Monday 29 December 2014

Daily guidance Give Back and Health xx

Hi all well it's back to normal for me I had my little break of 4 days it is back to work for me at least it is only in the mornings for another 22 days. It is now nearly 3pm so will put this up now. Great news as well I'm no longer blocked on my Facebook account so I can now comment and like posts again..
Isn't this beautiful I received it today a Crystal fluorite sphere.
The guidance for today is GIVE BACK and HEALTH 
GIVE BACK - maybe with Christmas you are feeling a bit spoilt so a bit unbalanced if you feel you  received more then you gave this could be to do with not only material things it could also mean your time, love or other emotions whatever it is you need to give back what it is you feel you are getting too much of as your energy isn't balanced.. You can have the intention and say it through thought if you can't bring or unable to express it to whomever it is you are thinking about. We need to give and not expect anything in return sometimes as you never know when someone just needs a kind word or a smile, maybe even a hug. Hugs to anyone out there that reads this feel my energy as I wrap my pink light of love around you.
HEALTH - I also drew an Indigo card today with the Christmas break maybe you over done it a bit so put yourself back into a healthy regime and start looking after yourself as our body is our temple and to work effectively we need to look after it and that means watching what we put into our bodies. A lot of people over do it with the grog over the holidays so if you are one of those Indigo's start to dry out and detox to hear our angels and guides we need to be of a high vibration in energy so alcohol will lower your energy, so will other toxic substances. Look after you and God will look after you so you can be sure you hear all guidance that is given if you drink to dull the pain of some things that have happened to you it is only a mask it won't take away the pain or the fear. To find inner peace you need to find the real you and let go of all the pain you have burdened on your soul.  Look to love to pull you through ask the Angels and God to take away the pain so you can deal with any stresses that get to you.
Let FEAR go and open your heart to let LOVE in.
Take Love from me because I love you more than words
can say I miss you when you're not around my soul cries. xx
I know I let me health and food intake slide a bit over the Christmas break but back on track as I walked again yesterday and again after work this morning. I still have Chocolate there from presents have to use my will power I'm okay I tend to reach for that if I need emotional shielding. I don't drink alcohol so that never effects me I tend to be the stand by Taxi so never took up the habit. I felt drained over the weekend so very tired if you are feeling a bit like that it might be a good idea to get outside in nature for a little walk to get some oxygen back into your body. Exercise is good to bring up your energy vibration so your guidance will come in clearer while out doors.
Song today from Rod Stewart - Reason to Believe
Sending Love and Light
Give with out expectation
Receive with out guilt
Open your heart
receive my love and hugs
and feel the energy transfer
by intention alone.
Love you always.

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