Thursday 4 December 2014

Daily Guidance - Self Empowerment xx

Good afternoon I've drawn a powerful card for today Archangel Raziel  name means "Means Secrets of God".
You have the power within you to manifest what it is you need, want or desire into your life after all your thoughts and dreams can come your reality so don't give your own power away to your ego and fear you can't achieve what ever it is you want such as a relationship, job, change of job, more money to do what it is you need to move forward with your career if you can dream it you can do it there is nothing stopping you put in your prayers imagine yourself in the situation you are dreaming about and that is the start of getting what you want the Angels and God will work with you so don't hold any expectations or tell them how you want things to work out, just see yourself in the scenario you want and have faith and trust that it will manifest itself when it is supposed to happen in your life. Never give up and hang in there and do what you have to do. As long as it is not for selfish reasons you will always get your wish. Your soul does always know where it is going so your dreams are a part of where your soul wants to take you so dream big like Phillip Hughes (for those not in Australia he was a young cricketer killed by a fast ball) since he was a small boy he dreamed of playing cricket for Australia and he did achieve that dream and inspired a lot of his mates along the way before he had been called back home before he reached his 26th birthday, he will keep inspiring the blokes in his team as he sounded a lot like my own Phillip that always carried a smile and was just a bright light and very adventurous.  Take back your power also means don't let others make you feel how you don't want to feel you have the power to overcome any thing even your own reactions to when others try to put you down or make you feel powerless it doesn't have to be like that because you are the one in charge at all times especially of your own emotions you can ask your angels  to shield you from others harsh energy, you can also cut the cord that links you together with a person if you no longer want to be a part of their life or don't want them in your life you can ask Archangel Michael to either cut the cord that connects you or to just clean it up so you don't get the negativity.

Music an old favourite
Fleetwood Mac - Dreams
Sending Love and Light
Never give up on your dreams
you can manifest into your
life what it is you need.
Your thoughts can be your reality
as God gives you that power
don't let others or your ego
take it away from you.
Love always

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