Saturday 10 January 2015

Mother Mary message xx

Hi all well that day just zipped past it is raining here today so I've not done a great deal I've been out for most the day so only just getting around to the messages from Mother Mary and your Angels..
GRACE - Mother Mary wants us to see how beautiful we really are so on the inside as well as the out side so your self-worth is perfect for the lessons you came to learn on this your life journey when things don't seem to be going right the first ones we blame for what goes wrong is our self, so it's time to really see how graceful you can be when you are faced with the difficult situations in your life, start by not seeking blame on self or others because not everything is within our control the only things we can really control is how we feel and react to any situation that comes up.
HEAVEN IS WATCHING OVER YOU - From your Guardian Angel and your loved ones from your soul family are watching over you and guiding you always, they also send you love and ask you if you need help just ask as they would love to help you, keep the faith and in divine time your requests will be answered.
FIONA an angel says that "Now you've asked for Heaven's help, be open to receiving Divine guidance and assistance. You deserve Heaven's help!" .. So if you have recently asked for help from your Angels watch for the signs, like repeated thoughts and ideas,  a lot of guidance comes through our dreams but it is usually in symbolism so you may need to decipher your dreams write down what you can remember on waking,  through song lyrics, other people's conversations around you about the subject matter you enquired about the signs are always there you will sense when it is your guidance (your intuition).
So all up believe in yourself and that you are being watched over and guided by your angels these cards came up because of yesterdays post where I asked you to ask your angels if there is was anything you wanted to know I guess they are telling me they are answering you so watch out for those signs and your thoughts and feeling listen to your heart your angels speak to you through it with love.

Knowledge on who you are and your soul is Wisdom waiting to be discovered
Knowledge of self is powerful more than you could imagine, to know oneself is to know
Music Black Sorrow's - Harley & Rose
just because I love a bit of Black Sorrows now and again.
and another Cold Chisel - All For You
Sending Love and Light
Open your heart and let it in
Love you always
Sweet dreams take notes
when you wake up
as it could be your

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