Thursday 22 January 2015

Daily Guidance - Look after you xx

Hi all well my day was the same again but I'm feeling very drained of energy or I was after work so I sat down to read and fell asleep so I think this message today is for me as well as any one else that is reading my blog and is feeling the latest shift of energy in the Mercury Retrograde..(Kevin Hunter  posted about it).  Which is probably why this card came out from the Healing with the Angels deck..
BODY CARE - As well as our mind and spirit having a cleansing and having to let go of old emotional baggage we no longer need we also need to take care of our physical body the human part to us as it has to be maintained with diet and exercise so we are at peak condition to receive our guidance, so our energy centres have to be tuned up. What we eat and drink affects our energy so if we have been eating a lot of the not so healthy food our body will tell us by how it is affecting us we may feel tired and sluggish or if drinking to much alcohol or coffee will stimulate us so may cause sleeplessness as you will be all stimulated by the caffeine in coffee, coke and chocolate..
These cards really amaze me as I drew the first 2 cards just after 7pm and just now getting around to blog them anyway I just now decided at 9.45 to draw another card from Archangel Raphael deck about the Body Work we need to focus on and DIET IS IMPORTANT came out so by law of attraction you draw the card that picks up on the energy of the question asked so they are usually spot on going on the energy of the person you are reading for if doing personal card readings, for the blog I ask for all the blog readers so some of the cards will mean something to the readers that come here in that case you also listen to your own guidance because all messages should be personal to you and mean something in your own life. Only your heart and soul will know what that is and you will associate it with you and your situation.. 

So the message after all that from Archangel Raphael is to watch our diet so less of the food that is not so healthy and more of the fruit, salad and vegetables we really need a balanced diet to keep our body in tip top condition and to keep it at a high frequency so we can hear spirit we also need the exercise so a walk daily or gym if you feel so inclined will keep your energy high and coming from a place of love helps that means loving your self enough to feed your physical body what it needs to live longer.. The message on the card is "Dear Archangel Raphael, thank you for guiding me to make positive eating and drinking choices, and for reducing or eliminating my cravings for unhealthful substances." So in your heart of hearts you know what you are consuming is not the best for you call on Archangel Raphael to help you cut it out of your diet..
(me personally have been eating to much sugary stuff like lollies since xmas so I think the angels are trying to tell me enough of that already, it may be part of my lethargy plus my walking needs to increase because with the work hours and feeling tired I haven't walked since last week because of tiredness, but with work hours back to normal next week I should get back on top of that, not having breakfast or lunch till I've finished work at 2 most likely doesn't help because I grab a cup of tea and a muesli bar to keep me going after finishing one job before I go to the next I think the angels are not to pleased with this behaviour).
The last card is from the Archangel deck with a message from heaven your loved one's are with you and watching over you, so they are only a thought away they are saying HELLO to you and telling you not to worry as they are fine and sending you much love as they walk beside you, you can sense this I feel so keep up your great work they are proud of you and will always be there when you need anything
I will draw a card from the medium ship deck (above at 10.30) for another message for whoever this is for. The talking to heaven card said they send you loving signs through nature so watch those butterflies, dragon flies, birds or feathers you will know specifically what those signs are as you will sense your loved one's presence as you think about them.. They do love you as you are always connected to each others souls through that love as it is eternal within your own soul family or group.. All is forgiven what ever that means to someone.. love and light xx
A prayer to help you get rid of cravings or for any other dietary matter that you know is not good for you..
We have all been placed here on earth to fulfil a bigger purpose some souls have just come here to live life as a human others have come here for a much bigger purpose in serving humanity only your soul knows that purpose so if you can tune into your own soul and turn within you will find that purpose and all you have been through in life if you have faced many challenges was to lead you to that purpose so nothing you have ever done was in vain as it led you to where you are now and if you feel fulfilled with what you are doing and have followed your heart you are on the right path, so continue to follow your heart always and you will always be where you are meant to be and all you have to do is let destiny take its course and your dreams will be fulfilled in divine time, so go with the flow of life not against it as you will be facing an uphill battle with your ego.. LIVE, LAUGH and LOVE as you go with the flow don't neglect your inner child as they love to have fun amongst all that hard work.
Music tonight Michael Buble - Moondance
Sending Love and Light
Look after that body of yours
because it is your temple.
Love you always

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