Sunday 4 January 2015

Indigo Angel Messages xx

G'day well today is Sunday so time for the Indigo Angel messages I was led to 4 different decks today. The Indigo Angel, Ascended Masters, Archangel Raphael (healing Angel) and Archangel Michael (awesome angel of protection, courage etc.). First sending all the Love I can muster to any Indigo's that read my blog these messages are for you or anyone that feels the messages are for them always listen to your own thoughts and feelings as you read my messages because your own heart will deliver what you need to know that is why you need to have an open heart to listen to your own intuition.
Todays cards are:-
COMPASSION - This card came up yesterday for Mother Mary as well so have compassion for those you are not getting along with at the moment detach yourself from the situation and treat others how you wish to be treated, if you are having trouble with the detaching part call on Archangel Michael to help you cut the emotional cords that are binding you to this situation. Start looking at the bigger picture as to why this event might of occurred and forgive yourself and those you are not getting along with at the moment this situation is only temporary don't let the negativity of this get you down. Forgive, forget and move on to the next phase in your life.
ASK YOUR BODY FOR A MESSAGE - From Archangel Raphael he says to take notice of how your body is reacting to this situation as it may be causing you undue stresses that you don't need. Listen to what your body is saying as it does talk to us through our feeling maybe you are losing unnecessary sleep or drinking to mask the pain, that won't work what will work and give you inner peace is to walk away and to forgive and to forget don't let arguments get to you, being Indigo's you tend to take on others feelings  as well as your own, guilt shows up in how your body reacts so listen to it, let go forgive all parties including yourself and you will be able to move on emotionally where you need to go.
ASK FOR A SIGN - You must be doubting yourself again so call on your Angels for a sign have and open heart, mind and you will receive your sign because our Angels are always sending signs if we are blocking them you may not pick up on the guidance or the signs being sent to you. You might get your signs through song lyrics, conversations, feathers that catch your eye, etc. if you are not sure if what you get is a sign ask again the Angels don't mind as they want you to get their messages and signs, you will sense when it is your sign trust they are guiding and sending you signs all the time it is up to us to listen and have a knowing and intuition of that sign. You are loved and never alone.
FOCUS ON YOUR STRENGTHS - (Apollo) from one of our Ascended Masters - Focus on what it is you are good at instead of what you can't do or don't have when we focus on what we are good at those things increase, so don't doubt what it is you can do as you are an awesome human and have more strengths then you know your doubting is blocking you from seeing how strong and courageous you really are. When we focus on the wrong things they become a part of our reality you must remember we are all individuals and we all have different values and strong points so don't compare yourself to someone else ever because we are all individual souls on this earth. Love you for being you.

YOU ARE UNDERSTOOD - There is that doubting coming in again your letting your ego drag you down with the negative thoughts you are telling yourself. Chin up and push on because you are understood by those that love you and your Angels you are built to have specific characteristics as an Indigo so don't let other people's failings of not being able to understand you get you down, I know some times it feels you are alone when you are not being understood by those around you it is just a part of our spiritual growth to feel this way (misunderstood and alone) it is because our own energy vibration is raising because of this energy growth. Hang in there we are heading home..
YOU'RE ON THE RIGHT PATH - From Archangel Michael you are heading in the right direction on your spiritual path, our angels are always guiding us in the right direction it is just our ego that tries to pull us off course by causing doubts, when you give in to these doubts you are causing negative blocks in your guidance it is always good to stay focused on LOVE and positivity because we are always where we are meant to be at any particular time. The prayer on the card "Archangel Michael, I call upon you now. Thank you for giving me loud and clear guidance that I easily understand. Thank you for motivating me with the courage and confidence to make healthful life changes."
My LOVE is always unconditional - to have conditions is a form of control.
No-one - Alicia Keys
and another song if you aren't sick of it yet.
I'm Always Thinking Out Loud like Ed Sheeran
xx Missing you come back soon. xx
Sending Love and Light
Thanks for what you do Indigo's
Don't ever stop being
Who you are..
Love you always

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