Saturday 30 August 2014

Beautiful day xx

It is such a beautiful day here the sky is blue and the sun is out Spring is in the air Winter is nearly over.. I'm just doing house work so about to hang some washing out in the sun to dry, my boys are off camping this week end so I get some alone time..
I just **updated my last post here is what I added about the Crystal energy at least in my case.
 Withhold emotions, have fears of losing control of their temper
Yes I have always done this I can't remember throwing tantrums as a child and when I had to cry because of getting in trouble with sister or if anyone in the house hold was cranky I would run into my room and bury myself under the blankets so as not to let anyone see me upset I still do this cry alone maybe not under the bed sheets but where no one can see me.. When physically hurt I never told anyone, once I had a boil in my ear for ages and never told anyone until mum discovered the pus on my pillow..  I am very easy going so rarely if at all lose my temper I would have to really be provoked a lot before losing it. If it is anything to bring attention to myself I avoid it tantrums are the #1 attention grabbers so didn't do it. **I don't drink alcohol as it causes the loss of control of who I am I got so drunk at my sisters wedding I spent the night with my head in the toilet bowl it was not my idea of fun (I can't stand to vomit) so my alcohol intake is very minimal if at all, alcohol will also block your mind from hearing your Guides and Angels. Also on the website I've linked to she uses the word fear a lot I don't think it is a fear that crystal energies have as they have an inbuilt psyche as to their own behaviour and a moral code and that stops them from doing what they don't want to do..
She also uses the word stress a lot that is also a state of mind if you have the right attitude your stresses will be minimal.. I can't say I am a worrier or carry much stress as I do take things as they come and deal with what ever lands in my lap at the time so very optimistic, also maybe because I always felt protected by both family and from above.**

I will be back later with more love and other things to share here is a song for you I will put up what is playing right now on my iPod and speaker that is through out the house..
Celine Dion - Immortality
Once you find love it will last through many life times when you meet up with your Soulmate again your soul will know as Love is Immortal as it is our spirit that goes on forever until it evolves and you only walk the path of Love.. 
"Your life is your lesson to find that path of love, in struggles keep going as it is
only Love that is real "
Sending my love and light to you open your heart and receive also
enjoy your day and keep smiling as someone  loves you always .

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