Monday 19 January 2015

Daily Guidance - Call on your Angels for Healingxx

Hi all my daughter dropped in on Friday she has about 14 days to go before I am a Nanna so anytime now can't wait. I gave her a present so she could take to the hospital a Nappy bag full of stuff I've been buying through the year and I have a little swing thing on Layby for after she has the bubba..
Well the boys just pulled up so much for my peace and quiet time now, it was raining over where they were camping so they came home early.. Master 12 is now in the shower he has black feet so I don't want the carpet to wear the consequences of that..
I've just drawn the cards for today I have called on Archangel Michael and the Ascended Masters deck.. carry this message on all the time not necessary just for today if you are sick call on Archangel Raphael to help with his healing green energy..

ASK ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TO HELP YOU WITH THIS SITUATION -  Whatever your situation is you can always call on Archangel Michael to help you deal with it for more clarification about what the situation might be I drew another card and the situation might involve your health and healing whether it is your physical health or mental or emotional health you can call on your Archangels to help Raphael is good to call for physical illnesses so is the Ascended Master Hilarion. If you need emotional healing from past or present experiences you may need to cut the cords of attachment that you have with a person or even material possessions if you are having emotional issues about moving or selling a house because our cords of emotional attachment are energetic ties that bind us to either people or material things we become dependant on if you feel you no longer want to associate with people that are no longer interested in the things you are but you feel connected to them but they are only dragging you down you can call on Archangel Michael to cut those ties that bind you or he can just tidy them up and get rid of the negative vibe you have with the person so only love or positive ties remain.. Those negative energies you pick up from other people can drag you down emotionally and drain you of your own energy as you are so focused on helping them you neglect yourself and the more you help the more they depend on your energy to prop them up, which is no good for your health as it will end up stressing you out.. To heal from emotional pain from your past you need to forgive yourself and other and let go of that pain that no longer serves you because your soul has moved on when the situation ended your lessons were learnt, to reflect back on it what was it you learnt you can't change what was meant to be so you need to let it go..
Some quotes - You hold all the power over your emotions no-one can make you feel or react in a certain way only if you let them. So let your anger subside let them own it, walk away and leave them
with their own problems, don't become a part of something they need to deal with internally, you are not at fault for how they react unless you intentionally provoke them if you did expect the consequences of your actions mirrored back at you..
I'm sure I can feel you some times as my heart expands.
Love you always
Music from another of my favourite movies Titanic
Celine Dion
My Heart Will Go On..
Love is eternal it goes with our
soul as it is infinite..
Sending Love and Light
Love you always
said that but it's true
Sweet Dreams

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