Saturday 27 December 2014

Daily Guidance and Humans are Evolving xx

Good morning all I have been listening a bit to Kryon lately you should check him out if you are led to or curious as to what it is we are going through as a species I will catch up on his books as I get to them but I have got a lot of information from him as to why I'm here as I hold the light of love we are moving towards as I am awakening to my spiritual growth I can pass onto you what I know some I read in books  that seems to awaken my own knowing of Who I am depending on which book I pick up, it is sometimes not easy and very emotional finding out this stuff as it has made me cry many times for the Love I feel inside hurts so much to not be able to express it other than on my blog to those in my soul, some times it feels so one sided because I do have so much love to give and I know why as it is my divine light within that is shining to help awaken other people and to guide them where they need to go in this time of turbulence as we see chaos going on around us.
 I have found out over the last year  Who I am
I am an Incarnated Angel, I am a Lightworker, I have Crystal energy that is part of who I am and why I have so much love to give, I have part Indigo energy the part that gives me the curious mind into political corruption and correcting it (I had been researching into this over the last 6 years my concentration was on the people involved), I support those with Indigo energy that do the heavy lifting as I know that is not my purpose,  I do have the Crystal energy and when the systems start collapsing because of the energy shift I will help guide those souls with my light of love and peaceful ways, the next generation of kids coming in will also teach us this I was sent out as a scout before the next generation arrived... Some souls will read this and think I am nuts (lucky I don't take offence as to what other people say, do or think) as well as other Lightworkers this is because their own souls have not evolved enough and they are in fear of that which they don't understand so we have to lead the way they will one day follow our path as it is one of  LOVE, INTEGRITY, COMPASSION, TOLERANCE and PEACE of everyone and everything around them, we can't stop this energy shift so we have to move with it. These things are a part of who I am and have always been I have not changed my inner self since I was that shy little girl. I have grown but my DNA has stayed the same .I am who I am love me for who I am because I will love you anyway no matter how you treat me.. If I see parts of me within your soul I know you are a good person as I always look for the good or the light within a person. I have never felt hatred towards anyone.
Every human has the Love of God within them they just have to find it
God isn't an idol or something to worship as he is a part of you the
biggest part he is in your soul and what makes you feel Love and
other emotions. 
God isn't found within religious texts he is found in you and how
you act towards others, God is the energy that makes you who you are.
The stories within the Bible are true as Jesus was sent to teach us the
values of God's Love but we as a human species still haven't got it.
Religions of all sorts have caused a lot of wars as we just haven't got it.
God is the energy of every living being or thing in the Universe Earth is a part
of the creation we reside or inhabit what ever part of the globe you come from. 
God is in every living cell he created that is every living soul on Earth and Earth it self.

We all make mistakes at times they are a part of our soul evolution the more it hurts the more soul growth... If things in the past have hurt look back and see/reflect on what it was your soul has learnt, don't look back and wish things could be different as we can never go back in time because time is infinite we can only go to what is in front of us and we can choose in which way we go by our freewill choices that uses our heart or our ego to either move us on or hold us back to our soul destination.. Let go of that fear which is holding you back and your soul from evolving to go with the energy shift we can't stop.. Look to love and light to move you onto the right path. Let your own divine light of love shine so others can look at you and be inspired by your strength to get on with your life after you have been knocked down don't look back just get up and keep going, the hardest things in life are only temporary don't get stuck in that negative space.
Do you know what triggered my search for 'Who I am', one of my sisters said something to me just after my daughter got married last year (May 2013) it had me crying my heart out up at the cemetery (because I was alone up there because I don't like to cry in front of others I never have). It wasn't so much what she said that had me in tears as I can't even remember what that was the fact that she didn't know the real me, I wasn't sure I even knew who I was or what my Life Purpose was that is what started my search everything started to take off after that and from October when my son would of turned 21  there was an email with a book suggestion "Saved by an Angel" by Doreen Virtue my life had turned around since then if only on the inside as I did have to share my discovery of Angels with others that are in my soul group, even though they probably didn't know it maybe they still don't but you could say I felt the connections in my own soul (they are also Angels and Lightworkers). I knew none of this stuff above last May so it has been a quick shift of energy I have felt since then I am still awakening to my potential as I know I have a lot to learn hence why all the books I have on my "to read list" but I do communicate with other Lightworkers now because of the course I did to help me with Tarot/Oracle card reading.. I didn't have a job at that time 2 weeks later the Angels helped my get work so that was only the start of my life turning around. So a lot has happened in those 18 months from not knowing who the real soul me was to getting work and finding other soul connections I didn't know existed until the beginning of 2014.. So a big spiritual energy shift in my own life happened with a lot of tears to go with it and I'm not real fond of crying but it is good for the soul to cry to let out pent up emotions which helps your soul grow and evolve.
A lot of Old Souls do spend a lot of alone time not because they don't like company but because they are wise beyond their years and feel they don't fit in the wiser you are the more people will come to you for advice or leadership as a soul you have been in every situation with in your own soul's journey's you are here to teach the younger souls.
Now I will do today's daily guidance I have got that off my chest, I have been reading "Your Soul's Plan" this morning I recommend that book to anyone that wants to understand life, death and tolerance of everyone as our soul's do plan way ahead of time the lessons it needs to learn to evolve.
Today I have used these 3 decks I have taken a photo of.
COMPASSION - From Mother Mary forgive those and be kind to those you do not agree with try not to argue as we are not all the same we do have different belief systems, different ways of thinking and we sometimes let our ego's take the lead so have no compassion for what others might be going through as we are so caught up in our own world that we only see our own point of view based on our own ideologies. If you are in an argument that doesn't look like it is going to end politely walk away and agree to disagree don't get caught up in the moment and the need to be right all the time, because in the end it will be you that wears the guilt of your actions. Compassion comes from the heart and being selfless towards others no matter what position they are in. A compassionate heart will seek a solution to others problems not be a creator of more problems for them be needing to be right all the time.. Some things you have to let go to the keeper of peace that my friends is you and your own reactions and thoughts that will create turbulence in your own life and that of others.
HEAVEN is Watching Over You - From your Guardian Angel we are never alone really as our Guardian Angel and all our soul group are forever watching over us. Those in our soul group are our family and even parts of our own soul that stays in Heaven if you feel you need help in a difficult emotional situation call on your Angels to help pull you out of that place of distress, know that you are loved and needed always.. Look to Love to help in difficult situations as love and positivity will help find your light within that has dimmed.
TRUST Carnation Trust that heaven is looking out for you and helping in guiding you in the right direction, people that have come into your life are there to help guide you where you need to go spiritually. Earth Angels are sent to you, me and us when we need them to help us on our way when we get caught up in our own ego's and can't find our way out of the dark spots as they do sometimes crop up in our lives. Trust in yourself to work things out with the guidance of your Angels and God. Always hold faith in miracles because they do happen and it is you that creates those miracles by your very own thoughts.
Have a Little Faith in Me - Joe Cocker
and your self to pull you out of the dark area's in your life.
Well the year 2014 was a big energy and emotional growth year for me maybe you felt that to in your own life. I have no idea what 2015 has install as I never have been one to plan to far ahead, more so since my son Phillip past away as you never know what is going to happen next or whats in your destiny because it is best to live in the here and now and let your future take care of it self as it will anyway as long as you keep making the right choices that come from the heart you will always be where you are meant to be as your own soul does let you know when it is time to move on or change direction, those changes might bring about pain or emotional growth spurts for you, so don't let the fear of the unknown get to you just go with the flow of life always follow your heart and accept what is and what you can't change as everything does happen for a reason even the bad stuff..  In 2015 I have much to accomplish one step at a time it will be, I would love to do a Reiki course and start a Psychology online course but with work I don't know where to find the hours that is why I will just go with the flow as my future does always take care of itself as I have always followed my heart and things just come to me. I just had a reading done by an online friend that was at the 2 day workshop with Doreen Virtue and something is coming to me next year Patience and Balance was the advice so sounds good to me.. Love and Light xx  By the way I don't ask anyone to believe in me or what I say or believe in God or Angels as I do because you will have your own miracles that will confirm your belief, all I ask is for you to believe in your self and go search out who your true self is your true self can be found in your soul. We have a higher self (which is our soul energy still left floating about the universe) then there is our lower self that is our personality our lower self looks to our higher self for guidance. 
More music one of my favourites
I love You - Celine Dion
I have so much love it hurts
God is Love
to know love is to touch God
Who are you really?
search your soul
the answers are written
there for you.
You know who I am
I know who I am.
I have found others souls in my search
but have they found their true selves??
I love you and always will.

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