Monday 26 January 2015

Daily Guidance - Happy Australia Day xx

G'day mates today is Australia Day so I hope you are having an awesome day what ever you do on this public holiday, I worked this morning and I'm blogging and doing domestic duties this afternoon I might go and create something later for something different and let my inner child play, she loves to colour in images and make cards or get messy with gesso, inks and glittery stuff.
Here is some of Australia to share from a camping trip in 2012
 Emu's (aka Bush chooks)
This is Blowering dam as the sun came up about 7am
The cards for today's guidance are:-
 ENTREPRENUER - on card "Self-employment suits your disposition and intentions. Working for yourself allows you to better follow your intuition and Divine guidance. We are your co-workers and teammates, who remain loyally by your side to ensure your success in all ways".. Sounds like one of my readers has been thinking of becoming self employed if so you will be fully supported with what you do by God and the Angels so listen to your guidance and follow your heart as this is a part of your life purpose, if your intentions are good and it helps with what you came here for and it is a  part of your service and it is helping humanity go for it, if you need anything call on the Angels they will help make it happen things like funding to start up, your angels will help you make it happen in divine time so do your part and things will fall into place, try not to worry as worrying does block the manifestation of what it is you want or desire.
 KEEP YOUR EYES ON YOUR TARGETED INTENTIONS - this card is confirmation on the one above that Archangel Michael is right behind you for your life purpose and he always has been, so focus on what it is you want and your intentions of where it is you are going with this business idea or other dream and the Angels will make it happen don't let your doubts come into you not being able to achieve your dream.. Archangel Michael will also give you courage to go out and do what you have to.. You can do it Never give up on your dream because your dreams and Archangel Michael will always be with you to help you achieve your Life Purpose, your dreams and visions are letting spirit know you are ready to move on to the next stage of your purpose the reason for being here.. Have faith in your self and trust that it will happen for you at the right time you do have to put  effort and action into it as well the Angels will guide you all the way.. Prayer on card " Thank you, Archangel Michael, for helping me focus on my inner vision and intention. I ask for guidance in releasing any fears or doubts, granting me the confidence and courage to take action toward realizing my dreams."
 Live life with no regrets be proud of your past and where it has brought you to today. The lessons you have learnt along the way have helped your soul evolve, never hang on to past feelings if they are stopping you from moving forward with any aspect of your life your path and destiny still await you don't stop because of past regrets.. You can never change the past only learn from it, you can't foresee the future so live in the now moment and love your self for who you were and who you are now and who you will be when the time comes.
These cards lately tie in with the yearly message the month of January was about having confidence in your self and being able to manifest what it is you want. So to do that we do need to look after our mind, body and spirit to get us what we want and to be able to achieve our dreams..
The month of February which starts Monday was this "February - Eight of Fire - A busy month things moving faster then you  were prepared for, your dreams are becoming your reality, just go with the flow of life as there is a lot of energy in the universe working with you. 8 means Abundant, prosperity and an infinite amount it could mean money, spiritual lessons, ideas or information that will help you with your passionate quest."

So things might take off for you and you will have a busy month ahead of you next month.. be prepared this month has actually gone very fast for me work back to normal tomorrow so 2 jobs again one morning and one in the afternoon with a few hours break in between. School is back in on Wednesday for the kids in NSW not sure about the other Australian states.
Music today I'll go with two Aussie artists
John Farnham - Two Strong Hearts
 Jimmy Barnes (Cold Chisel)
Khe Sanh
Sending Love and Light
Never give up on your dreams
have Trust, Faith and Love
in your self and what it is
you can achieve when you
focus on your intentions.
Your Angels will be with
you all the time you
are never alone..
Love you always

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