Friday 2 January 2015

What is install for the year 2015 - a year of Abundance. xx

Hi all I've done the 12 + 1 yearly card spread it looks like a pretty good year for the blog readers that come here. As you read this you will always get your own guidance and messages so listen to your thoughts and feelings then act on them. "I did ask for message for those readers that visit my blog so it looks like a good year for you just stay positive, keep the faith and Ask your Angels when you need guidance.".
From my card spread for the year how true is the meaning of 2015 as a number 8 year full of abundance of new opportunities where your career or work is involved that is what the Fire suit is all about your passions and creativity there are 5 of those cards for the year, we have 5 from the Major Arcana which are life events so life long or changing events, 2 from the Air suit they mean choices and new ideas to do with our intellect and one from the Water suit which are your emotions and love. All up it looks like a great prosperous year follow your heart always when making decisions.
The 1st day of 2015 after work and before I could do this spread I cleaned and de-cluttered my craft table which is what you can see in the background my copic markers and the dirty but well used craft matt.
So the cards are for each month I have put them up 2x2 for the photo's
January - Queen of Fire - Have confidence in yourself, you are more powerful then you think. You can manifest what you want if you put your mind to it. Follow your passions with confidence.
February - Eight of Fire - A busy month things moving faster then you  were prepared for, your dreams are becoming your reality, just go with the flow of life as there is a lot of energy in the universe working with you. 8 means Abundant, prosperity and an infinite amount it could mean money, spiritual lessons, ideas or information that will help you with your passionate quest. 

March - Seven of Fire - Stand your ground don't let others steal your thunder, stand up for what and who you believe in. Choose your battles wisely as some aren't worth wasting your energy on, walk away from the things that don't align with your own values. 7 means you are on the right path. So keep going don't let others negativity deter you from the direction you are taking.
April - Dreamer - New beginnings on your journey. Your hard work and tough decisions have paid off so a new chance to dream big and follow your heart.
May - Knight of Fire - Something has cropped up unexpectedly so things will need to be dealt with quickly but don't make any harsh decisions on the spur of the moment think things through before charging ahead be prepared to battle. Don't become restless because things didn't quite work to plan as things will work out if you think before acting.
June - The Empress - After the small hiccup in your plans the abundance of your labour will start to pay off your dreams are starting to manifest. So with all that is going on in your life don't abandon your health or that of your family because you have been putting in so many work hours if we don't look after our health we will burn out because our energy is taken up with all you are putting into that which you are passionate about.

July - The Lovers - Looks like a month for romance or the beginnings of a relationship it will be a lifelong changing relationship it could even be your soul mate the one you've been dreaming of they will be entering your life, it will change you none the less. Follow your heart with any decisions you make either with your love interest or any other decisions. 6 means caring, loving and nurturing it could also mean don't worry or obsess over material things.
August - Four of Fire - You feel contented and at peace after all the hard work and with the new love interest coming into your life you have an abundance of money so you feel secure where you are at the moment as all the pieces are starting to fall into place for you. 4 means you feel extremely happy where you are with your work and home life.

September - Queen of Air - After some reflecting on events that have happened to you, you will see things objectively and wonder why you worried so much because eventually all our life does seem to fall into place. You may even laugh off your past worries when you finally let go of those old emotions that no longer serve you.
October - Ace of Air - After releasing those old emotions that didn't serve you new ideas are flowing in because our worries do block anything new coming into our life. The new ideas you have might be challenging in the beginning but hang in there things will work out.

November - Unity - Hang out with like minded people that will mentor and teach you the more profound spiritual lessons that you seek because we are all one and united in spiritual truth it might of taken you a long time to realise this but you are getting there. Stay on the current path you are on all those with your values are right there with you.
December - Knight of Water - An emotional month when falling in love and other social events are likely to take place. Balance your emotions because you feel on top of the world with your new love interest and you new found abundance. Don't let things get to your head because your ego will soon creep in and you will start to feel unbalanced as you can't believe your life could of turned out this good from the past events that have happened to you.

Final card to end off 2015
A job well done you achieved what you set out to do at the beginning of the year so you should be contented with where your path has taken you from all the wise decisions and choices you made through the year. You feel very enlightened as to the journey you have been on.
Next year 2016 is a 9 year so a year of Completion of what ever you started in 2015.
Some times just being there for someone is all that is needed as you don't need words when just your presence is enough.
Music is Bon Jovi because it was just on my radio as I came back from feeding my sisters dog.
Sending Love and Light
I will love you always
missing you.
I would die for you
if it meant saving you.
Have a super abundant year
may all your dreams and desires
come true.
To Love until it hurts is to touch
God I do love you that much.

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