Sunday 25 January 2015

Indigo Angel Message xx

G'day a beautiful day  here today we had storms roll in about 3pm yesterday the sun is out today so my washing will get dried.. I love looking at the cloud formations here are some photo's I took on Friday.

I've just drawn the cards for the Indigo messages for this week. Sending lots of love and light to all Indigo's that find there way to my blog listen to your own inner guidance as you read my post for your own personal message..
I have used the Archangel Michael deck and the Indigo Angel and The Ascended Masters deck I have drawn 6+2 extra's.
LEAN ON GOD AND THE ANGELS FOR SUPPORT - This card came up last week you may be going through some emotional turmoil at the moment due to the Mercury retrograde as the energy associated with that does stir up old memories from both past life and from the now,  because with the new energy coming in we need to clear out the old first when that happens we tend to be a bit sensitive so if this is happening to you lean on your Angels and God to help pull you through the dark emotional days we are never separated from God or the Angels as they are within us we feel them and their presence if we invite them into our life, call on the Angels to help you let go of the old energy they will wrap their unconditional love around you to bring you peace and peace of mind to know that these feelings are only temporary so they should pass soon.
ASK FOR A SIGN - When in doubt always ask your angels for a sign they are near or for a sign that your dreams will be answered. We have talked about the signs before so keep an eye out for song lyrics, feathers, book suggestions, conversations around you to do with the subject, repetitive thoughts they are heart based etc. your intuition will confirm your sign listen to your feelings as spirit talks through our emotions. Our emotions and feelings pick up on other people's energy so if you are an empathetic and sensitive soul always trust your feelings because it is spirit talking through you to tell you if a person is trustworthy or not.. If you are unsure of where to go to next ask your angels for this sign they will tell you what it is you need to do to reach your mission so listen up and use your senses. Always ask for signs when unsure if it was a sign repeat your request and ask for clarification until you are sure it was a sign don't ask for specific signs as our angels like us to work it out for ourselves because it does build up our intuition skills, you usually feel your Angels and they use your emotions and thoughts to get the message to you..
DIVINE TIMING - Things always come to you in divine time because if it involves other people you both have to be ready to be at the right place at the right time. Most of our life revolves around other people and when they come into our life or you theirs you both have to be in a spiritual place or in the same energy to meet. Only humans have time so divine time means when the angels and god see you are ready for the next challenge or mission the time in spirit is always now so your soul only gives signals in the now for when you are ready, your soul will always know when the time is right until that time you just need to follow your heart and just go with the flow, if you worry about it or fret over how things will happen you only block what it is you are trying to manifest.
MAKE A COMMITMENT - If you know what your divine life purpose is it is time to commit to it and do the hard yards and work towards your mission by loving your self enough to follow your guidance, Archangel Michael will give you the courage and stamina to see you through what you know you need to do, our divine life purpose usually means committing to the divine plan your soul made at it's conception if you are still unsure of this life purpose you need to go soul searching as all the answers are within you. Archangel Michael will help you find this so call on him to walk you through the steps you need to take then take action needs to be taken by you when you get this guidance otherwise it may take longer to get to where you need to go to fulfil your mission.. Prayer on card "Archangel Michael, as the angel of courage and confidence, I call upon you to lend me your strength. Allow me to commit to myself, my life, and my Divine Purpose. Please clearly guide me so I can fully open my heart to every experience." So really you need to commit to yourself to sort out your own inner self and changing to what it is you are guided to do by your Angels when you do this you will have inner peace and knowing that you are fully supported with whatever it is you chose to do, most of what has landed in your lap was to help you learn and if things were tough when you had to let go of what was the angels were by your side then as they have been your whole life. You have always been protected as you have such an important role to play now in this present moment..
PERSISTENCE - Never give up on your dreams or with what it is you were handed to take care of on your mission, things always don't go to plan because other people's freewill choices are always involved so they may not always do what you were expecting, hold no expectations just go with what ever challenges arise you will end up getting your answer no matter how long it takes just never give up until in your mind there is nothing more you can do because some things are out of our control.
PATIENCE - Patience is a virtue so while waiting for the divine timing to kick in persist with the directions you are given and go with the flow of life. Hang in there things will fall into place they always do eventually.
Pictured is a clear quartz crystal  
CRYSTALS - This card came out as well crystals have certain properties to them some help ground our energy, others help lift it so we can feel, hear of see the energy that is brought to us from spirit I think this card is suggesting you look into crystals and how they may be able to help you focus and ground yourself when you are feeling a bit up in the air or down in the dumps we always need to balance our energy so we stay centred in the here and now so we are at peace and have harmony within our own life..
What to focus on card - DETACH FROM DRAMA - (Ascended Master Pallas Athena) whether this is drama we created our self through our ego or the emotions being dredged up with the Mercury Retrograde this could even be Drama created by the people around you that are dragging you into it so their negativity is affecting you, it is time to detach from any drama that is in your life so focus on what it is and why it is creating disharmony with in you then call on your Angels and ask them to help you cut cords or to do whatever it is so you are no longer a part of any drama's that surround you.
 Always be your true self don't put a mask on so others accept you if they can't accept the real you it is their problem for not seeing your awesomeness.. You will never find true happiness or peace if you can't be the real you for the real you needs to be loved for who you are, don't change for others only change for your self  because you will never be satisfied if you change for someone else it will cause resentment towards them for trying to make up to their expectations of who you are.. For if you can't love you enough how can you expect others to see the real you if you put a mask on your soul.
Two songs today - you maybe sick of this one but here it is anyway
Loving you always, you are a part of my soul my essence xx
Nights in White Satin - Moody Blues
Sending Love and Light
This week it sounds like you need to be
Patient while you wait
for Divine Timing
Persistence with
your mission and
making a commitment
to yourself to do what you
need to and calling
on your Angels and God
when you need help
then watch for the signs.
Love you always

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