Saturday, 31 January 2015

Daily Guidance from Archangel Michael xx

Hi all well it is Saturday sorry I haven't been keeping up with my daily guidance I was a bit out of sorts and need to get back into routine again with work starting.. The change of energy and the Mercury Retrograde have been wrecking havoc with my emotions they probably have yours as well and causing tiredness, this is because our bodies are realigning with the new energy it makes me wonder if all the storms we have been experiencing this summer have something to do with our energy centres because everything is always connected within the universe so everything will be influencing your energy all the time.
The cards from Archangel Michael are
 MAKE A COMMITMENT - So the Angels want you to make a commitment to yourself to fulfil your life purpose all of it, so you need to heal your inner emotions and get yourself to a place of inner peace and harmony within your self, always call on your Angels to help you with this because when shedding old emotions it can get very emotional and cause inner turmoil so you feel worthless, know that it isn't true as you are loveable and loved by those around you, the angels and me. Our souls need to get to a place of self love in order to evolve and to unite with the major source. Out of self love comes divine love because you are loving the God that is in you, your soul the life force energy that is you. Prayer on card "Archangel Michael, as the angel of courage and confidence, I call upon you to lend me your strength. Allow me to commit to myself, my life, and my Divine purpose. Please clearly guide me so I can fully open my heart to every experience."
If you are a male or like me that does not easily tell others how you feel watch this (I know why I do it because I feel others feeling are more important then my own because I can deal with my own feelings) men have been brought up to not show emotions or to cry which is what they are talking about, so letting your feminine side out.  I have been watching a few of Lee and Sherry on Youtube they are pretty awesome I love the energy they have and they talk about a lot of different subjects.
ASK ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TO HELP YOU WITH THIS SITUATION - Whatever situation you find yourself in always call on Archangel Michael to help pull you through it whether it be emotional, physical or anything the Angels are a group selective and the energy of love they give to you will help pull you through the tough times and the times you are struggling, a lot of past emotions are coming up at this time with the energy shift so some of it is negative call on AA Michael to help clear those negative (usually ego) energies from your psyche because they will drag you down a dark hole that you will need to fight your way back out of the only way out of that dark is to see the strength of love that is surrounding you. On card "Archangel Michael, thank you for assisting me with [describe the situation]. Please help me be filled with faith and peace at all times."
I also drew 2 more cards one from "Spirit Messages" and "Messages from your Angels"
STRENGTH - Call on spirit when you need the strength to carry on because when we are mentally strong we can handle anything that comes our way as life is not always going to be easy if you have had a lot of karmic debt to pay you will find you mull over things from your past as you don't want to make the same mistakes again it is time to stop beating yourself up about those past events as they are creating fear which is stopping your soul from moving on with the next lesson. The new energy is bringing up these past issues in order for you to let them go so you can move forward and create and live in the new energy that is being down loaded into our bodies as we sleep and move through the day. So if you have been feeling the effects of the energy download you can find the  strength  within to get past it and release it too the universe to deal with. You need to replace all those fears with love and good intentions to further all your relationships with everyone you meet also with those in your soul family or group,  stay positive always.. On card "Strength comes from many sources. Staying strong brings confidence, conviction and a balanced body, mind and soul. Spirit has its own unique and beautiful way of replenishing you soul with strength on a continual basis. You're never really alone as we're always with you."
DANIEL - Daniel is the Angel for relationships and will come and help you with marriages (or any relationship) either current or with healing from past marriages where you may still carry emotional scars and blame from the relationship ending just know that it wasn't meant to be and no one is to place blame on themselves for any relationship that has ended because all parties within that relationship have learnt their soul lessons and moved on from them so your past behaviour is not who you are now, your soul has evolved from that time so don't let it hold you back from opening your heart to self-love or being able to give and receive love after all that is what all souls came here for to evolve and learn how to love after pain, from past even past life issues which may also be coming to the surface for you to deal with because this new energy shift is making us re-write our akash so we have balanced energy and no more karmic debt for the next time our soul comes to have an earth lesson. Forgive and forget all past and present relationship battles that have left you with battle scars say sorry if in thought only to any one (including yourself) that may of got hurt because your thoughts go out to the parts of the souls involved that are floating out in the universe as parts of our soul still remain in spirit so we can draw on that energy when we need to, to help us with this current life and the lessons we came to learn and to fulfil the destiny we set ourselves. We are never alone as our higher self and our soul fragments (which are energy) are always with us we are never separated as much as we can feel alone in our thoughts.
 Love the energy in this heart
sending love and light feel the energy open your heart to receive
the LOVE from my soul to yours as we are connected.

Some music Seal - Let's stay together
Yin and Yang - male and female energy converge to make the whole, we all have male and female energy we need to balance that energy to become  whole and complete within our own soul and with life on the outside.  With outside forces we need to feel whole and complete if we are on the inside we will be on the outside as well and others will notice because you can cope with the pressures of life what ever is thrown at you..
I was alone for a little while because when I got home yesterday 2 of the boys went camping they were talking about it but hadn't made up there minds, master 19 is still here he just returned with his new girlfriend.. Do you need a laugh check out these sweet boys and see what they did for their mum..
One last quote open your heart and hear your angels sing, when your heart is open anything is possible. Miracles and synchronicity will be everywhere you look because you will be working with your angels to make things happen, your thoughts will be your reality.. Have positive thoughts for a positive life even when things do go wrong they won't seem so bad depending on how you look at the situation. 
One last song my new favourite I put on my last post
another version.
Home - with Michael Buble and Blake Shelton

You will always feel you are home where ever your heart is
so where you feel loved, nurtured and safe.
Sending Love and Light
Call on Archangel Michael
to help give you strength and courage
to deal with past emotions you need to shed
while we are undergoing energy changes
within and outside our mind, body and soul.
Love you always.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Daily Guidance - Notice the Signs xx

Hi all well things are back to normal I'm working but feeling today like I dance to the tune of my own beat, so need alone time not sure when maybe when I go to bed.. I think all the negative energy surrounding me is getting to me at the moment but I will carry on with what I have to do as I always do.. One week and I should be a Nanna so something to look forward to cuddles from a new bubba xx
Today I drew 3 cards 2 this morning and one just now before I go back to work..
ASK ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TO HELP YOU WITH THIS SITUATION - So if you are feeling a bit down in the dumps like me call on Archangel Michael to help clear the negative energy that is around you and to pray for peace and to have faith in what ever it is you are going through as it will clear.. Prayer on card "Archangel Michael, thank you for assisting me with (describe the situation). Please help me be filled with faith and peace at all times..
NOTICE THE SIGNS - Once again look for the signs that the Angels are with you and guiding you to what it is you need to do the signs will come in ways of repetitive thoughts, feathers, song lyrics, number sequences (look up Doreen Virtue Angel Numbers 101 for meanings), coins etc.. You need to use your intuition to know what the signs are then trust in you to know that it was a sign and you sensed it.. Angels do talk to us through our heart so our emotions always come in to play when we communicate with them, some may also hear, see or just know when they have been touched and guided by the Angels.. Message on card "Yes, the signs you've been receiving are heaven-sent. We drop feathers, coins and other signs upon your path to remind you that you're loved and never alone." Look out also for birds and butterflies that cross your path as they are also signs..
CHANTALL - On Card "New romance is imminent - either with a newcomer, or through reignited passion in your existing relationship. Be open to giving and receiving love." Today this message means to look for the love in each situation you find yourself when faced with negativity towards you or around you, it could also mean that you will find love it will come to you so be open to both giving and receiving  love so open your heart chakra's and prepare to love again, when your heart is closed it will mean when it comes to giving and receiving love you will be blocked and not get the energy that is being sent to you because the energy of love goes out into the universe and comes back at you and you should feel it.. All our emotions are mirrored back at us through others so if you are angry towards others expect the same treatment in return, if you give love back to someone that is angry at you turn the other cheek (in other words if you don't react you are reflecting that anger back at them so they are likely to get more angry that is the time you just walk away to save your own inner peace, and let them cool down)..
When I need to dance to the tune of my own beat I think I will choose this song and let the players play, the haters hate etc..  I'll just Shake them off with Taylor Swift

Just in case you are wondering the tune and the beat I dance to is this.
The unconditional type so I won't ask you to change anything about yourself to suit me..
I wrote the top half before lunch so after work I'm feeling in a better mood "Thanks Archangel Michael" ( I must remember to shield myself next time) for removing the negativity from my psyche, this new energy has made me more sensitive as I think I take on everyone's negative energy this has been mostly from online I've picked it up.. boy the emotions run high so the tears flow.. All is good though Love and Light..
Another song a soft one seen as it is my bed time sweet dreams Love you
Home - Michael Buble

Sending Love and Light
Call on Archangel Michael for
any situation you find yourself in.
Watch for the Angel signs
and open your heart
to give and receive
because you deserve it.

Monday, 26 January 2015

Daily Guidance - Happy Australia Day xx

G'day mates today is Australia Day so I hope you are having an awesome day what ever you do on this public holiday, I worked this morning and I'm blogging and doing domestic duties this afternoon I might go and create something later for something different and let my inner child play, she loves to colour in images and make cards or get messy with gesso, inks and glittery stuff.
Here is some of Australia to share from a camping trip in 2012
 Emu's (aka Bush chooks)
This is Blowering dam as the sun came up about 7am
The cards for today's guidance are:-
 ENTREPRENUER - on card "Self-employment suits your disposition and intentions. Working for yourself allows you to better follow your intuition and Divine guidance. We are your co-workers and teammates, who remain loyally by your side to ensure your success in all ways".. Sounds like one of my readers has been thinking of becoming self employed if so you will be fully supported with what you do by God and the Angels so listen to your guidance and follow your heart as this is a part of your life purpose, if your intentions are good and it helps with what you came here for and it is a  part of your service and it is helping humanity go for it, if you need anything call on the Angels they will help make it happen things like funding to start up, your angels will help you make it happen in divine time so do your part and things will fall into place, try not to worry as worrying does block the manifestation of what it is you want or desire.
 KEEP YOUR EYES ON YOUR TARGETED INTENTIONS - this card is confirmation on the one above that Archangel Michael is right behind you for your life purpose and he always has been, so focus on what it is you want and your intentions of where it is you are going with this business idea or other dream and the Angels will make it happen don't let your doubts come into you not being able to achieve your dream.. Archangel Michael will also give you courage to go out and do what you have to.. You can do it Never give up on your dream because your dreams and Archangel Michael will always be with you to help you achieve your Life Purpose, your dreams and visions are letting spirit know you are ready to move on to the next stage of your purpose the reason for being here.. Have faith in your self and trust that it will happen for you at the right time you do have to put  effort and action into it as well the Angels will guide you all the way.. Prayer on card " Thank you, Archangel Michael, for helping me focus on my inner vision and intention. I ask for guidance in releasing any fears or doubts, granting me the confidence and courage to take action toward realizing my dreams."
 Live life with no regrets be proud of your past and where it has brought you to today. The lessons you have learnt along the way have helped your soul evolve, never hang on to past feelings if they are stopping you from moving forward with any aspect of your life your path and destiny still await you don't stop because of past regrets.. You can never change the past only learn from it, you can't foresee the future so live in the now moment and love your self for who you were and who you are now and who you will be when the time comes.
These cards lately tie in with the yearly message the month of January was about having confidence in your self and being able to manifest what it is you want. So to do that we do need to look after our mind, body and spirit to get us what we want and to be able to achieve our dreams..
The month of February which starts Monday was this "February - Eight of Fire - A busy month things moving faster then you  were prepared for, your dreams are becoming your reality, just go with the flow of life as there is a lot of energy in the universe working with you. 8 means Abundant, prosperity and an infinite amount it could mean money, spiritual lessons, ideas or information that will help you with your passionate quest."

So things might take off for you and you will have a busy month ahead of you next month.. be prepared this month has actually gone very fast for me work back to normal tomorrow so 2 jobs again one morning and one in the afternoon with a few hours break in between. School is back in on Wednesday for the kids in NSW not sure about the other Australian states.
Music today I'll go with two Aussie artists
John Farnham - Two Strong Hearts
 Jimmy Barnes (Cold Chisel)
Khe Sanh
Sending Love and Light
Never give up on your dreams
have Trust, Faith and Love
in your self and what it is
you can achieve when you
focus on your intentions.
Your Angels will be with
you all the time you
are never alone..
Love you always

Sunday, 25 January 2015

Indigo Angel Message xx

G'day a beautiful day  here today we had storms roll in about 3pm yesterday the sun is out today so my washing will get dried.. I love looking at the cloud formations here are some photo's I took on Friday.

I've just drawn the cards for the Indigo messages for this week. Sending lots of love and light to all Indigo's that find there way to my blog listen to your own inner guidance as you read my post for your own personal message..
I have used the Archangel Michael deck and the Indigo Angel and The Ascended Masters deck I have drawn 6+2 extra's.
LEAN ON GOD AND THE ANGELS FOR SUPPORT - This card came up last week you may be going through some emotional turmoil at the moment due to the Mercury retrograde as the energy associated with that does stir up old memories from both past life and from the now,  because with the new energy coming in we need to clear out the old first when that happens we tend to be a bit sensitive so if this is happening to you lean on your Angels and God to help pull you through the dark emotional days we are never separated from God or the Angels as they are within us we feel them and their presence if we invite them into our life, call on the Angels to help you let go of the old energy they will wrap their unconditional love around you to bring you peace and peace of mind to know that these feelings are only temporary so they should pass soon.
ASK FOR A SIGN - When in doubt always ask your angels for a sign they are near or for a sign that your dreams will be answered. We have talked about the signs before so keep an eye out for song lyrics, feathers, book suggestions, conversations around you to do with the subject, repetitive thoughts they are heart based etc. your intuition will confirm your sign listen to your feelings as spirit talks through our emotions. Our emotions and feelings pick up on other people's energy so if you are an empathetic and sensitive soul always trust your feelings because it is spirit talking through you to tell you if a person is trustworthy or not.. If you are unsure of where to go to next ask your angels for this sign they will tell you what it is you need to do to reach your mission so listen up and use your senses. Always ask for signs when unsure if it was a sign repeat your request and ask for clarification until you are sure it was a sign don't ask for specific signs as our angels like us to work it out for ourselves because it does build up our intuition skills, you usually feel your Angels and they use your emotions and thoughts to get the message to you..
DIVINE TIMING - Things always come to you in divine time because if it involves other people you both have to be ready to be at the right place at the right time. Most of our life revolves around other people and when they come into our life or you theirs you both have to be in a spiritual place or in the same energy to meet. Only humans have time so divine time means when the angels and god see you are ready for the next challenge or mission the time in spirit is always now so your soul only gives signals in the now for when you are ready, your soul will always know when the time is right until that time you just need to follow your heart and just go with the flow, if you worry about it or fret over how things will happen you only block what it is you are trying to manifest.
MAKE A COMMITMENT - If you know what your divine life purpose is it is time to commit to it and do the hard yards and work towards your mission by loving your self enough to follow your guidance, Archangel Michael will give you the courage and stamina to see you through what you know you need to do, our divine life purpose usually means committing to the divine plan your soul made at it's conception if you are still unsure of this life purpose you need to go soul searching as all the answers are within you. Archangel Michael will help you find this so call on him to walk you through the steps you need to take then take action needs to be taken by you when you get this guidance otherwise it may take longer to get to where you need to go to fulfil your mission.. Prayer on card "Archangel Michael, as the angel of courage and confidence, I call upon you to lend me your strength. Allow me to commit to myself, my life, and my Divine Purpose. Please clearly guide me so I can fully open my heart to every experience." So really you need to commit to yourself to sort out your own inner self and changing to what it is you are guided to do by your Angels when you do this you will have inner peace and knowing that you are fully supported with whatever it is you chose to do, most of what has landed in your lap was to help you learn and if things were tough when you had to let go of what was the angels were by your side then as they have been your whole life. You have always been protected as you have such an important role to play now in this present moment..
PERSISTENCE - Never give up on your dreams or with what it is you were handed to take care of on your mission, things always don't go to plan because other people's freewill choices are always involved so they may not always do what you were expecting, hold no expectations just go with what ever challenges arise you will end up getting your answer no matter how long it takes just never give up until in your mind there is nothing more you can do because some things are out of our control.
PATIENCE - Patience is a virtue so while waiting for the divine timing to kick in persist with the directions you are given and go with the flow of life. Hang in there things will fall into place they always do eventually.
Pictured is a clear quartz crystal  
CRYSTALS - This card came out as well crystals have certain properties to them some help ground our energy, others help lift it so we can feel, hear of see the energy that is brought to us from spirit I think this card is suggesting you look into crystals and how they may be able to help you focus and ground yourself when you are feeling a bit up in the air or down in the dumps we always need to balance our energy so we stay centred in the here and now so we are at peace and have harmony within our own life..
What to focus on card - DETACH FROM DRAMA - (Ascended Master Pallas Athena) whether this is drama we created our self through our ego or the emotions being dredged up with the Mercury Retrograde this could even be Drama created by the people around you that are dragging you into it so their negativity is affecting you, it is time to detach from any drama that is in your life so focus on what it is and why it is creating disharmony with in you then call on your Angels and ask them to help you cut cords or to do whatever it is so you are no longer a part of any drama's that surround you.
 Always be your true self don't put a mask on so others accept you if they can't accept the real you it is their problem for not seeing your awesomeness.. You will never find true happiness or peace if you can't be the real you for the real you needs to be loved for who you are, don't change for others only change for your self  because you will never be satisfied if you change for someone else it will cause resentment towards them for trying to make up to their expectations of who you are.. For if you can't love you enough how can you expect others to see the real you if you put a mask on your soul.
Two songs today - you maybe sick of this one but here it is anyway
Loving you always, you are a part of my soul my essence xx
Nights in White Satin - Moody Blues
Sending Love and Light
This week it sounds like you need to be
Patient while you wait
for Divine Timing
Persistence with
your mission and
making a commitment
to yourself to do what you
need to and calling
on your Angels and God
when you need help
then watch for the signs.
Love you always

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Daily Guidance - Look after you xx

Hi all well my day was the same again but I'm feeling very drained of energy or I was after work so I sat down to read and fell asleep so I think this message today is for me as well as any one else that is reading my blog and is feeling the latest shift of energy in the Mercury Retrograde..(Kevin Hunter  posted about it).  Which is probably why this card came out from the Healing with the Angels deck..
BODY CARE - As well as our mind and spirit having a cleansing and having to let go of old emotional baggage we no longer need we also need to take care of our physical body the human part to us as it has to be maintained with diet and exercise so we are at peak condition to receive our guidance, so our energy centres have to be tuned up. What we eat and drink affects our energy so if we have been eating a lot of the not so healthy food our body will tell us by how it is affecting us we may feel tired and sluggish or if drinking to much alcohol or coffee will stimulate us so may cause sleeplessness as you will be all stimulated by the caffeine in coffee, coke and chocolate..
These cards really amaze me as I drew the first 2 cards just after 7pm and just now getting around to blog them anyway I just now decided at 9.45 to draw another card from Archangel Raphael deck about the Body Work we need to focus on and DIET IS IMPORTANT came out so by law of attraction you draw the card that picks up on the energy of the question asked so they are usually spot on going on the energy of the person you are reading for if doing personal card readings, for the blog I ask for all the blog readers so some of the cards will mean something to the readers that come here in that case you also listen to your own guidance because all messages should be personal to you and mean something in your own life. Only your heart and soul will know what that is and you will associate it with you and your situation.. 

So the message after all that from Archangel Raphael is to watch our diet so less of the food that is not so healthy and more of the fruit, salad and vegetables we really need a balanced diet to keep our body in tip top condition and to keep it at a high frequency so we can hear spirit we also need the exercise so a walk daily or gym if you feel so inclined will keep your energy high and coming from a place of love helps that means loving your self enough to feed your physical body what it needs to live longer.. The message on the card is "Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for guiding me to make positive eating and drinking choices, and for reducing or eliminating my cravings for unhealthful substances." So in your heart of hearts you know what you are consuming is not the best for you call on Archangel Raphael to help you cut it out of your diet..
(me personally have been eating to much sugary stuff like lollies since xmas so I think the angels are trying to tell me enough of that already, it may be part of my lethargy plus my walking needs to increase because with the work hours and feeling tired I haven't walked since last week because of tiredness, but with work hours back to normal next week I should get back on top of that, not having breakfast or lunch till I've finished work at 2 most likely doesn't help because I grab a cup of tea and a muesli bar to keep me going after finishing one job before I go to the next I think the angels are not to pleased with this behaviour).
The last card is from the Archangel deck with a message from heaven your loved one's are with you and watching over you, so they are only a thought away they are saying HELLO to you and telling you not to worry as they are fine and sending you much love as they walk beside you, you can sense this I feel so keep up your great work they are proud of you and will always be there when you need anything
I will draw a card from the medium ship deck (above at 10.30) for another message for whoever this is for. The talking to heaven card said they send you loving signs through nature so watch those butterflies, dragon flies, birds or feathers you will know specifically what those signs are as you will sense your loved one's presence as you think about them.. They do love you as you are always connected to each others souls through that love as it is eternal within your own soul family or group.. All is forgiven what ever that means to someone.. love and light xx
A prayer to help you get rid of cravings or for any other dietary matter that you know is not good for you..
We have all been placed here on earth to fulfil a bigger purpose some souls have just come here to live life as a human others have come here for a much bigger purpose in serving humanity only your soul knows that purpose so if you can tune into your own soul and turn within you will find that purpose and all you have been through in life if you have faced many challenges was to lead you to that purpose so nothing you have ever done was in vain as it led you to where you are now and if you feel fulfilled with what you are doing and have followed your heart you are on the right path, so continue to follow your heart always and you will always be where you are meant to be and all you have to do is let destiny take its course and your dreams will be fulfilled in divine time, so go with the flow of life not against it as you will be facing an uphill battle with your ego.. LIVE, LAUGH and LOVE as you go with the flow don't neglect your inner child as they love to have fun amongst all that hard work.
Music tonight Michael Buble - Moondance
Sending Love and Light
Look after that body of yours
because it is your temple.
Love you always

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Daily Guidance - Signs and Answered prayers xx

G'day straight into it today my day was the same as yesterday work, home and domestic duties.. I've drawn the cards for today from the Healing with The Angels deck and what gorgeous cards they are too also one from the Angel Tarot deck..
SIGNS - The Angels have been sending you signs you need your heart and mind open to hear them, you will sense the guidance you are getting by the repetitive nature of the message and what it is you asked if you are unsure it was a sign ask again for a clearer sign or one with more clarity.. My signs come through song lyrics, dreams, feathers, some signs come in straight away other times they may take longer depending on what you asked or what your thoughts were.. Watch your ego as it will cause doubts in your mind if it was your guidance or not.. Your instincts or intuition are also your guidance so when in doubt trust your gut feelings.. Listen to your heart as that is where your soul speaks to you and where your spiritual guidance comes from.. When asking your angels for signs don't specify what sort of sign you want as they like you to use your intuition skills because the more you use them and rely on your intuition the more your angels will be there with you to guide you or to just let you know they are around..
ANSWERED PRAYERS - Your signs must have something to do with the prayers you have been putting in, so in divine time they will be answered. People that come into your life can also be heaven sent and they will turn up at just the right time to help you out with the situation  you have been enquiring about.. So if someone offers you something accept it gratefully as it was meant for you at this time. Listen to the ideas that also pop into your mind as they to are also signs and guidance you are getting so you can get closer to those prayers you've been sending.
KING OF EARTH - This card is about being successful and accepting any opportunities that come your way so it must of been something you have praying for to happen it is on its way to you watch for the signs and accept those opportunities as they come to you because they have come to you by the Law of Attraction so you drew them into you, manifested what  you dreamed of.. **Any opportunities that land in your lap at this time have been heaven sent..
Some quotes 
Love is the bridge between our hearts.
 xx Waiting till the day we can cross it. xx
Song from Ne-yo
Sending Love and Light
Love you always
Watch for the signs
you are being given
Believe they are real
Trust in them and
your self..

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Daily Guidance - Clear yourself xx

G'day all well work is done for today the same again tomorrow, early start and work till I stop about 2pm.. feeling a bit lethargic this afternoon.. Dirty kids broke into the school over the holidays and got into the kitchen and ate what food was in there and crapped on the floor, so I don't have to clean it up yet my boss is leaving it there (he did clean up some) as the cops were supposed to come back and get finger prints and the boss told the remaining staff to lock the door before they left before the school holidays and they didn't so he is showing them what happens when they were told to do it, as the cleaners are generally the last one's out we have to make sure the buildings are secure or we are in strife so if there is still staff in the rooms we are required to tell them to secure the building when they leave, they do not always do what they are told..
The cards today sorry I'm so late I've just been to craft with my crafty friends I've been making a Baby Album for my daughter I have done both pink and blue as I don't know what colour yet.. I will show you later because a friend borrowed it to show her daughter over the weekend.
CLEAR YOURSELF - Okay it seems we have to clear ourselves of all toxic lower vibration energies usually one's that come from our ego so like yesterday you need to release and let go of past hurts, forgive and forget actions from others and yourself. You need to do this at the current time to let all the new energy in as we are in receiving mode and an energy shift is taking place which may be draining you energetically and emotionally. You also need to clear your self of others negative energies that may of attached themselves to you so if you have been in any conflicts or arguments it is time to cut those cords we talked about last night because they are toxic to you and will drag you down.. Forgive, forget and let go of any emotions that no longer serve you make way for the new.. Your thought play a big part in how you are feeling so when those negative doubts come up don't give them any power to play with your mind.. Action to take from the guidebook get comfortable with back not touching any surface so lay on side or in a chair where you are forward so not leaning back and say this prayer "Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Please use your Divine healing magnet to lift any energies of fear, anger, or jealousy from my back, neck and shoulders. Please help me feel compassion for those who may have sent lower energies my way so that they may be healed by Divine love. Thank you for clearing away toxic, fear based energies from within and around me".
INNOCENCE - Instead of beating your self up over past emotions and toxic energies from others you need to start loving and excepting yourself for who you are a loving human being that is worthy of being loved and worthy of giving others love in return. Look at yourself as God and the Angels see you they do not judge you for your actions, choices or emotions they love you unconditionally which is the ultimate goal our soul is aiming for when we incarnate to see our selves as god does and to see our own self worth.. God made you in the perfect image of himself and that is to Love from the inside out.. For to love the God in you is to love the God you see in others .Namaste!!
 Prayer on the card " Dear God and angels, thank you for helping me see that all of your qualities of pure love and light are reflected within me and all others. Help me embrace my God-given innocence so that I may be at peace".
Some one linked to this article today so if you are feeling a bit lethargic or emotional or you have been lately it is because of a universal energy shift that is taking place as our body adjusts to it, I have been having a lot of dreams lately as well so this may all be a part of our awakening so we need to release all old energies that no longer serve us because with this change our Akash is also changing as you awaken or become enlightened our thoughts and emotions are being recorded, as you awaken and start to evolve your thoughts will be your reality.
With the cards we have been getting lately it sounds like we are to be working on our inner self to bring us into the new energy.. Because we are going into a new consciousness so our thought patterns will be changing into what is acceptable within our selves but also within society as a whole as some things will not be acceptable by the awakened soul things will start to come from a place of integrity, love, peace and joy..
I might leave it there this energy shift has been really taken it out of me over the last week or two as my emotions were all over the place and on Saturday I was so tired and I am feeling that way today so I might go to bed and hopefully remember my dreams as with this shift I have been also having a lot of dreams which I can't always recall on waking.. I'm not alone in feeling like this as the Earth Angel group I associate with a lot are feeling the same way so the new energy is coming in if you read the article it has been shifting since 2012 or even before that when lightworkers were starting to awaken this I  believe  because my own life has shifted so much since that time and the last 18 months have really taken off in the emotional and energy stakes because my heart opened again  and I've found out so much about who I am, who you and others are and how we are all connected life does amaze me sometimes especially the spiritual part in me, this spiritual part is in us all as we are souls living in a human body. Our souls have incarnated many lifetimes and parts of our soul are still in the universe so we can tap into it with our own energy vibration which needs to be clear and clean from any past emotions that you still might be holding onto.. let it go so the new energy can be released into you..
Music tonight is Brandy
Have you ever loved some one so much it makes you cry?
I have as it comes from deep within my soul
and it does hurt because Love is a powerful
energy it is the energy of the God within you.
Sending Love and Light to you
I will try and do the post tomorrow
a lot earlier than this.
Love you always..

Monday, 19 January 2015

Daily Guidance - Call on your Angels for Healingxx

Hi all my daughter dropped in on Friday she has about 14 days to go before I am a Nanna so anytime now can't wait. I gave her a present so she could take to the hospital a Nappy bag full of stuff I've been buying through the year and I have a little swing thing on Layby for after she has the bubba..
Well the boys just pulled up so much for my peace and quiet time now, it was raining over where they were camping so they came home early.. Master 12 is now in the shower he has black feet so I don't want the carpet to wear the consequences of that..
I've just drawn the cards for today I have called on Archangel Michael and the Ascended Masters deck.. carry this message on all the time not necessary just for today if you are sick call on Archangel Raphael to help with his healing green energy..

ASK ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TO HELP YOU WITH THIS SITUATION -  Whatever your situation is you can always call on Archangel Michael to help you deal with it for more clarification about what the situation might be I drew another card and the situation might involve your health and healing whether it is your physical health or mental or emotional health you can call on your Archangels to help Raphael is good to call for physical illnesses so is the Ascended Master Hilarion. If you need emotional healing from past or present experiences you may need to cut the cords of attachment that you have with a person or even material possessions if you are having emotional issues about moving or selling a house because our cords of emotional attachment are energetic ties that bind us to either people or material things we become dependant on if you feel you no longer want to associate with people that are no longer interested in the things you are but you feel connected to them but they are only dragging you down you can call on Archangel Michael to cut those ties that bind you or he can just tidy them up and get rid of the negative vibe you have with the person so only love or positive ties remain.. Those negative energies you pick up from other people can drag you down emotionally and drain you of your own energy as you are so focused on helping them you neglect yourself and the more you help the more they depend on your energy to prop them up, which is no good for your health as it will end up stressing you out.. To heal from emotional pain from your past you need to forgive yourself and other and let go of that pain that no longer serves you because your soul has moved on when the situation ended your lessons were learnt, to reflect back on it what was it you learnt you can't change what was meant to be so you need to let it go..
Some quotes - You hold all the power over your emotions no-one can make you feel or react in a certain way only if you let them. So let your anger subside let them own it, walk away and leave them
with their own problems, don't become a part of something they need to deal with internally, you are not at fault for how they react unless you intentionally provoke them if you did expect the consequences of your actions mirrored back at you..
I'm sure I can feel you some times as my heart expands.
Love you always
Music from another of my favourite movies Titanic
Celine Dion
My Heart Will Go On..
Love is eternal it goes with our
soul as it is infinite..
Sending Love and Light
Love you always
said that but it's true
Sweet Dreams

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Indigo Angel Messages xx

Good day it is now Sunday afternoon a beautiful day with a slight cool breeze wafting through my window as I type this up I am on my own again the boys all decided to go camping so they left this morning for a couple of days I have work so no rest for me.. I am doing housework today amongst other stuff like reading, meditating and washing the dog.. As well as doing this reading which I've just drawn the cards.. Sending Love and Light out to all Indigo's that find their way to my blog I love you always remember that xx
EXPRESSION - You need to express how you feel and speak your mind as that is why Indigo's came down to assist with the new energy at this time as you are a part of revealing the truth to the public as you find it out you know your field of expertise and for what section you came to reveal because you will have a passion for whatever subject matter the one that drives you, what makes you angry and you are drawn to it like a magnet that is your purpose..
WRITE - from the Ascended Masters your greatest weapon is to write down your findings wether through blogs, books, news articles whatever your method to inform the public is the way you should get the truth out there for with this new energy people are awakening to those corrupt and the old systems that no longer work with this energy coming in  this will include education, government, judicial, medical systems. The next wave of evolved kids which have started to arrive are much wiser then those born in the old energy the new wave of kids are Indigo kids so look that up and you will see the old systems don't seem to fit them or the Crystal children as they are born with a knowing of who they are already they will have you worked out in no time and what their role is within society. So once the older Indigo's have broken the systems the new Indigo generation will take off where you left off so writing will be essential to see where we once were in the future we will no longer turn to what it used to be like because of the new energy but we do need to get rid of the old first which is a part of the Indigo's mission at the current time.
AUTHORITY - Being Indigo's you are coming into contact with authority figures all the time and you know which ones don't hold a sense of fairness about them with the rules they make sometimes the actions of authority figures might make you angry but try to be diplomatic when dealing with those people as you will put the backs up of those in power by being a source of truth to them, not everyone likes being faced with a few home truths especially those that wield some power in the systems you are dealing with, so be prepared for the fight back responses you will probably get served, call on Archangel Michael to shield, protect and give you courage when you need it which will most likely be daily.. To shield your self call on Archangel Michael to surround you with his bright white light of protection and to also cut any cords of attachment you have to anyone you are dealing with that you no longer wish to be associated with.
LEAN ON GOD AND THE ANGELS FOR SUPPORT - When dealing with others or for when you are doubting yourself and why you have come here the Angels and God will be there for you to lean on and to help you manifest what it is that you need for your mission, your mission has most likely come to you and most of your work will come to you by default because spirit knows who you are so don't be afraid to ask for assistance to bring in what you need by way of work, material goods or anything that will help make your life easier while you fulfil your purpose because you do have a legion of Angels and guides at your disposal they do need you to ask first before they will step in and help you, you must also trust, believe, and have faith that what you need will come when you need it as divine time is always now for them so things will come at the right time.. You also need to have trust, faith and believe in your own self-worth and everything you have ever been through in your life was to build you up for the current time.
STAY - A message for you to stay the course if you have found yourself in a bit of a tight spot or difficult spot as it is only temporary and most likely a part of your lesson or you needing to learn something because it is where you are going next, Indigo's would of gone through a lot of lessons in their life time as they have had a lot to learn in a short space of time, so each lesson would of come to you at the right time in your life as you would of gained a lot of knowledge that you needed to learn depending on what your mission is your past would of all been directed towards where you are know and what it is you are looking into, so stay the course because you are always where you are meant to be at any given stage of your life. On the card is a picture of two angels sitting on a cloud symbolism that you are not alone on this journey..
YOU'RE ON THE RIGHT PATH - which confirms what you may of already known and what the previous card was about, our heart is our soul centre so deep in your heart you know you are on the soul path you set out, if you are still unsure you can call on Archangel Michael, Metatron your spirit guides they will reassure you. Don't keep second guessing yourself trust you and your own self worth when it comes to what you are dealing with and call on your angels when you need them as you are never alone and they are always with you just waiting for you to invite them to help you.. On card "keep doing what you're doing, because it's working"
I did draw one more card as I was guided to 5 different decks today and I asked what is was you need to focus on and this card "IF YOU GET NERVOUS, FOCUS ON SERVICE" came out which is a general lightworker card for when they are having doubts about themselves and what it is they are doing and if what the messages and guidance they are getting is real, trust that it is,  if your heart and mind are open to receiving the energy from the spirit realm trust that it is real and what you feel, see, hear and sense is real it totally amazes me the more I learn and the more I hear from other lightworkers of their experiences with the unknown. Everything and everyone is guided by the divine source as it lies within us wether we believe in God, Angels and all things esoteric, we may not all be awake to picking up the energy as we do have to tune in to the higher frequency of energy to pick it up simply by being open to it you are being receptive of hearing your angels and guides. So when in doubt think of the service you are providing and how you are helping others simply by shining your light into dark places as that is what all lightworkers do what ever service they are destined to carry out which they are guided to as most of it just lands in your lap without much effort from you.. on the card "Put your entire intention on answering the question, 'How can I make the world a better place?' and the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs."

I like this quote as I know I observe more than I speak having a quiet nature
you never know what is running through my mind it could be many things.
One last timely quote from Doreen Virtue reminding if one door closes on us it is just making way for a better opportunity to come our way, we are always where we are meant to be even if we don't like the current position we are in know that it is only a temporary one while we wait for the next door to open for us so hang in there, patience for divine timing will bring you that opportunity you have been praying for.

Usher Version of You'll Be In My Heart
Phil Collins as well both awesome love
this song who ever sings it.. enjoy...
Sending Love and Light
You are in my heart
Where ever you are
Love you always
you are lovable
just as you are.
Have a great day
and night..