Sunday 18 January 2015

Indigo Angel Messages xx

Good day it is now Sunday afternoon a beautiful day with a slight cool breeze wafting through my window as I type this up I am on my own again the boys all decided to go camping so they left this morning for a couple of days I have work so no rest for me.. I am doing housework today amongst other stuff like reading, meditating and washing the dog.. As well as doing this reading which I've just drawn the cards.. Sending Love and Light out to all Indigo's that find their way to my blog I love you always remember that xx
EXPRESSION - You need to express how you feel and speak your mind as that is why Indigo's came down to assist with the new energy at this time as you are a part of revealing the truth to the public as you find it out you know your field of expertise and for what section you came to reveal because you will have a passion for whatever subject matter the one that drives you, what makes you angry and you are drawn to it like a magnet that is your purpose..
WRITE - from the Ascended Masters your greatest weapon is to write down your findings wether through blogs, books, news articles whatever your method to inform the public is the way you should get the truth out there for with this new energy people are awakening to those corrupt and the old systems that no longer work with this energy coming in  this will include education, government, judicial, medical systems. The next wave of evolved kids which have started to arrive are much wiser then those born in the old energy the new wave of kids are Indigo kids so look that up and you will see the old systems don't seem to fit them or the Crystal children as they are born with a knowing of who they are already they will have you worked out in no time and what their role is within society. So once the older Indigo's have broken the systems the new Indigo generation will take off where you left off so writing will be essential to see where we once were in the future we will no longer turn to what it used to be like because of the new energy but we do need to get rid of the old first which is a part of the Indigo's mission at the current time.
AUTHORITY - Being Indigo's you are coming into contact with authority figures all the time and you know which ones don't hold a sense of fairness about them with the rules they make sometimes the actions of authority figures might make you angry but try to be diplomatic when dealing with those people as you will put the backs up of those in power by being a source of truth to them, not everyone likes being faced with a few home truths especially those that wield some power in the systems you are dealing with, so be prepared for the fight back responses you will probably get served, call on Archangel Michael to shield, protect and give you courage when you need it which will most likely be daily.. To shield your self call on Archangel Michael to surround you with his bright white light of protection and to also cut any cords of attachment you have to anyone you are dealing with that you no longer wish to be associated with.
LEAN ON GOD AND THE ANGELS FOR SUPPORT - When dealing with others or for when you are doubting yourself and why you have come here the Angels and God will be there for you to lean on and to help you manifest what it is that you need for your mission, your mission has most likely come to you and most of your work will come to you by default because spirit knows who you are so don't be afraid to ask for assistance to bring in what you need by way of work, material goods or anything that will help make your life easier while you fulfil your purpose because you do have a legion of Angels and guides at your disposal they do need you to ask first before they will step in and help you, you must also trust, believe, and have faith that what you need will come when you need it as divine time is always now for them so things will come at the right time.. You also need to have trust, faith and believe in your own self-worth and everything you have ever been through in your life was to build you up for the current time.
STAY - A message for you to stay the course if you have found yourself in a bit of a tight spot or difficult spot as it is only temporary and most likely a part of your lesson or you needing to learn something because it is where you are going next, Indigo's would of gone through a lot of lessons in their life time as they have had a lot to learn in a short space of time, so each lesson would of come to you at the right time in your life as you would of gained a lot of knowledge that you needed to learn depending on what your mission is your past would of all been directed towards where you are know and what it is you are looking into, so stay the course because you are always where you are meant to be at any given stage of your life. On the card is a picture of two angels sitting on a cloud symbolism that you are not alone on this journey..
YOU'RE ON THE RIGHT PATH - which confirms what you may of already known and what the previous card was about, our heart is our soul centre so deep in your heart you know you are on the soul path you set out, if you are still unsure you can call on Archangel Michael, Metatron your spirit guides they will reassure you. Don't keep second guessing yourself trust you and your own self worth when it comes to what you are dealing with and call on your angels when you need them as you are never alone and they are always with you just waiting for you to invite them to help you.. On card "keep doing what you're doing, because it's working"
I did draw one more card as I was guided to 5 different decks today and I asked what is was you need to focus on and this card "IF YOU GET NERVOUS, FOCUS ON SERVICE" came out which is a general lightworker card for when they are having doubts about themselves and what it is they are doing and if what the messages and guidance they are getting is real, trust that it is,  if your heart and mind are open to receiving the energy from the spirit realm trust that it is real and what you feel, see, hear and sense is real it totally amazes me the more I learn and the more I hear from other lightworkers of their experiences with the unknown. Everything and everyone is guided by the divine source as it lies within us wether we believe in God, Angels and all things esoteric, we may not all be awake to picking up the energy as we do have to tune in to the higher frequency of energy to pick it up simply by being open to it you are being receptive of hearing your angels and guides. So when in doubt think of the service you are providing and how you are helping others simply by shining your light into dark places as that is what all lightworkers do what ever service they are destined to carry out which they are guided to as most of it just lands in your lap without much effort from you.. on the card "Put your entire intention on answering the question, 'How can I make the world a better place?' and the Law of Attraction will automatically take care of your needs."

I like this quote as I know I observe more than I speak having a quiet nature
you never know what is running through my mind it could be many things.
One last timely quote from Doreen Virtue reminding if one door closes on us it is just making way for a better opportunity to come our way, we are always where we are meant to be even if we don't like the current position we are in know that it is only a temporary one while we wait for the next door to open for us so hang in there, patience for divine timing will bring you that opportunity you have been praying for.

Usher Version of You'll Be In My Heart
Phil Collins as well both awesome love
this song who ever sings it.. enjoy...
Sending Love and Light
You are in my heart
Where ever you are
Love you always
you are lovable
just as you are.
Have a great day
and night..

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