Monday 1 December 2014

Daily Guidance - Acceptance xx

Good morning well the sun is back out and the clouds from the weekend storms have disappeared so we are in for a beautiful day it is now the 1st day of December so it will go quickly in the lead up to Christmas. Sam has already been counting down how many days left of school so it must be just over 2 weeks to go now. Don't you just love rainbows - here is a whole one I tried to capture yesterday it was across the whole of town my camera could not fit it all in.

Today's Angel Message is ACCEPTANCE
 We need to accept who we are and what we do or have done in the past as that has helped make us who we are today and we are perfect in the eyes of the Angels and God no matter what we have done because all we have done is learn what we came here to learn sometimes we don't always make the right choices and think that gives us flaws, in reality we have no flaws that is just who we are.  We need to see our self through the eyes of an Angels as they do not judge they just love and guide us through any choices we have made good or bad. Lessons come from all the things we have done some lessons aren't apparent straight away so a bit of self reflection will show that lesson in order for you not to repeat it. If you find you keep repeating the same lesson it only means your soul has not learnt what it came to learn or you are coming from your ego so ignoring the lessons.  You are the perfect child of God and loved by him not judged for anything you have done. Learn to love and accept your self in the same way.

A beautiful poem by John F Connor.
The song just on my iPod
Celine Dion - Falling Into You
Ed Sheeran is on now but I've put that up heaps of times
Thinking out Loud love that song.
Sending Love and Light
Love you always
Love yourself in the same way
Have a good day

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