Sunday 7 December 2014

Indigo Angel message xx

Good morning/afternoon it is now Sunday and time for the Indigo Angels to come out and leave a message for all Indigo's that have found their way to my blog. I Love you guys remember that when you have a bout of the negativities in your life "You are Loved and Never Alone" my loving crystal energy is always with you, so is that of God, Angels and your Guides.
AUTHORITY - You must be feeling you are being controlled at the moment by the things that are going on around you and by circumstances that were beyond your control maybe someone in authority put you in this position "Let it Go" as it put you where you are meant to be. Indigo's don't like being controlled as they do have a set path even if they can't see it so some of the tougher life challenges you have faced were to help you grow stronger so you could tackle those without integrity that are trying to control the masses. When ever you feel you are in a situation where it is out of your control detach yourself from it as the negativity of it will drag you down call on Archangel Michael to help shield and detach you from the situation. Look to love and positivity to change your outlook of the situation for everything bad that happens equally something good will come out of it, always search for the good to lift your mood. "You are always in control of your own life even if it doesn't always feel that way"
DETACH FROM THE SITUATION - Call on Archangel Michael to help you detach from any negative talk that goes through your mind if you feel you are being controlled by someone or something that is outside of your control, no one will ever control an Indigo as they do have a strong sense of the direction where they are heading that is if they keep in a positive frame of mind which may be hard to do if you keep getting shut down which tends to happen when others are faced with a truth they just don't want to hear they will try and cut you down which feels like a control method in the eyes of the one being shut down..
CAREER CHANGE - Have you been considering a career change or did you have one thrust upon you by chance, nothing happens by chance we are always divinely guided our freewill choices and thoughts will determine our direction and reality so always  live for the moment and listen to your own thoughts and feeling when change comes  you will know what to do, if you feel stuck do some more soul searching as the change was meant to be if you look at the picture on the card there is an Angel on top of the lighthouse guiding you in the right direction with the shining beacon of light that is within both you and the Angel it is always your choice if you wish to  follow that guidance, you may end up in the same place only take a different longer route to get there. (you will always be where you are meant to be at any given point in your life it is up to you which way you look at your situation).
SELF REFLECTION - Soul search because the answers are always written within your own soul and you will find the career you were destined for it could even come to you, this change  will bring you joy and abundance because it makes you happy and it is the path you had pre-planned. Everything that happens to us starts with how we think because our thoughts do become our reality so if you want something you can manifest it Indigo's are very powerful at manifesting their desires so call on your Angels to help with what career you can see yourself doing as it may be a part of your spiritual growth so it will be granted in divine time as the universe has no lineal time to go by as humans do, so at the right time everything will fall into place try not to worry as that will always block the manifestation of what it is you desire.
RELATIONSHIP HARMONY - Have you been rattling a few relationships in your life lately and some are a bit rocky relax the Angels especially Archangel Raguel is working on mending the bridges between  the parties, so hang in there those that are meant to stay will always be there even after a few bad words all will be forgiven, those that have given you a lesson will leave your life so "let go of any hard feelings, forgive and forget" it is time to move on give your peace offering then part ways if that is the direction you are both given.
USE YOUR IMAGINATION - Use your imagination as to why you parted ways if that is what happened or is about to happen as this is the card in the future position so you can always change the course of events but  lessons were learnt in the past in order to make way for new one's to come in, if that hasn't happened yet it will. Let your imagination run wild as the opportunities are open for you to seek what it is you need or want in your life. If you look at the picture on this card Archangel Michael is looking behind him while the horse is charging ahead you are the horse don't look back charge ahead with what it is you need, want or desire in your life. 
The canvas I created over last weekend and finished off yesterday with
Mother Mary's inspired quote of Live (for the present moment), Laugh (it is good for your soul) and Love (by giving to others without expectations of anything in return). I better go make some Christmas cards this afternoon or I will miss it. Remember after reading my post take notes of
your own thoughts and feelings to get the messages and guidance you need from your own
divine messengers being your Guides and Angels in spirit.
Marlisa - Stand by You
I will stand by you whenever you need
me as I have the light of love to pull
you through when you are caught up
in negativity just look to me.
Sending love and light
I love you always.

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