Friday 19 December 2014

Daily Guidance - Peace and our souls xx

Good morning well today is my last day at work at the school for 5 weeks so I should have a bit more time on my hands for a little bit at least in the afternoons, I still have a lot of reading to catch up with as I keep adding to my ebook library I added a couple this morning "The Origin of our Soul" by Walter Semkiv and the "Great Shift, The Co-Creating A New World For 2012 and Beyond" this is co Written by Lee (Kyron)Carroll, Thomas Kenyon, Patricia Cori and Martine, as well as another book I brought about 3 weeks ago "Soul's Gift" it is a follow on book of "Your Soul's Plan" by Robert Schwartz, I've got the preview of Indigo  Children which I will buy after I've read some of these other books, so I have a lot of reading to get through I need to set myself a goal or make a plan to read a chapter or 2 a day, my mum and Aunts are all avid readers they finish a book in a day or maybe 2 my Pop was also an avid reader.
 Today's message is from Archangel Chamuel  it is one of Peace our inner peace because we can see all the chaos going on around us at the current time with what has been in the news of terrorist attacks, wars and deaths everywhere we need to remain centred in our own space and "Remember that only LOVE is real" within our own life as that is our soul purpose and our souls reason for being so we need to stay grounded and centred as to what is going on within our own family and surrounding rather than seeing only the negative stuff that is reported in the news everyday as face it the news is generally only bad and negative anyway, you don't have to ignore what is happening you just don't have wear all the negative energy that comes with it and stay centred within your own little world and your own energy and that energy should be LOVE and all of it that surrounds you by family, friends and the soul group that is around you and there for you to help pick up the pieces when you are down.
I didn't quite finish my post before I had to go to work at 12 O'clock so at work I finished it on my iPod which I will add now that I have finished work at the school that is until a week before they return. I am all alone as the boys just all took off and are going camping so they should be home on Sunday some time, tomorrow I have to go Christmas shopping while they are not here then hide the pressies somewhere I have got Sam a swag, stretcher and camping chair so I will pick them up and try to find a hidey hole some where. Here is what I noted down at work when I had some time to fill in.
PEACE - For this time of year it is a great message also when we think of the reason for the season, the birth of baby Jesus his Mother Mary and Joseph and the wise men that brought gifts for the new Mesiah the son of God and the rest of the story. We are all God's children as he created us all Jesus was sent to show us Love and Kindness towards our fellow man he never judged, he took in strangers and fed them others did that for him as well, he never hated anyone when they condemned him and nailed him to the cross he showed no hatred towards those that send him to death, he gave our souls eternal life. Some of us old souls were probably there at that time to see it all if you were one of those souls it will be in your Akashic record (your souls book of life) every word, thought, feeling and action are noted from every life cycle we have had since our soul was created by God, not all souls have had a life in human form, our soul is the life force energy that God created we are not separated from God as he is a part of our soul as is every other soul that is in the universe the energy that is our soul is the love that connects us all, our body is just the mask we come in as we enter the earth realm to come learn our souls pre-planned lessons. Each lesson is working towards an evolution of our souls and that evolution is based on a consciousness of love each human soul is working towards one of peace on earth but we have to do this on an individual basis as a lot of people have let their ego take over so are living a life based on fear and power it is a power to control another human that is never going to work as each individual is here to fulfil a specific purpose one that will help humanity. We as an individual soul are here to help each other evolve whether we are here as a friend or foe as our enemies are also as a soul here to teach us a lesson whether it be a relationship about love, trust, patience even some murders are pre-planned at a soul level and being abused is planned or the potential to be abused is planned at soul level this is done out of love to help the other soul evolve into a place of self-love and acceptance of who they are, even pre-soul planning the souls are all a part of a soul group. The abuser could have an ingrained problem at soul level so it will be in their DNA when they come to earth to try and out grow it so they have another soul from the group to agree to meet up and help with that soul lesson and growth with the full knowledge it might cause pain in that life time they chose to be with them out of love, the one being abused will also grow at soul level as it will learn self acceptance and self love because of the abuse.. It is not a very nice thought if you are a soul/human  that has gone through this but it makes you think about our soul and what we are all here for. The spirit realm call our existence on earth as 3d so when we have this energy shift we will move into 5d World  it will all be based in love so ego's will be left in the 3d world..
Something off Facebook there is a 4th dimension before we reach the 5th.
 So our souls are evolving to get rid of our ego based thoughts and fears that is the energy shift we are experiencing and why the Lightworkers and Truthseekers (Conspiracy theorists are both lightworkers and truthseekers as they are one in the same) like the Indigo and Crystal energies are waking up at this time it is to help those other souls transition into the new energy where love and integrity are the only way we will think so we are changing thought patterns to go with the energy that is transitioning  humanity (we are evolving as a species) . As a Crystal/Indigo energy myself that is what I have been working at I still have a lot of work to do before I have fully awoken at the moment I am still in the learning stages that is why I have so many books I am interested in and led to by my guides as others have come before me to teach me what it is I need to know so I can pass it on to you that come to my blog but you will be led to your own sources by your own passions and interests onto the spiritual path you are meant to be on. I do believe some of this stuff is downloaded into my mind as I do have a knowing that is what Claircognizance is it is clear thinking and a knowing, maybe it is a clear knowing from my past life cycles or from my guides. I do know that I came here to serve/care for others with unconditional love I have always been this way even when bullied I avoided rather than fight back as I can't handle conflict as it makes me feel bad of having to deal with the feelings of those projecting at me than my own feelings on top of that, I have never had the feeling of hatred towards another even when they treated me bad,  my shyness was a way to protect me from group thinking, I have never really cared what others thought of me and done my own thing and kept my feelings to myself so as not to bother anyone with my problems I have always sorted them out myself so I'm independent.
Okay I'm going this time and I will leave you with a card I made for my boss who looks like the Aussie Santa on the card with a beer in his hand. Also a song.. If I have time in the morning I will do a message from Mother Mary, if not I will leave it until the afternoon after Christmas shopping.
He thought my card was great because it had his footy team colours as in Queensland he must of been talking about State of Origin? He is a great boss he is actually married to my cousin, he is very easy going but swears a bit, I do have a line of bosses as he didn't employ me only recommended me he was desperate for a worker at the time as no one puts their name down for such mundane jobs as cleaning plus the hours are probably not suited to everyone especially if you have school age kids and need to be home when school has finished.
Peace on Earth by Lila McCann
Another one I love is Jesus take the Wheel it is a bit sad.
by Carrie Underwood..
Sending Love and Light
If you got through that long post
Congrats for making it to this point.
Have a great night.
Love you always

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