Friday 5 December 2014

Daily Guidance - Take care of your self xx

Good afternoon today I have drawn 2 cards again with some sound advice if you have been a bit hard on yourself maybe because of something that happened in your past, let it go as you have learnt that soul lesson reflect and see what lesson your soul has learnt was it a lesson in trust or simply just a lesson that you needed to grow spiritually just look where you are now and if it changed you.

Change is always hard but we tend to make it worse by being hard on our self when things don't always turn out, you should ease up on your self because everything does always happen for a reason as our soul may of out grown that situation, so it closes the door in order for a new lesson to come into your life whether that is a change in job, relationship or  a situation out side of your control if you can look at these things from a different perspective you would not be so hard on your self, or others in your life if it affected them as well. What was meant to be will be as we are divinely guided as most things usually involve other people they would be getting their own divine guidance so know it was time to go the way they had to. Each soul comes in for a specific lesson when that lesson is learnt they move on to the next, our soul always knows what it has come to earth to learn we still get the freewill and choices so what ever happens it is never a mistake for any one as souls have planned these meetings. Your own heart will always know what direction to take just listen to all your feelings and don't talk yourself down in any situation as much as it may hurt at the time, always give your self time to heal and to move to your next lesson, change will always be hard especially when your emotions are involved as it plays over in your head all the time. Let it go and be gentle on your self. Archangel Sandalphon is the angel associated with music so tune your thoughts out with some gentle music and try and get away if you can your angels will help you to make it happen just call on them and what ever it is that is stopping you from getting away they will send in what you need, you do need to give your angels permission first to help you and your wishes are always answered if you have faith, believe and trust in them and yourself.

 Love who you are now.

Another beautiful rainbow yesterday it was awesome we have been getting
summer storms in the afternoons that is 3days in a row the hills were lit up by the sun
under the rainbow my photo doesn't capture how magical it looked. It was dark above the
rainbow but the sun was lighting up everything under the rainbow I guess our life
can be like that sometimes and we only see the storm above not the light that is below or
within our own soul.

When you find them they will stay in your life no matter what
as it is meant to be all soulmates will stick together if that was the
plan, as some will come and teach you both what you were meant to learn
to grow spiritually or sometimes it is just to pay off a karmic debt in both your
 lives so that is why you both have to let it go and not ruin your chances of
finding the one that is truly meant for you to be with for a whole
life time not just a season of your life..
A Happy song today one I haven't put up for a while
Pharrell Williams - Happy
Happiness will always come from within
and it will open up your heart.
Sending Love and Light
So be gentle with your self
and get away from it all
if you are treating your self harshly
Try to hang out with positive people
that love you for who you are
and have fun.
Love always.

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