Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Daily Guidance - Wise Decision xx

Hi it is now afternoon I am all by myself as the boys went to test out the new camping gear, Sam did test it out inside he slept on his camp stretcher in the swag one night the second night he just slept on the stretcher then we packed it away as it was in the kitchen, so now they have gone out to test it for real. I have been a good girl today I've gone for 2 walks one after work this morning and again tonight because I had to go feed my sisters dog while she is away they went down to Kiama for the week.
Today's cards are from your Guardian Angel and if you have to make some sort of decisions choose wisely as your Angels are guiding you but you still need to balance up your options before making the final decision, if you are stuck on the way to go you may be overthinking all your options, take a deep breath clear your mind and ask for guidance and a sign before going with the final choice. Choose the messages coming from your heart as that is your soul talking our souls do know which direction they are taking for what it is that you need in your life. Our Angels guidance does come straight from the heart but our minds or ego tries to either talk us out of or try and take us in a direction away from our heart, it is up to us as to which choice we go so if you can make a balanced choice between the positive and the negative of the situation that you are trying to decide on you should come up with an answer. ** If you have already made this decision "go for it" 2015 and beyond is your year to shine.**

"48 in Angel Numbers from "Angel Numbers 101" means Your prayers about money have been heard and answered by the Angels". so if this decision is a business one or one to do with finances weigh up your options and ask for guidance and a sign.
I brought The Best of Joe Cocker from iTunes so I have that playing now I'm home alone. This song isn't on the Album but I do like it.. Ain't no sunshine when you're gone my soul cries for you please come back to make my heart sing again love you always. xx
I really love the lyrics in "Let the Healing Begin" because it is what all our souls need to do we need to let the healing begin to bring us into the new energy shift our souls need to heal all past pain because all the pain you carry around on your soul will go with you when you die. Also because all the emotional  pain you carry around with you from this life time will go with your soul in the next, for our souls to evolve we need to learn SELF-FORGIVENESS from our behaviour because some of it might of been pre-planned because of past life karma your soul has to  repay because you may of hurt others in other incarnations that could be dating back centuries.. SELF-LOVE is also another lesson our souls come to learn so in order to love yourself you need to forgive your self and others for all past and present behaviour you can do this by asking God or your Angels to take away all pain and forgive those that might of hurt you also forgive yourself if you hurt someone else as long as you carry these burdens around on your soul you will never evolve as you carry them around with you, in order to heal and be at peace with your self and love your self as you are. For your soul to evolve and heal you need to take off the ego mask and find the true soul you are.. Self love will follow because you will understand who you are and why you are here also maybe why you have acted the way you have we have all come for life lessons our emotions are our guide to what it is we came here for, if you ignore your feelings the lessons will take longer, everyone that has come into your life has come here to make you feel a certain way even your enemies have come out of love to help you grow spiritually the people that push you emotionally  have most likely at soul level agreed to be with you at a certain time in your life to help your soul grow into accepting who you are.. Each soul (person) that has come into your life has done so for a reason instead of blaming them for hurting you look at how they helped your soul grow emotionally. For me the loss of my son was the greatest pain I have ever felt I don't think anything will top that unless it happens again but I now understand why my son did come into my life for such a short time he came to be my spirit guide and to show me the way to my spiritual path and to my Life Purpose I do believe he pre-pared at soul level to not be here for very long as there were lessons my soul needed to grow, I've mentioned before all the hints he left me before the accident and after he left, knowing how I think those in my soul group knew I would go seek answers to the unknown as I'm like that if I don't know or don't understand something I will go find the answer to satisfy my mind and soul. It did take me 16 years to find that answer because I was in auto pilot and my heart was closed with a chain of events over the last 18 months my heart opened again and my answers plus a lot more then that came to me.. Our heart is our soul centre as long as we carry old emotions with us our heart stays blocked and our Angels guidance has trouble making contact with us because our energy vibrations are low, this is why we need to let go of the emotions that no longer serve us from the past as they are creating the fear that our ego lives off. Ask your angels to take away all your pain that burdens your soul so you can move on and let love back in. Love is the light that always leads the way love of self begins first and foremost as you care enough about your self to let others love you. In our life we have to choose which path we take one of FEAR or one of LOVE if you choose fear your soul evolvement will take longer as fear holds you back from learning the lesson you came to learn FEAR lowers your energy vibration LOVE is the highest energy vibration and what all souls came here to learn in order to evolve (unconditional love is the ultimate soul evolution aim). I have it for all human kind, Jesus had it because that was the lesson he came here to teach humanity in his time as the son of god, we are all god's children so that is the way to touch the divine and god that is within you.
This includes forgiveness of self for past events as they are no longer needed, you hurt, you learnt now move forward with your life live day by day, lesson by lesson the future will take care of itself.
LOVE, LIVE and LAUGH today. 
Sending Love and Light
We only have 1 day left in 2014
So Happy New Years
May 2015 be the year
your dreams come true
your prayers are answered
also one where any emotional healing
is done so you can let go of all
your FEARS and you let LOVE
into your opened heart
because your soul deserves it.

Monday, 29 December 2014

Daily guidance Give Back and Health xx

Hi all well it's back to normal for me I had my little break of 4 days it is back to work for me at least it is only in the mornings for another 22 days. It is now nearly 3pm so will put this up now. Great news as well I'm no longer blocked on my Facebook account so I can now comment and like posts again..
Isn't this beautiful I received it today a Crystal fluorite sphere.
The guidance for today is GIVE BACK and HEALTH 
GIVE BACK - maybe with Christmas you are feeling a bit spoilt so a bit unbalanced if you feel you  received more then you gave this could be to do with not only material things it could also mean your time, love or other emotions whatever it is you need to give back what it is you feel you are getting too much of as your energy isn't balanced.. You can have the intention and say it through thought if you can't bring or unable to express it to whomever it is you are thinking about. We need to give and not expect anything in return sometimes as you never know when someone just needs a kind word or a smile, maybe even a hug. Hugs to anyone out there that reads this feel my energy as I wrap my pink light of love around you.
HEALTH - I also drew an Indigo card today with the Christmas break maybe you over done it a bit so put yourself back into a healthy regime and start looking after yourself as our body is our temple and to work effectively we need to look after it and that means watching what we put into our bodies. A lot of people over do it with the grog over the holidays so if you are one of those Indigo's start to dry out and detox to hear our angels and guides we need to be of a high vibration in energy so alcohol will lower your energy, so will other toxic substances. Look after you and God will look after you so you can be sure you hear all guidance that is given if you drink to dull the pain of some things that have happened to you it is only a mask it won't take away the pain or the fear. To find inner peace you need to find the real you and let go of all the pain you have burdened on your soul.  Look to love to pull you through ask the Angels and God to take away the pain so you can deal with any stresses that get to you.
Let FEAR go and open your heart to let LOVE in.
Take Love from me because I love you more than words
can say I miss you when you're not around my soul cries. xx
I know I let me health and food intake slide a bit over the Christmas break but back on track as I walked again yesterday and again after work this morning. I still have Chocolate there from presents have to use my will power I'm okay I tend to reach for that if I need emotional shielding. I don't drink alcohol so that never effects me I tend to be the stand by Taxi so never took up the habit. I felt drained over the weekend so very tired if you are feeling a bit like that it might be a good idea to get outside in nature for a little walk to get some oxygen back into your body. Exercise is good to bring up your energy vibration so your guidance will come in clearer while out doors.
Song today from Rod Stewart - Reason to Believe
Sending Love and Light
Give with out expectation
Receive with out guilt
Open your heart
receive my love and hugs
and feel the energy transfer
by intention alone.
Love you always.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

Indigo Angel message xx

G'day well it is Sunday Christmas is over we still have the tree and lights up until the New Year which isn't very far away 3 days and we can kiss 2014 away then look forward to 2015 I have a feeling it will be much the same as 2014 but we will have grown spiritually a bit more by the end of another year.
 May 2015 be an exceptional year for you and all your dreams come true, stay positive, love much and live everyday as if there is no tomorrow.  Laugh heaps as well as it is good for the soul and raises your energy levels..
Now for the Indigo Messages sending you all the Love and Light I can muster as you go into the
New Year may you achieve much on your chosen mission.
AUTHORITY and TRUSTING YOUR OWN INSTINCTS - When dealing with authority figures in your Indigo work trust your own inner guidance and gut instincts as to what you feel you should do to confront those in charge of us as we know they are not superior than anyone else yet they may have power to shut down not only you but the story you are trying to uncover so be diplomatic and try not to get those authority figures off guard as the anger they will feel they will seek revenge on you the  Indigo that brought the truth to the surface. Face it when some people are faced with a Truth they don't like Anger and Rage will be the first emotional reaction that is when they will want to hit out at the messenger which is most likely you the Indigo Warrior so try to be a bit diplomatic as the truth is revealed and be prepared for all reactions associated with those involved.
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and what is your life purpose as your instinct will lead you where you need to go, but you tend to put yourself down all the time with negative thoughts and feelings when this happens call on your Angels and God to lift your spirits back up. You are worthy and meant to be here to pave a better way and help rid humanity of systems and things which no longer serve us. Trust in your own judgements of people and situations you find your self in. Turn to LOVE to raise your energy vibrations when you are doubting yourself and why you are here.
This is the next card under Believe in yourself when in doubt lean on God and your angels for emotional support to get you through the period of negativity you are feeling.
CHILDREN are a part of your life purpose whether it is paving the way or you taking care of them and teaching them your values and to stand up for themselves when it comes to those in authority that may not always know best and what is good for them and their welfare.
TRUST AND HONOUR YOUR FEELINGS - when dealing with those children or any one that has entered your life our feelings are our connections to the divine and what guides us in to what reaction we take when we have to deal with our own inner dialogue. Our feeling are also what makes us react to how we are treated by others and how we treat them, come from a place of love and you will have compassion and forgiveness to those that treat you bad as it is not your fault they have a problem it is there own feelings which make them react to you a certain way.
 Know when to walk away, and LOVE instead by removing your self
from the situation the one wanting a battle is testing your resolve
and advancing your spiritual growth by the way you react to them.
Hate against Hate won't resolve a thing.
Walking away gives both parties time to think of their behaviour.
Music Katy Perry
I will love you unconditionally
always for ever in my
heart missing you.

Saturday, 27 December 2014

Daily Guidance and Humans are Evolving xx

Good morning all I have been listening a bit to Kryon lately you should check him out if you are led to or curious as to what it is we are going through as a species I will catch up on his books as I get to them but I have got a lot of information from him as to why I'm here as I hold the light of love we are moving towards as I am awakening to my spiritual growth I can pass onto you what I know some I read in books  that seems to awaken my own knowing of Who I am depending on which book I pick up, it is sometimes not easy and very emotional finding out this stuff as it has made me cry many times for the Love I feel inside hurts so much to not be able to express it other than on my blog to those in my soul, some times it feels so one sided because I do have so much love to give and I know why as it is my divine light within that is shining to help awaken other people and to guide them where they need to go in this time of turbulence as we see chaos going on around us.
 I have found out over the last year  Who I am
I am an Incarnated Angel, I am a Lightworker, I have Crystal energy that is part of who I am and why I have so much love to give, I have part Indigo energy the part that gives me the curious mind into political corruption and correcting it (I had been researching into this over the last 6 years my concentration was on the people involved), I support those with Indigo energy that do the heavy lifting as I know that is not my purpose,  I do have the Crystal energy and when the systems start collapsing because of the energy shift I will help guide those souls with my light of love and peaceful ways, the next generation of kids coming in will also teach us this I was sent out as a scout before the next generation arrived... Some souls will read this and think I am nuts (lucky I don't take offence as to what other people say, do or think) as well as other Lightworkers this is because their own souls have not evolved enough and they are in fear of that which they don't understand so we have to lead the way they will one day follow our path as it is one of  LOVE, INTEGRITY, COMPASSION, TOLERANCE and PEACE of everyone and everything around them, we can't stop this energy shift so we have to move with it. These things are a part of who I am and have always been I have not changed my inner self since I was that shy little girl. I have grown but my DNA has stayed the same .I am who I am love me for who I am because I will love you anyway no matter how you treat me.. If I see parts of me within your soul I know you are a good person as I always look for the good or the light within a person. I have never felt hatred towards anyone.
Every human has the Love of God within them they just have to find it
God isn't an idol or something to worship as he is a part of you the
biggest part he is in your soul and what makes you feel Love and
other emotions. 
God isn't found within religious texts he is found in you and how
you act towards others, God is the energy that makes you who you are.
The stories within the Bible are true as Jesus was sent to teach us the
values of God's Love but we as a human species still haven't got it.
Religions of all sorts have caused a lot of wars as we just haven't got it.
God is the energy of every living being or thing in the Universe Earth is a part
of the creation we reside or inhabit what ever part of the globe you come from. 
God is in every living cell he created that is every living soul on Earth and Earth it self.

We all make mistakes at times they are a part of our soul evolution the more it hurts the more soul growth... If things in the past have hurt look back and see/reflect on what it was your soul has learnt, don't look back and wish things could be different as we can never go back in time because time is infinite we can only go to what is in front of us and we can choose in which way we go by our freewill choices that uses our heart or our ego to either move us on or hold us back to our soul destination.. Let go of that fear which is holding you back and your soul from evolving to go with the energy shift we can't stop.. Look to love and light to move you onto the right path. Let your own divine light of love shine so others can look at you and be inspired by your strength to get on with your life after you have been knocked down don't look back just get up and keep going, the hardest things in life are only temporary don't get stuck in that negative space.
Do you know what triggered my search for 'Who I am', one of my sisters said something to me just after my daughter got married last year (May 2013) it had me crying my heart out up at the cemetery (because I was alone up there because I don't like to cry in front of others I never have). It wasn't so much what she said that had me in tears as I can't even remember what that was the fact that she didn't know the real me, I wasn't sure I even knew who I was or what my Life Purpose was that is what started my search everything started to take off after that and from October when my son would of turned 21  there was an email with a book suggestion "Saved by an Angel" by Doreen Virtue my life had turned around since then if only on the inside as I did have to share my discovery of Angels with others that are in my soul group, even though they probably didn't know it maybe they still don't but you could say I felt the connections in my own soul (they are also Angels and Lightworkers). I knew none of this stuff above last May so it has been a quick shift of energy I have felt since then I am still awakening to my potential as I know I have a lot to learn hence why all the books I have on my "to read list" but I do communicate with other Lightworkers now because of the course I did to help me with Tarot/Oracle card reading.. I didn't have a job at that time 2 weeks later the Angels helped my get work so that was only the start of my life turning around. So a lot has happened in those 18 months from not knowing who the real soul me was to getting work and finding other soul connections I didn't know existed until the beginning of 2014.. So a big spiritual energy shift in my own life happened with a lot of tears to go with it and I'm not real fond of crying but it is good for the soul to cry to let out pent up emotions which helps your soul grow and evolve.
A lot of Old Souls do spend a lot of alone time not because they don't like company but because they are wise beyond their years and feel they don't fit in the wiser you are the more people will come to you for advice or leadership as a soul you have been in every situation with in your own soul's journey's you are here to teach the younger souls.
Now I will do today's daily guidance I have got that off my chest, I have been reading "Your Soul's Plan" this morning I recommend that book to anyone that wants to understand life, death and tolerance of everyone as our soul's do plan way ahead of time the lessons it needs to learn to evolve.
Today I have used these 3 decks I have taken a photo of.
COMPASSION - From Mother Mary forgive those and be kind to those you do not agree with try not to argue as we are not all the same we do have different belief systems, different ways of thinking and we sometimes let our ego's take the lead so have no compassion for what others might be going through as we are so caught up in our own world that we only see our own point of view based on our own ideologies. If you are in an argument that doesn't look like it is going to end politely walk away and agree to disagree don't get caught up in the moment and the need to be right all the time, because in the end it will be you that wears the guilt of your actions. Compassion comes from the heart and being selfless towards others no matter what position they are in. A compassionate heart will seek a solution to others problems not be a creator of more problems for them be needing to be right all the time.. Some things you have to let go to the keeper of peace that my friends is you and your own reactions and thoughts that will create turbulence in your own life and that of others.
HEAVEN is Watching Over You - From your Guardian Angel we are never alone really as our Guardian Angel and all our soul group are forever watching over us. Those in our soul group are our family and even parts of our own soul that stays in Heaven if you feel you need help in a difficult emotional situation call on your Angels to help pull you out of that place of distress, know that you are loved and needed always.. Look to Love to help in difficult situations as love and positivity will help find your light within that has dimmed.
TRUST Carnation Trust that heaven is looking out for you and helping in guiding you in the right direction, people that have come into your life are there to help guide you where you need to go spiritually. Earth Angels are sent to you, me and us when we need them to help us on our way when we get caught up in our own ego's and can't find our way out of the dark spots as they do sometimes crop up in our lives. Trust in yourself to work things out with the guidance of your Angels and God. Always hold faith in miracles because they do happen and it is you that creates those miracles by your very own thoughts.
Have a Little Faith in Me - Joe Cocker
and your self to pull you out of the dark area's in your life.
Well the year 2014 was a big energy and emotional growth year for me maybe you felt that to in your own life. I have no idea what 2015 has install as I never have been one to plan to far ahead, more so since my son Phillip past away as you never know what is going to happen next or whats in your destiny because it is best to live in the here and now and let your future take care of it self as it will anyway as long as you keep making the right choices that come from the heart you will always be where you are meant to be as your own soul does let you know when it is time to move on or change direction, those changes might bring about pain or emotional growth spurts for you, so don't let the fear of the unknown get to you just go with the flow of life always follow your heart and accept what is and what you can't change as everything does happen for a reason even the bad stuff..  In 2015 I have much to accomplish one step at a time it will be, I would love to do a Reiki course and start a Psychology online course but with work I don't know where to find the hours that is why I will just go with the flow as my future does always take care of itself as I have always followed my heart and things just come to me. I just had a reading done by an online friend that was at the 2 day workshop with Doreen Virtue and something is coming to me next year Patience and Balance was the advice so sounds good to me.. Love and Light xx  By the way I don't ask anyone to believe in me or what I say or believe in God or Angels as I do because you will have your own miracles that will confirm your belief, all I ask is for you to believe in your self and go search out who your true self is your true self can be found in your soul. We have a higher self (which is our soul energy still left floating about the universe) then there is our lower self that is our personality our lower self looks to our higher self for guidance. 
More music one of my favourites
I love You - Celine Dion
I have so much love it hurts
God is Love
to know love is to touch God
Who are you really?
search your soul
the answers are written
there for you.
You know who I am
I know who I am.
I have found others souls in my search
but have they found their true selves??
I love you and always will.

Friday, 26 December 2014

Daily Guidance - You found it xx

Good afternoon all, well it is a quiet day in this household I've not been doing a great deal I've read a little, washed clothes and played on the PC that is my day so far a I'm a bit tired still. Here is the Mars bar and Tim Tam cheesecake I made it was good but rich the base is made of crushed Tim Tams, it has 4 chopped Mars Bars through it also a butterscotch and chocolate sauce through it was a hit I shall make it again next year. My sister took the photo to share with my other sisters on FB..
 Here are some of the pretty gifts and clothes I received for Christmas
 This is the print from above I just edited text onto the photo.
All the pictured pretties are by Artist Anne Stokes (love her work).
Thank you Anne Stokes much gratitude for sharing your talent.
You have the divine power within you to change your soul's pre-planned birth plan we have 2 choices in life to choose the High path of LOVE or the Low path of FEAR we will get to our pre-planned destination of spiritual growth one path will get you there quicker, make choices from your heart that is the fast track for soul evolution. Choose LOVE I always have subconsciously my whole life thus far I will continue on that path as it is all I know.. My wish for you would be to do the same.. Love and Light. xx
Today's Guidance comes from St Anthony of Padua and Archangel Sandalphon.
Who is Saint Anthony of Padua - St. Anthony of Padua is one of the most famous disciples of St. Francis of Assisi. He was a famous preacher and worker of miracles in his own day, and throughout the eight centuries since his death he has so generously come to the assistance of the faithful who invoke him, that he is known throughout the world.
 St Anthony of Padua says congratualtions you have found it your life's purpose of the correct path you should be on, if you are still unsure search your soul as it always has the power to know on which path you should be following. Saint Anthony along with Archangel Chamuel will always help you to locate things if you are feeling lost or you have lost something call on them as I have done and I was led straight to what it was I was searching. You can also call on Archangel Michael if it is your Life Purpose that you are looking for you will be led in the right direction and the messages will be sent to you via conversations, books, blogs, song lyrics the signs will be there it is up to you to have an open heart and mind you will know they are signs for you because you will feel or sense that it was a message for you and your guidance.. Going by this card I think you already know what it is you have found don't deny it take action if that is what you are guided to do, sometimes you may have to wait and just go with the flow as the divine timing may not be right at this point you will know in your gut what to do..
 Archangel Sandalphon is the 2nd card so stay positive and hang out with optimistic people that won't put you down for what it is you believe in as really you only need to believe in your self and your own power to do what it is you want to achieve at this current time, just be gentle on yourself especially today as you are probably starting to wind down from all the Christmas cheer today, so relax chill out and don't think to much just enjoy your day or what is left of it.
I do like this quote as a Crystal energy I do believe I can see into a person's soul as I dissect what I see as the ego talk and can pick up when people are genuine and speak from the heart, I also can see by their actions and words they speak which always come from their thoughts, maybe I can pick up on their energy when I think or want to look beyond who they really are.. Some souls are pretty obvious to me as to what their intentions are as I gravitate towards people that are genuine and authentic I guess being shy has taught me that as I do not trust everybody or want to share myself or my inner self with just anybody my life has always been this way.
Love this song but if you are sick of it I have another
I just made below.
Angel By Your Side - Francesca Battistelli
Sending Love and Light to you
I hope you had a great day today
Well done if you have found your
soul's Life Purpose
as you will never be the same
once you find out as you
will find the divine that is within
you and the reason why you are here.
Love you always

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Christmas Messages xx

Hi it is now Christmas eve I have been on my feet all day (and was so busy I forgot to eat for most of the day), I worked in the morning then had to go pick up the last minute gifts and do the groceries, I still have dishes to clean and some presents to wrap so it is a busy time of year, but well worth seeing the joy on the faces of those we love especially the kids when they open their gifts.. I tend to get carried away with the gift part upon my kids Santa still comes to one of them the other 2 have grown up, my daughter is spending lunch with her husbands family so we will see them in the afternoon.. Next year is my turn for the lunch which we usually spend at my mum's place I will have 1 new grandbaby to spoil next year Jess must have about 6 weeks to go..
It is now 1.40am and I'm still awake so it will probably catch up with me by tomorrow night.. So Merry Christmas as it is now Christmas day I hope you can feel the love emanate from your family and friends as you get together and feast and give gifts in honour of baby Jesus on his birthday..
The first card I've drawn on Christmas day was from Mother Mary I do love the picture of Mother Mary and baby Jesus on this card as Mary looks exhausted after she had been travelling all mothers can feel like that especially after tending to and nurturing all of her family, mothers have unconditional love in their hearts that is the maternal instinct that is the gift god gave all women and men as well as they have the feminine energy as well when it comes to tending to their babies, god is the unholy spirit our father in heaven and he loves all of his creations unconditionally.. to love others unconditionally is to touch God within your own soul which is the life force energy known as God this is so no matter what belief system you have religious wise there is only one God and your soul is that divine part of you. 
 MOTHER - Like Mother Mary all mothers care, love and nurture their family by making sure that they are fed, clothed and loved so the child feels safe, secure and happy Mother Mary wants us all to feel this way with the love of God, Jesus and the meaning of Christmas as all feminine energy is about nurturing we all have male and female energy, it is time we started looking after our fellow man and nurtured every bodies soul especially those we are closest to. Not all mothers are nurturers some take their kids for granted and get caught up in their own ego's so the kids get abandoned and criticized for acting in a way that doesn't fit in with the parents ideals of how that child should behave if you are a child that has a mother like that it is time to heal old wounds and forgive your mother for behaving in this manner as it is her problem that you are not good enough, you are perfect how you are Mother Mary and our Father in heaven love you unconditionally you should see yourself in the same way. To heal old wounds with those you don't get along with is to forgive them for how they behave you don't need to take on the negative energy of those that judge you, you forgive for your own inner peace.
HEALING - from St Padre Pio you can use the power of prayer to heal any situation in your life as the divine power is in you to achieve and heal any of the problems you think you have, we really have no problems it is only our ego's and our thoughts that create problems, stresses and the feeling we have. Love, positivity and compassion can be found in any situation as we do live in a world of duality and for every problem there is a reason why it has happened, there are no coincidences, we are always where we are meant to be as we are all divinely guided listen to your heart open it up to hear your messages from the God that is within you. God is love and only speaks to you through the power of Love. We create our own miracles by our thoughts by using prayer anything you desire will come to you hold no expectations of how or when it will come it is a matter of believing in your own manifesting power, having faith in yourself and to love your self because to love your self is to see that God and Divine that is within your soul.
This is Saint Pedro Pio (I did have to google him click on link) he was a most powerful healer we all have this healing power within us. I love how the camera has captured the card with the light from the flash position you can just feel the power that comes with the card. His spirit and energy is still with us call on Saint Pedro if you need his healing powers.
SIX OF ACTION - this is a message that this year you have achieved what ever it is you meant to of achieved in your life purpose, you may not see the results yet but they are working not everything we perceive is the actual reality as the divine has a timing to everything, the only thing that controls the outcome is that of the freewill of man and our ego's that try to trick us in to believing that everything isn't as it should be. This all comes down to our thought patterns and what it is we believe.. The prayers you have put in will manifest and you will have success stay positive and if offered assistance by some one to help you get your dreams in to reality accept that help gratefully as the person offering you assistance was heaven sent to get your dreams off the ground..
**Six in Angel numbers from Doreen Virtue "Angel numbers 101" book means Don't worry or obsess about material items, including money. Worry lowers the effectiveness of your prayers. Fortunately, the angels can answer your prayers if you ask them to.**
What a great set of cards it is overall saying nurture yourself, believe in the power of healing and your prayers as they are all answered as you will get offers or assistance by some one that is heaven sent to help you with your life purpose.. Believe in yourself and your own manifesting power as you will get what it is you desire in divine time.. 2015 may be looking up for you - stay positive, have faith and trust in God as he is always with us.. Look to Love to bring in the positive energy that connects you to what it is you need, want or desire to move ahead. Try to focus on the positive side in everything that happens in your life, if you can't find a positive know it was meant to happen that way in order for your soul to grow to get you to where you need to be spiritually.
Well it is now Christmas day I did start this post very late last night but had to retire as I was getting a bit tired and had to get up early because a little boy wants to open his presents on Christmas morning, our tradition is to wait for everyone to get up and mobile before any presents are opened even Santa ones, I generally fill a stocking up with lollies so they had that first to keep them amused while waiting for all the bodies to come out into the lounge room.. I cooked bacon and egg sandwiches for breakfast and we will head down my parents shortly, we usually have the traditional Turkey (dad cooks it in the BBQ), Pork and roast vegetables then desert is usually Pavlova and any other we feel like making, most of us usually to full to tackle desert it is a lazy day by the time all the roast meats are cooked we usually end up having lunch some time after 2pm, then as soon as you clean up that mess no sooner does the time roll around to eat again for a BBQ or a leftover and salad tea/dinner.. There is usually a house full at my mums with my 3 sisters and their families this year there is only one sister as the other 2 stayed in Victoria this year I just became a great Aunt on the 9th December that was baby #5 so my sister thought it would be best to stay home this year with her grandbabies.
A message from Santa - feel the love as you open your gifts
and our energy swells as our hearts open in gratitude.
It is a great time of year for sharing and caring.

Here is a funny one how many of you fella's got jocks for Christmas
smile because your mummy or wife loves you and likes you to have
clean jocks just in case of accidents you will have an ample supply.
Face it you will never have to go out and buy your own as you get a
yearly supply.
One last quote
I am being nagged to go now so I will leave you with a Christmas Carol.
Sending Love and Light to those in heaven who
are connected to us by the love our souls have
for each other.. Love you little matey.. xx
Enjoy your Christmas day and your family
sending you love and light
open your heart
and receive it from me and your
angels who will lift you up with
their unconditional love.
I love you always
forever in my heart.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Daily Guidance from Your Angels xx

Good afternoon well the sun is out today a bit cloudy after we had storms last night in the next town which is about 30mins away the lightning hit a tree near the main street and ruptured a gas pipe in the process so that must of been a bit scary for them the fire brigade were on to it pretty quick smart.. Thank you to all those that work in the service area's like Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulances and the volunteers in like wise services..
Today's message from Francesca
If you dream of it or desire something there is nothing stopping you from getting what ever it is you need, want or desire the only thing that will stop you is your ego and the negativity that comes with it as it will block the manifestation of your desires from entering into your life as your own thoughts really do become your reality...Dream up that job, soul mate or bigger bank balance (which may come from that job) into being.. Start by making positive affirmations beginning with "I am" and see your self where you want to be, believe and have faith that your dreams are in the making you just can't control how they will come to you.
I decided to draw a second card seen I had the Spirit Messages deck from John Holland next to me.
 I drew RECIEVE - This time of year it is time to have an equal balance of energy in giving and receiving... So if you receive something be grateful and don't feel guilty for being the recipient of a gift or an act of kindness as it will come from the givers heart.. We all need to stay in energy balance with the universal law of giving and receiving if it is top heavy on either side you will feel either used or over indulged so you need to strike a happy balance so if you feel you have been on the receiving end to much go donate to charity or give some of your time to volunteer to balance your energy and it always makes you feel good to give to others. I did receive a gift today from my boss a box of Lindt chocolates yum!! not good for my weight loss I am down to 72kg so have lost a couple of dress sizes but need to get walking everyday with Christmas and all the food that is on offer at this time of year, I have to go make a Mars Bar Cheesecake for Christmas day because I am in charge of deserts again this year even though I don't eat them myself because when I was little I was a very slow eater so by the time desert came I was to full so I didn't have room for any, so not fussed on the sweet stuff (chocolate aside).
Quotes from facebook
Music today is from Joe Cocker he has some great songs and Lyrics
first time I've heard this one what an awesome song..
His lyrics come from his soul..
Rest in Peace Joe thanks for your music. xx
Let the Healing begin - Joe Cocker
To let your own healing begin
you need to drop all fears
Let go of that which does not serve
you emotionally from the past or
from the present which may mean
some negative people that don't
see you for who you really are.
Drop your ego, open your
heart and let LOVE in.
Search your soul for
Who you really are.
Sending love and light.
I love you always.

Monday, 22 December 2014

Indigo Angel messages xx

Good evening well I got everything washed but the carpet, the dog is clean, I'm clean and the washing is clean so it hasn't been a bad day because I created a little canvas again as I got some new spray inks to colour with. I've just now drawn the cards for this week for the Indigo message, I drew 3 today.. Sending my Love and Light to all indigo's that have found their way to my blog.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE - We are never truly alone as we have our Angels, guides and those from our soul group whom love us and are in our hearts all the time even if we can't see them you will feel their energy and spirit  if you open your heart they are there when ever you need so call on them. Another thing that makes us feel alone is when we are growing spiritually those around us may no longer be in the same energy frequency as they used to so it makes us feel isolated and alone as if no one is taking any notice of what we are going through. There is a whole legion of Indigo's out there at this present time that are also feeling alone as they walk their path and they are also growing spiritually and being led onto the divine path they have chosen, sometimes things don't make a lot of sense to us but trust in God as he has our backs and is watching and guiding us to where we need to go, some of you might have had a few knock downs in your life but you always climb your way back up to take on your next lesson or life challenge, each challenge will only make you stronger and each lesson and hard knock is only temporary.
TAKE YOUR TIME MAKING THIS DECISION - Archangel Michael says to relax and detach yourself from the situation that is making you feel alone as things will unfold in divine time have patience and call on Archangel Michael to help guide and protect you until things work out the way you desire, you can't control everything so "let go and let god take the lead" things will work out as they always do. Hang in there.
QUEEN OF EARTH - Try to make time for those you love if your have been working hard on the divine path you have chosen, we tend to get caught up in the crusade we have been set because we are so passionate about it and setting things straight and bringing the truth out because we can see things aren't working in the old systems  we are trying to change, we get so caught up in this we tend to forget we have those we love also needing some of your time and attention especially over Christmas.
Here is what I started to create I haven't quite finished it I do love the colours of these  new firework ink sprays that I was trying out, I've since coloured up an Angel, cut out a heart, and added some ribbon I will put it up on another post when it is completed I just thought I would show you the pretty colours so far.
We are never truly alone as our Angels, Spirit Guides and others that love us are always with us. We can feel alone in our internal battles as we fight for what is the truth  we already know what our truth is, for our soul always knows the truth and it uses our heart and feelings to tell our mind where it needs to go though sometimes we can be a bit impatient as the timing may not always be right to follow your heart even when you can feel and know what is coming as destiny does await us all. We do have to stay in the here and now and not try to advance what is to be as it may not work out if the divine timing is not right.
I started this post last night so the Indigo messages were from yesterday, I was so tired I couldn't finish it last night so I retired to bed.. I did draw a card this morning for our daily guidance which I will add now instead of doing another post.. I tidied up my room a bit so I have put my Angel Card reading certificate behind Archangel Michael and my little card stand and a Larimar crystal.
A message from Archangel Sandalphon - he is the angel of music, he also helps to keep us grounded in the here and now so be Gentle on your self and take it one step at a time. Stay positive and surround yourself with positive people and those that love you for who you are so the message I put above. You are loved more than you know so chin up push on and stay positive for the outcome of the situation you are in will work out.
I have been listening to Sarah McLachlan
and this song came to mind for this post as Indigo's and Lightworkers
in general sometimes feel as if what we have to say is unheard we (our souls) 
chose this path and we are not alone in our battles to help
 humanity whatever your life purpose or calling is
we are all in it together.
Sending Love and Light
to you open your heart to
receive it as I only
have love in my heart
for you.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Mother Mary message of caring xx

Good morning all just a quick post this morning as I have to go wash the dog, carpet, clothes, myself and do some cleaning today I just never have a holiday or break from that task as it is one that my life has always revolved around most of it has been for love and caring for my family, it is good to get paid for it at work though because it is the same task (my mum was talking to a lady and she passed on a compliment of how clean the RSL is so that was awesome someone noticed the effort and energy I put into my work)besides someone has to do it otherwise the place would be in a right mess and very unhygienic. 
Today's message from Mother Mary is CARING.
I just left a message on my favourite blog to take care today and for the rest of the week as we only have 4 days until Christmas so the next 3 days will have people about traveling and Christmas shopping and everyone generally being in a rush to make the final preparations for their family and get togethers to celebrate the season. This is the season where a lot of love and caring is shown between our fellow man but the shops can be a crazy place as everyone grabs that perfect gift for the ones they love. As I was writing that comment on the blog I decided to see what message I got from the daily guidance I chose the Mother Mary deck and the caring card flipped so that was the message the same as mine for everyone to take care of themselves as God and heaven is looking after us as long as we keep  our hearts open the messages from heaven will come through, it will also shine your own light as you go about your day while you care for your fellow man  a lot of giving and receiving  is done this time of year. It is also a time when families that don't get along tend to fight or just get up each others noses because they put expectation on how someone should behave and when they don't behave in the matter expected get disappointed with them and that is when the fights start, alcohol probably is also in that mix as it can be a truth elixir and you say what you really mean but don't always remember what it was you said but the other person will remember especially if it was hurtful. So take care of you first so you can take care of the family over the next week especially the women folk as they seem to be the ones that hold it all together this time of year as they cook the meals, wrap the presents and make sure everyone else is happy within the family.

A couple of quotes if you care for others you will treat them with kindness as it is about you and your own values and not them. Treat others how you wish to be treated always.

LOVE is the only thing that is real treasure it when it is given to you.
Another one of my handmade creations I forgot to take photo's of most of my cards
before I posted/handed them out silly me.
A Christmas tune from Elvis Presley
 If everyday was like Christmas
Another song that is on my iPod at the moment
Rod Stewart - Forever Young
Awesome song may all my readers stay
forever young at heart and know that God
does take care of all his children if you seek
him out you will find God in your own
heart and soul.
Love and Light
I will be back later with the Indigo messages.
Love you always