Tuesday 30 December 2014

Daily Guidance - Wise Decision xx

Hi it is now afternoon I am all by myself as the boys went to test out the new camping gear, Sam did test it out inside he slept on his camp stretcher in the swag one night the second night he just slept on the stretcher then we packed it away as it was in the kitchen, so now they have gone out to test it for real. I have been a good girl today I've gone for 2 walks one after work this morning and again tonight because I had to go feed my sisters dog while she is away they went down to Kiama for the week.
Today's cards are from your Guardian Angel and if you have to make some sort of decisions choose wisely as your Angels are guiding you but you still need to balance up your options before making the final decision, if you are stuck on the way to go you may be overthinking all your options, take a deep breath clear your mind and ask for guidance and a sign before going with the final choice. Choose the messages coming from your heart as that is your soul talking our souls do know which direction they are taking for what it is that you need in your life. Our Angels guidance does come straight from the heart but our minds or ego tries to either talk us out of or try and take us in a direction away from our heart, it is up to us as to which choice we go so if you can make a balanced choice between the positive and the negative of the situation that you are trying to decide on you should come up with an answer. ** If you have already made this decision "go for it" 2015 and beyond is your year to shine.**

"48 in Angel Numbers from "Angel Numbers 101" means Your prayers about money have been heard and answered by the Angels". so if this decision is a business one or one to do with finances weigh up your options and ask for guidance and a sign.
I brought The Best of Joe Cocker from iTunes so I have that playing now I'm home alone. This song isn't on the Album but I do like it.. Ain't no sunshine when you're gone my soul cries for you please come back to make my heart sing again love you always. xx
I really love the lyrics in "Let the Healing Begin" because it is what all our souls need to do we need to let the healing begin to bring us into the new energy shift our souls need to heal all past pain because all the pain you carry around on your soul will go with you when you die. Also because all the emotional  pain you carry around with you from this life time will go with your soul in the next, for our souls to evolve we need to learn SELF-FORGIVENESS from our behaviour because some of it might of been pre-planned because of past life karma your soul has to  repay because you may of hurt others in other incarnations that could be dating back centuries.. SELF-LOVE is also another lesson our souls come to learn so in order to love yourself you need to forgive your self and others for all past and present behaviour you can do this by asking God or your Angels to take away all pain and forgive those that might of hurt you also forgive yourself if you hurt someone else as long as you carry these burdens around on your soul you will never evolve as you carry them around with you, in order to heal and be at peace with your self and love your self as you are. For your soul to evolve and heal you need to take off the ego mask and find the true soul you are.. Self love will follow because you will understand who you are and why you are here also maybe why you have acted the way you have we have all come for life lessons our emotions are our guide to what it is we came here for, if you ignore your feelings the lessons will take longer, everyone that has come into your life has come here to make you feel a certain way even your enemies have come out of love to help you grow spiritually the people that push you emotionally  have most likely at soul level agreed to be with you at a certain time in your life to help your soul grow into accepting who you are.. Each soul (person) that has come into your life has done so for a reason instead of blaming them for hurting you look at how they helped your soul grow emotionally. For me the loss of my son was the greatest pain I have ever felt I don't think anything will top that unless it happens again but I now understand why my son did come into my life for such a short time he came to be my spirit guide and to show me the way to my spiritual path and to my Life Purpose I do believe he pre-pared at soul level to not be here for very long as there were lessons my soul needed to grow, I've mentioned before all the hints he left me before the accident and after he left, knowing how I think those in my soul group knew I would go seek answers to the unknown as I'm like that if I don't know or don't understand something I will go find the answer to satisfy my mind and soul. It did take me 16 years to find that answer because I was in auto pilot and my heart was closed with a chain of events over the last 18 months my heart opened again and my answers plus a lot more then that came to me.. Our heart is our soul centre as long as we carry old emotions with us our heart stays blocked and our Angels guidance has trouble making contact with us because our energy vibrations are low, this is why we need to let go of the emotions that no longer serve us from the past as they are creating the fear that our ego lives off. Ask your angels to take away all your pain that burdens your soul so you can move on and let love back in. Love is the light that always leads the way love of self begins first and foremost as you care enough about your self to let others love you. In our life we have to choose which path we take one of FEAR or one of LOVE if you choose fear your soul evolvement will take longer as fear holds you back from learning the lesson you came to learn FEAR lowers your energy vibration LOVE is the highest energy vibration and what all souls came here to learn in order to evolve (unconditional love is the ultimate soul evolution aim). I have it for all human kind, Jesus had it because that was the lesson he came here to teach humanity in his time as the son of god, we are all god's children so that is the way to touch the divine and god that is within you.
This includes forgiveness of self for past events as they are no longer needed, you hurt, you learnt now move forward with your life live day by day, lesson by lesson the future will take care of itself.
LOVE, LIVE and LAUGH today. 
Sending Love and Light
We only have 1 day left in 2014
So Happy New Years
May 2015 be the year
your dreams come true
your prayers are answered
also one where any emotional healing
is done so you can let go of all
your FEARS and you let LOVE
into your opened heart
because your soul deserves it.

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