Saturday 6 December 2014

Today's guidance from Mother Mary xx

G'day it is pouring rain here today I've been out all morning shopping besides groceries I picked up a few Christmas presents and some more canvases to play with but I better make some Christmas cards first, the boys are outside putting up the Christmas lights and Sam is looking forward to putting up the Christmas tree if he can find it I brought a brand new one at the end of last year but they can't locate it so it got packed away very carefully (good news it has been located). I have drawn the 3 cards today I chose 3 different decks to get the message. Listen to your own thoughts and feelings to get your own guidance or message. LIVE - LAUGH - LOVE is the message for today.

PRESENT MOMENT - Mother Mary would like us to live in the here and now so don't look back to your past as that is gone, don't look to far into the future as that will take care of itself we all need to live in the present moment because that is where we are and just go with the flow of life as what is meant to happen will happen so no need to worry about what has been or what will be. Worry is a negative energy and blocks the good things that will happen to you in the present moment.

LAUGHTER - Wattle is an uplifting flower/blossom the best way to lift your mood and stop you worrying is to have a good laugh. You're bound to get a laugh if you go out with friends. Laughter is good for the soul as it opens up your heart here are a couple of things off facebook to get you started.
Kids can be a great source of laughter especially when they do something naughty like in the picture and you try ever so hard to be stern and let them know they done the wrong thing and you have to leave the room after you told them off just so you can laugh..
**I love Mrs Brown's Boy's it is sure to make you laugh**
IT'S TIME TO GIVE BACK - A good way to help lift your spirits and to make yourself feel good is to give back that is to help another person without expecting anything in return for what you give. this time of year there are plenty of charities looking for donations to give to the less fortunate who are struggling to get their kids some presents or even food to put on the table, even if you can't afford that yourself you can donate some of your time to lend a hand you do this for you as much as for someone else. Visit an old person's home as they just like to have a chat with someone what ever makes you feel good as well. In the holidays I decided I will give some card or realm readings to any one that comes to visit my blog as I need to build my confidence and to be of service to help you so you would be doing me a favour as well as I do love to help people if I can, I will do it through email or Facebook I will let you know as I still have 10 days until School cleaning is finished, and I need to make up a questionnaire for the Realm Reading to help me know a bit about you.
The tree with the decorator well most of it.
Can't believe my baby is no longer a baby
and nearly as tall as the tree.
The cabinet behind has my doll collection.
 My Angels (Phillip) on top of the tree I made each of the kids a star
one side has a photo the other side is the first letter of their name.
Music some Lady Antebellum
 I need you now
Sending love and light
to you and the Angels
Live in the here and now
find something to laugh about
to lift your spirits, maybe you
can make someone laugh
to give them happiness so
you are giving some of your energy
to uplift someone's soul.
Love always

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