Thursday 1 January 2015

Daily Guidance to use every day of 2015 and beyond xx

G'day all I didn't quite get to my post last night but yesterday's  guidance was from St. Mother Teresa she was one of God's Angels that spread Love and Light and lived out his message in being an Activist for humanitarian good.
So last night the message from St Mother Teresa is to keep her dream of peace and love alive and be an Activist is God's Divine Love by spreading your own Love and Light to the world because to LOVE and to be LOVED will make you the richest soul/human in the world because at the end of the day that is all our soul needs to survive the material goods will never replace the feeling of LOVE in our hearts. Archangel Michael wanted us to start with loving our self enough to take care of our self and forgive our own transgressions and start afresh with a new set of values to carry us through everyday, if you over done it with bringing in the new year take extra special care of your self and your health if you are travelling drive safely and call on Archangel Michael to protect you and your family while in the car.
 Some wise advice from St. Mother Teresa

To do great things we need to start with us first and love those around us with out judgement as we all have our own soul journey and lessons to learn others may not make the choices you would but they are not you God only made one of each of us. We are all perfect and not judged in the eyes of the Lord or our Angels, we are our own judge we are not judges of others life as ours may not be perfect to judge is to point out your own imperfections you pick up in others just like a mirror.
Now for this mornings messages from Archangel Michael and Saint Francis.
First came Archangel Michael charging in on his white Unicorn he wants us to explore all our options before making a final decision on any situation in your life don't just charge in with out weighing things up our Angels and guides will guide us in the best direction which is to follow our heart which is the message from St Francis, put your prayers in for what direction to take open your heart to hear the guidance your angels and spirit guides are taking you and you will end up on the right path. Ego will use fear and negativity as to why you shouldn't take a certain option it will try and talk you out of what your heart knows so listen to both ego and heart know what the difference is and you should be on the right path whether it is to do with romance, career, job prospects or change of any type. The first step will always be the hardest as that is when your ego has a field day to try and scare you just keep going and you wonder what all the worry was about. Life is about taking risks some times if we get burnt it is because there was a lesson in which choice you made it won't be until later in life when you reflect back on your choices that the lesson will be learnt. Our angels and guides are always with us trying to guide us it is up to us to listen to that divine guidance  following your heart is listening to the divine. Some one that reads the blog must have some major decisions to make good luck try not to worry and go with the flow of where your heart takes you. When reading my post listen to your own messages and guidance as all of us get our own personal messages this one is good to carry throughout your whole life not just today or this year but everyday for any decisions you have to make. 
My favourite message I always tell everyone is to follow your heart as it is what I have done my whole life and my life just happens I try not to stress or worry because I know everything happens for a reason and we are always where we are meant to be at any given time as long as you keep listening to your heart.  Last quote for today I will go and do a 12 card spread for the whole year shortly so watch the blog for that as I've never done one using that many card before we have a card and message for every month of the year.
May 2015 be the year you get rid of all the past emotional baggage you carry around so you can heal what ever fears you have. Let 2015 be the year when you find that unconditional love where your new partner or love interest will help you lift the load on your emotional baggage so your soul is fear free and full of love. Let 2015 be the year you lose your ego and let love in to help your soul evolve on what ever your path is remember each experience good or bad is a soul lesson and one we most likely planned before we were born. Go with the flow and learn from each experience don't let those experience fill your baggage your soul doesn't need as your past doesn't define who you are now each lesson you had made you who you are. A perfect soul full of unconditional love that is your goal for the whole of your life time.
My first song for 2015 is Celine Dion
I am your Angel
No matter where you are I'm your Angel
 forever in your heart if you seek me
 I will be there look for love
it will be me, missing you.
Sending love and light
May 2015 be a year
for us all to shine God's love that
is within our own soul.

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