the genuine people out by what they say or how they act, the self serving egotistical kind are so easy to spot as they think money and material goods are more important than humans or how they treat others so have no trouble in hurting others with either their words or actions.. Anger and confrontation is usually at the forefront but the real egotists hold on to those feelings of anger and hatred so they will seek revenge no matter how long it takes.. A lot of us just hit out in anger because we are frustrated with the other person for not being who we expect  them to be or because we want them to say something we want to hear or we want them to do something for us when they don't do it  we get angry at them and harsh words are spoken most of us can than apologise and move on but some people have trouble moving on and hold on to those feelings of resentment which really only damages the person holding those negative feelings as the other person probably could not care or less.. Anger is a fear based emotion so a very negative energy which will drag the person down eventually and usually cause stress and worry and take a toll on that persons health ..
 To help clear your mind go for a walk on the beach if you live near one
or meditation will help you clear your mind and relax you.. 
The clearer your mind the easier it will be to hear your
Angels guidance that come in as your thoughts.
I have purchased this little book and meditation CD which I have put on my iPod and listened to a few times when I went to bed but I was so relaxed I fell asleep both times so I've not heard the whole CD through yet maybe I need to do it not so close to bed time..
A quote also from Dr Weiss..
Happiness is found with in you no matter  what situation you find yourself in. Others are not responsible for your happiness you are. Things sometimes do get on top of you and your emotions so you need to do some soul searching and self  reflection and clear the decks to find that happiness again.
I love the lyrics of Katy Perry's song by the Grace of God.. I think she must of wrote the lyrics after doing some soul searching after a break up..
I always do a lot of soul searching when ever I doubt myself or find myself in a hard situation and when I have to re-evaluate where my life is at as I am an easy going person that usually takes things as they come and I never plan my future but sometimes you are put into situations where you are forced to look at yourself.. I was like that last May as I was out of work, my daughter was getting married so we had to find the extra money to buy outfits and other bits and pieces we had only 3 months in planning the wedding so it was a bit stressful especially leading up to the day in the last month as Sam also had to go have an operation on his ingrown toenails that was done about 10 days before the day so we were forever traveling to our local largest city centre over an hour away, a day after the wedding Sam also had a reading assessment to be done (over 2 days which again meant more traveling) and Jess wanted to join in on that as she was doing a TAFE course on the very subject to be a teachers aide so we went over with her when she should of been on her honey moon. On her actual wedding day it seemed like my family members were cranky with me so I was getting negative energies thrown at me left, right and centre for no reason as I was just doing all the running around finishing all the little details off before getting ready myself I only had about 10 minutes for that (as I look after my own needs last) .Anyway my daughter got married on the Saturday, on the Sunday she was holding a BBQ for her interstate relations that she doesn't see very often and also her new husbands family (they live about 40 mins away from us it was at her house) I wasn't going to attend as I needed to stay home and catch up on things and ground myself again as I wasn't going to be home for the following 2 days because of Sam appointment with the reading assessments.. My sister made a snide remark to me on the Sunday morning as to why I wasn't going to the BBQ I don't even remember now what she said but it upset me and I ended up at the cemetery crying my eyes out for over an hour .. I think everything just got on top of me and that was the trigger of my self evaluation and some soul searching of exactly who I was as my sister had no idea as to who the real me was I'm not sure even I knew or what my life's purpose was as I think my heart was still a closed book after the loss of Phillip and still working on auto pilot of looking after everyone's needs but my own.. I felt stuck in a rut in what was my life .. Incidentally 2 weeks after that I did get a text to say there was a job if I was interested and not long after that a second more permanent job came in I believe it was the work of my Angels that made it happened because of my tears up at the cemetery as I walked around visiting all my relatives graves as I couldn't face going home until my tears had dried and I was composed again..  ** I also believe it was the work of my Angels because it was around the time of Phillip's death anniversary when I got the text about the 1st job I now go to 4 days a week cleaning at the same place my grandmother used to work for many years when she was alive.. Most miracles or good events usually happen around the anniversary of my son's passing.. So I know I'm being looked after by the other side..
By the Grace of God you can find yourself and your life purpose if you find yourself lost and stuck in a rut after a life event just keep your heart open and ask for your Angels assistance and listen to the guidance they give you as they hold the light that will pull you out of the rut and have faith things will get better..
Sending love an light to you

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