Sunday 28 December 2014

Indigo Angel message xx

G'day well it is Sunday Christmas is over we still have the tree and lights up until the New Year which isn't very far away 3 days and we can kiss 2014 away then look forward to 2015 I have a feeling it will be much the same as 2014 but we will have grown spiritually a bit more by the end of another year.
 May 2015 be an exceptional year for you and all your dreams come true, stay positive, love much and live everyday as if there is no tomorrow.  Laugh heaps as well as it is good for the soul and raises your energy levels..
Now for the Indigo Messages sending you all the Love and Light I can muster as you go into the
New Year may you achieve much on your chosen mission.
AUTHORITY and TRUSTING YOUR OWN INSTINCTS - When dealing with authority figures in your Indigo work trust your own inner guidance and gut instincts as to what you feel you should do to confront those in charge of us as we know they are not superior than anyone else yet they may have power to shut down not only you but the story you are trying to uncover so be diplomatic and try not to get those authority figures off guard as the anger they will feel they will seek revenge on you the  Indigo that brought the truth to the surface. Face it when some people are faced with a Truth they don't like Anger and Rage will be the first emotional reaction that is when they will want to hit out at the messenger which is most likely you the Indigo Warrior so try to be a bit diplomatic as the truth is revealed and be prepared for all reactions associated with those involved.
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF and what is your life purpose as your instinct will lead you where you need to go, but you tend to put yourself down all the time with negative thoughts and feelings when this happens call on your Angels and God to lift your spirits back up. You are worthy and meant to be here to pave a better way and help rid humanity of systems and things which no longer serve us. Trust in your own judgements of people and situations you find your self in. Turn to LOVE to raise your energy vibrations when you are doubting yourself and why you are here.
This is the next card under Believe in yourself when in doubt lean on God and your angels for emotional support to get you through the period of negativity you are feeling.
CHILDREN are a part of your life purpose whether it is paving the way or you taking care of them and teaching them your values and to stand up for themselves when it comes to those in authority that may not always know best and what is good for them and their welfare.
TRUST AND HONOUR YOUR FEELINGS - when dealing with those children or any one that has entered your life our feelings are our connections to the divine and what guides us in to what reaction we take when we have to deal with our own inner dialogue. Our feeling are also what makes us react to how we are treated by others and how we treat them, come from a place of love and you will have compassion and forgiveness to those that treat you bad as it is not your fault they have a problem it is there own feelings which make them react to you a certain way.
 Know when to walk away, and LOVE instead by removing your self
from the situation the one wanting a battle is testing your resolve
and advancing your spiritual growth by the way you react to them.
Hate against Hate won't resolve a thing.
Walking away gives both parties time to think of their behaviour.
Music Katy Perry
I will love you unconditionally
always for ever in my
heart missing you.

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