Saturday 31 January 2015

Daily Guidance from Archangel Michael xx

Hi all well it is Saturday sorry I haven't been keeping up with my daily guidance I was a bit out of sorts and need to get back into routine again with work starting.. The change of energy and the Mercury Retrograde have been wrecking havoc with my emotions they probably have yours as well and causing tiredness, this is because our bodies are realigning with the new energy it makes me wonder if all the storms we have been experiencing this summer have something to do with our energy centres because everything is always connected within the universe so everything will be influencing your energy all the time.
The cards from Archangel Michael are
 MAKE A COMMITMENT - So the Angels want you to make a commitment to yourself to fulfil your life purpose all of it, so you need to heal your inner emotions and get yourself to a place of inner peace and harmony within your self, always call on your Angels to help you with this because when shedding old emotions it can get very emotional and cause inner turmoil so you feel worthless, know that it isn't true as you are loveable and loved by those around you, the angels and me. Our souls need to get to a place of self love in order to evolve and to unite with the major source. Out of self love comes divine love because you are loving the God that is in you, your soul the life force energy that is you. Prayer on card "Archangel Michael, as the angel of courage and confidence, I call upon you to lend me your strength. Allow me to commit to myself, my life, and my Divine purpose. Please clearly guide me so I can fully open my heart to every experience."
If you are a male or like me that does not easily tell others how you feel watch this (I know why I do it because I feel others feeling are more important then my own because I can deal with my own feelings) men have been brought up to not show emotions or to cry which is what they are talking about, so letting your feminine side out.  I have been watching a few of Lee and Sherry on Youtube they are pretty awesome I love the energy they have and they talk about a lot of different subjects.
ASK ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TO HELP YOU WITH THIS SITUATION - Whatever situation you find yourself in always call on Archangel Michael to help pull you through it whether it be emotional, physical or anything the Angels are a group selective and the energy of love they give to you will help pull you through the tough times and the times you are struggling, a lot of past emotions are coming up at this time with the energy shift so some of it is negative call on AA Michael to help clear those negative (usually ego) energies from your psyche because they will drag you down a dark hole that you will need to fight your way back out of the only way out of that dark is to see the strength of love that is surrounding you. On card "Archangel Michael, thank you for assisting me with [describe the situation]. Please help me be filled with faith and peace at all times."
I also drew 2 more cards one from "Spirit Messages" and "Messages from your Angels"
STRENGTH - Call on spirit when you need the strength to carry on because when we are mentally strong we can handle anything that comes our way as life is not always going to be easy if you have had a lot of karmic debt to pay you will find you mull over things from your past as you don't want to make the same mistakes again it is time to stop beating yourself up about those past events as they are creating fear which is stopping your soul from moving on with the next lesson. The new energy is bringing up these past issues in order for you to let them go so you can move forward and create and live in the new energy that is being down loaded into our bodies as we sleep and move through the day. So if you have been feeling the effects of the energy download you can find the  strength  within to get past it and release it too the universe to deal with. You need to replace all those fears with love and good intentions to further all your relationships with everyone you meet also with those in your soul family or group,  stay positive always.. On card "Strength comes from many sources. Staying strong brings confidence, conviction and a balanced body, mind and soul. Spirit has its own unique and beautiful way of replenishing you soul with strength on a continual basis. You're never really alone as we're always with you."
DANIEL - Daniel is the Angel for relationships and will come and help you with marriages (or any relationship) either current or with healing from past marriages where you may still carry emotional scars and blame from the relationship ending just know that it wasn't meant to be and no one is to place blame on themselves for any relationship that has ended because all parties within that relationship have learnt their soul lessons and moved on from them so your past behaviour is not who you are now, your soul has evolved from that time so don't let it hold you back from opening your heart to self-love or being able to give and receive love after all that is what all souls came here for to evolve and learn how to love after pain, from past even past life issues which may also be coming to the surface for you to deal with because this new energy shift is making us re-write our akash so we have balanced energy and no more karmic debt for the next time our soul comes to have an earth lesson. Forgive and forget all past and present relationship battles that have left you with battle scars say sorry if in thought only to any one (including yourself) that may of got hurt because your thoughts go out to the parts of the souls involved that are floating out in the universe as parts of our soul still remain in spirit so we can draw on that energy when we need to, to help us with this current life and the lessons we came to learn and to fulfil the destiny we set ourselves. We are never alone as our higher self and our soul fragments (which are energy) are always with us we are never separated as much as we can feel alone in our thoughts.
 Love the energy in this heart
sending love and light feel the energy open your heart to receive
the LOVE from my soul to yours as we are connected.

Some music Seal - Let's stay together
Yin and Yang - male and female energy converge to make the whole, we all have male and female energy we need to balance that energy to become  whole and complete within our own soul and with life on the outside.  With outside forces we need to feel whole and complete if we are on the inside we will be on the outside as well and others will notice because you can cope with the pressures of life what ever is thrown at you..
I was alone for a little while because when I got home yesterday 2 of the boys went camping they were talking about it but hadn't made up there minds, master 19 is still here he just returned with his new girlfriend.. Do you need a laugh check out these sweet boys and see what they did for their mum..
One last quote open your heart and hear your angels sing, when your heart is open anything is possible. Miracles and synchronicity will be everywhere you look because you will be working with your angels to make things happen, your thoughts will be your reality.. Have positive thoughts for a positive life even when things do go wrong they won't seem so bad depending on how you look at the situation. 
One last song my new favourite I put on my last post
another version.
Home - with Michael Buble and Blake Shelton

You will always feel you are home where ever your heart is
so where you feel loved, nurtured and safe.
Sending Love and Light
Call on Archangel Michael
to help give you strength and courage
to deal with past emotions you need to shed
while we are undergoing energy changes
within and outside our mind, body and soul.
Love you always.

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