Friday, 31 October 2014

Knowing others and Play xx

Hi I hope you are all having a great day, mine has been good so far I went and got my hair cut, I'm trying to grow it long if my curls will co-operate it looks as if it is permed at the moment did you know our hair grows quicker with the different season's I asked the hairdresser this morning she said you are probably losing a lot at the moment as well and getting rid of your winter! like our pets. I also done the usual weekly errands like shopping and paying bills then work this afternoon.
To know yourself inside and out is to know others as you can easily empathise with anyone that crosses your path. We all have personal power in how we treat others treat them with kindness, love and compassion treat them like you would like to be treated even if they are horrible to you. You don't have to like them but you can be the better person it will show your strength of character.
The best way to make your soul happy and your energy to lift is to laugh but isn't this the truth. I remember watching that movie as a teen around the time of ET, Alf, Gremlins and The Karate Kid awesome classic movies the kids these days don't go much on them though.

This time next week we should be heading off to Melbourne we plan to leave after lunch sometime for the 6hr drive. My Daughter and Son in law are coming as well her belly is getting bigger I think she is planning to go maternity clothes shopping as she doesn't have many options locally and she is a fuss pot when it comes to clothes, she has 14 weeks to go I think she said yesterday then I will be a first time Nanna.
Today my Angel Card message was to Play as it is good for your soul to find your inner child and let her/him free especially if you have been working hard and stressed out. So if you can get out over the weekend and play do what ever it is you enjoy doing like camping, fishing, craft or any of your hobbies.

Music a bit of Michael Buble - Feeling Good
Love his tones
Sending Love and Light
Smile because I love you always
so do your Angels..

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Some quotes, Love & Duality xx

Hi all I haven't put up a post since Sunday a bit slack of me it is now Wednesday night/Thursday morning so I thought I had better get a post or some quotes up.. I have 8 days to go until I go to Melbourne for Doreen Virtue's Angel Card Workshop I can't wait I will be a bit nervous though next week but I will get over that as I know the people going will be like me.
Here is an Ancient Chinese Proverb an invisible thread of love will connect those souls who are already connected as their souls have already been together in a past life or maybe many more, when the time is right they are destined to meet again when all the stars are aligned and they are on the same energy vibration the divine will bring those two souls together for a reunion.. Those two souls would be soul mates or the even stronger spiritual love connection of a twin flame. Only your soul will be able to tell you what the connection is as you will be in their heart and mind all the time once you look into each others eyes the soul will be able to detect the true feelings and if you have the true unconditional love connection. While reading Dr Weiss soul transgression therapy books he would always ask his patients to look in the eyes of the people they could see around them while he had them under to see if they could recognise them from the life they are in now and those that were under did recognise some of the people.. So our eyes the window to our soul must always stay the same in all our incarnations and that is how our soul must recognise those we have loved before. Isn't life amazing when you think about all this stuff like God who created us and why he created us and how humans have evolved from when they first walked on earth till today and all the mod cons that have been invented along the way. LOVE is the reason why we were created in the end from Adam and Eve to who we and our partners, family, friends we (our soul) has been here before learning life lessons as we all do have eternal life which evolves. **Our eyes and energy are the same in every incarnation, we are still connected by LOVE to those souls that have passed over to the other side (heaven) we can sense their energy when they are with us and they do leave little messages if you have an open mind you will know and sense when they are around.**

Today my mind has been very active in deep thoughts as I worked and then went for my walk.. I was thinking about why people lie? I was also thinking about our souls and how wise it is I did start a post at lunch time but ran out of time so lost my train of thought but I will get back to it and other posts as I may be alone this weekend as the boys are talking about going camping.
DUALITY - I was also thinking about how the world is made up of duality every single thing has an opposite we can walk a path of LOVE or FEAR they are the two ends of the scale I walk the path of love so I give to others and don't let my ego get too much say which is how I keep my thoughts clear, if I was to live in fear my ego would want to be boosted all the time but as I am not an attention seeker my ego doesn't need stroking as I know who I am and why I am here I didn't always know this I did go soul searching and still continue to soul search when I feel lost and want to know something. PAIN and JOY we have to experience both in our life journey as you can't have one without experiencing the other. LIGHT and DARKNESS how can we see the light at the end of the tunnel if we have not experienced the  darkness first.. MALE and FEMALE we need both to create a newborn as they just fit together as god intended as we always need an opposite, we all have male and female energy as in previous incarnates you may of been the opposite sex so we carry both energies.. HAPPINESS and SADNESS again we have to experience both on our life journey so we can tell the difference you have to feel sad in order to feel happy after the sadness disappears just don't hang on to the sad part as it will bring you down the NEGATIVE path where you need to see the POSITIVE to counteract and lift the negative out of your life. Life is one of DUALITY as god intended. On your journey of life you need to keep a balance between the duality or you will find yourself stuck in either the negative energy which will cause great sadness and pain they are the energies you need to let go of and not carry around on your soul I don't know if you can have to much happiness and positive energy in your life it may make you feel light so maybe you do need to keep your self grounded and balanced.
People lie out of fear, fear of being rejected, fear of the consequences of their actions if they know they have done something morally wrong or against the law, fear of being caught out.. Stay true to you and your values always then you know you are walking a path of love.
Enjoy the little things in life that make you happy and have a great day.
The little things like music I just love it..
Christina Perri - A Thousand Years
I have loved you for a thousand years
now I have found your soul again.
Wasn't the Twilight series a great love story.
Sending love and light open your
heart to receive it from me
and your Angels.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Mother Mary messages xx

Here is one clean little doggy with her toy
Mother Mary Queen of Angels messages for today the cards are..
Remember you will get your own guidance and messages from reading my posts on
the card readings and messages from Mother Mary and the Indigo Angels, listen to your
own thoughts and feelings.
Statue of Mother Mary
MERCY - Be kind and thoughtful towards your self because most of the time we are our own worse critics and put our self and our abilities down all the time that is our ego and its negative thoughts that do that.. You should also be kind and caring towards others as we are all on our own life path so we all have our own independent thoughts, feelings, belief systems and life lessons to learn so have mercy and try not to judge others until you are in their place and have walked in their shoes you have no idea what they may have been through in their past.  
FEMININE - We all have the feminine and masculine energy within our bodies so allow the feminine side of your nature shine through that would be your nurturing side, your caring side that you use when dealing with others whether you are a male or female, a mother or father. Like all nurturing souls we can be sweet and strong at the same time when having to deal with others try not to let your anger come through if dealing with some one that really tests your emotions, some times to be strong we need to turn the other cheek in order to not let our own anger show because we can say things in anger we don't really mean, but once harsh words are said feelings get hurt and not all people can let those feelings go so will hold it against you later on. We also need to nurture and care for ourselves and to receive love and other gifts when offered to us.
JESUS - Jesus is the Virgin Mary's son we can turn to Jesus to look for help and guidance while on our life's path Jesus fills us with Love, Integrity, Courage and Faith as that is what his message was as he walked the Earth. Jesus, God and Mother Mary all hear our prayers and will answer them if you keep the faith in them and your self to get you through what ever situation you find yourself in whether it is a life changing event or a tough decision you need to make you can turn to either of them or your own Guardian Angel for some guidance open your heart and mind to hear that guidance.
To sum all 3 cards up be kind and thoughtful to others and treat them like you would like to be treated, look after and nurture yourself and others and if you need guidance or extra strength to get you through ask Jesus to help guide and give you the strength and courage you need.
 Music when I drew the Mercy card this song came to my mind.
Motion of Mercy - Francesca Battistelli
Sending Love and Light
Have a great night
sleep tight and sweet dreams
when you get to bed tonight.
I might go and create some cards now.

Indigo Angel messages xx

Well it is another beautiful spring day the sun is out and I've been inside doing domestic duties like cleaning the bathroom, washing the dog, washing clothes, dishes, sweeping the floors etc.. a woman's work is never done so they say as there is always something that needs tending to in a household so no-one should ever be bored not with the amount of cleaning and hobbies that are available to us in this day and age, I do love to create maybe I will get a chance later but the day just seems to get away on you as it is now 2.30pm so I thought I would do the card readings and blog while I had a little bit of time I still have another load of washing to hang out so grateful we have daylight savings as it will give that last load a chance to dry before having to fold and put it away.
Your soul will always know if you have a soul connection and love will be what
connects you as true, real unconditional love has no reason it just is.
A bit like God and your Angels you can't see them but you feel them in your life.
The Indigo cards for this week are..
SEND LOVE - We've had this card a fair bit over the last month as LOVE is the highest vibration and the energy we need to focus on, that emotion when our life starts getting in the negative energy space will lift the vibration of your negative thoughts and behaviours if you are feeling lost or think that something or some situation you are currently in is not fair and it is giving you negative thoughts towards a person or towards yourself it needs to stop.  Replace that negative energy your mind is creating into a positive and send Love to those that are bringing you down, you don't have to hang out with them or be in the situation that is causing you this negative energy, maybe try and look at the situation from a different angle to find a positive. Love will lift your own energy let other people wallow in there own negativity if that is the situation you are in don't let their attitude or demeanour bring you down.. Send love to those that are in your heart whether they are alive or have passed over as all thoughts are lifting the universal energy vibration. I send my love to all Indigo souls as they are very sensitive to all energy that is directed at them or by them.. Smile and find something that brings joy to your heart and soul to rid yourself of the negativity that might be surrounding you.
PATIENCE - If you are in the process of manifesting your hearts desire or your dream be patient as the time may not be right at the moment and you may still have a few lessons to learn before they are manifested, try not to rush things as they may not work out if the timing is not right. Have faith that God and the Archangels have heard your prayers and they will be answered in divine time when things are as they should be.. Whether your dreams are to do with relationship matters, job prospects or other life changing decisions you need to consider,  trust that God and the Angels are working on your dreams never give up on them and trust in yourself that they will manifest the more you worry about how your dreams are going to work the more you are blocking them from occurring. "Patience is a virtue" so the saying goes.
EXPLORE - The final card is explore so you must be exploring ideas probably those ones you need to have the patience for to happen. Maybe you have a few ideas floating about in your mind to do with your future and your life in general and where you fit in in the scheme of things, search your soul for answers keep your mind open to all possibilities and if you decide on any one thing and you find it is not the right path you should be taking you can always change tack and go on a different path later on as maybe the patience card also has something to do with what you are thinking or feeling at the current time and are just in a hurry to make things happen before they should.. I'm sure you will work things out after you clear your mind and do that soul searching for your answers, try and follow what your heart is telling you to do and you should be okay..
Some relaxing music and gorgeous images from a blogger mate from
another site I visit daily.
Thanks Muso xx
Sending Love and Light to you
and to all Angels that look down
on us keeping us on track.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Have faith xx

Good morning all it is another beautiful day in my part of the World I hope it is where you reside as well I hope you get a chance to get out and do something that will make your heart and soul sing this weekend. Other then grocery shopping I have no plans maybe a walk with the dog and Sammy later and that blog post of his journey I haven't got around to yet. I'm not one for making plans at least not to far ahead as I go with the flow of life and take a day at a time as most days are the same with the same obligations one has. I don't plan for the future as it usually takes care of itself as I have faith in what destiny has in store for me and that everything will fall into place as it should at the right time..
Yesterday I forgot to put this up.
I pulled one card out from Mother Mary this morning.
The cards you pull out from any Tarot or Oracle deck come
 by the Law of Attraction so are in spiritual truth the message you
are meant to get by what your soul is asking.
Have faith in God and his Divine Plan for us as we walk along this our life's path know that everything is already in divine order and things you dream of or wish for will happen in divine time when everything is as it should be. Use your freewill and choices that have been provided to all our souls if you are struggling with some thing at the moment and need to make some life changing decisions listen to your heart  and have faith and trust that is your divine guidance and your souls purpose you are fulfilling when making any decisions that may affect your future. You always have more chances if you feel that you are not where you should be as things will always change in divine order and you will get to be on the right path and fulfil your life purpose that was pre-determined before you came to this your current life. Our life and our death is pre-determined by our soul before coming to earth and the lessons we need to learn on this trip as well was established it is part of our souls lesson to find out what our path is as we all go soul searching at critical times in our lives. We  will always end up where ever we are meant to be at any given point of our life, if you feel you are not in the place you are meant to be currently maybe it is time for a change listen to what your feelings are telling you as your thoughts and your feeling are your divine guidance. Just keep the faith and trust in yourself and God that you are both working together to put you on the right path to fulfilling your life purpose.

 Most days I pull a card out from the Messages from your Angels Daily Guidance Oracle cards today I thought I would put it up for all of you as well.
So have confidence in your self and what you know and that God does work through you everyday if your confidence does waver at times call on your Angels to restore it. I know I need to work on my confidence in doing this oracle card reading as I feel I get the messages through both my thoughts and feelings as my ego is the part that causes doubts about what I know and feel usually when you question yourself about what you know and feel is the times that those doubts creep in and you think you are imagining things, then you get a reality check and you know this stuff is for real and we are being guided into being the best we can be as a human at any given time.. Again it comes down to "Faith and Trust" in both yourself and in God that you know what is best for you and your soul as you go through any changes in life.
If you can find something to be grateful about each day and keep positive thoughts running through your heart, mind and soul you can create your own Heaven on Earth while in this life time as all the chaos of the World goes on around you if every person done this it would be a peaceful planet. One person at a time can change the energy of the universe and that person is you..
Today I am grateful that you come and visit my blog and that the Angels are in my life.
I love David Palmer I was just watching this about his talks.
Some relaxation Celestial tones this morning it is playing as I type this.
It goes for 3 hours so you may not want to listen for that long.
 Sending Love and Light to you
and my Angels open your
heart and mind so you can hear
their guidance and feel their presence.
I will do my 3 card readings tomorrow.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Life Changing xx

Hi all that come and visit my blog.. I've just been thinking today of life and things that happen to us while we are on this our life journey in this our current incarnation, as all our souls are eternal and will come back again to learn more lessons. This life time has been fairly carefree for me but that is just how my mind works and has always worked as I don't depend on others to get me through as I have always been this way when hurt I don't turn to any body but my self to get me through the tougher life challenges I have faced.  As we are evolving souls every experience we have is to show us a lesson for our soul even the loss of some one is a lesson in love and how much we miss their presence when they are not here.. I know the loss of my son was a life changing event for me in that it had me searching for answers into where he went? and why? that answer only came to me recently  I'm still learning a lot about life and death as I go on my search for life's answers and why things happen the way they do.
We all go through something to help our soul evolve and grow some it may be sickness, or having to look after someone that is sick so caring for them, having a disabled child would be a big learning curve for any soul that has had that happen in their lifetime as they would have to show unconditional love to tend to the disabled child or adult, just having a child is a life changing event for the mum and dad as it is again a lesson is unconditional love and selflessness as that child represents you putting them and their welfare before your own. Every single one of us would of had some life experience where it has changed you and your general out look on life.. After my son Phillip died I know I didn't see things the same as money meant nothing or even less to me it's only a means to an end and a way to survive and put bread and butter on the table so I'm not a career minded person as caring and looking after my family was a priority for me, I didn't or don't need expensive jewels, holidays or materials things to make me happy just having others around me happy and healthy and looked after is enough I don't really need anything for me what I do I buy myself and that is my craft stuff. Some people I think don't/ didn't understand this and thought I was missing out on something I couldn't see what myself as I had everything I needed. Now I am working I do enjoy it as I know the bosses I work for need me as they could find no one else interested to fill the positions and I give 100% effort in what ever I do.  I felt much like this quote I picked up on FB one day..
Every time when you hear of a child dying as a parent that has lost a child you feel that same pain over and over again as you know how the parent of that child is feeling at that moment. I always feel for the parents of that child as I knew of the pain they are/were feeling it is a pain you learn to live with as you have to keep going yourself even in the early days of grief you knew you had to hang in there as it was not your time to join that child as much as you wanted to as the pain is that great. Every one handles grief differently some turn to addictions, some just go numb and block out any emotion so as not to feel the pain so may find it hard to give to others emotionally for a while sometimes many years, we all find our ways to try and cope with such a loss. Having a child die is one of the hardest things a parent would have to go through. To go through that and not be a changed person is not realistic as it is the most unbearable pain I ever went through, since then I have said to myself -"No matter what anybody says or does it could never hurt as much as when I lost my son Phillip", so all the trivial crap seems to go over my head as it is not important in the scheme of things.

How true is this no amount of money will ever buy you moral fibre or happiness
those things are governed by what we think, feel and how we act when faced with
temptations that are put before us through out our lives.
Stay true to your self and your value's.
Our soul is the spirit it is our light within so let it shine with love and positivity for others to be guided or inspired by because we as humans have all suffered some pain and loss in our lives at some stage and we have got through it. Share your pain and loss with others to help them know they are not alone and to help remove the built up emotions with in your own soul and relieve some of theirs by your experiences.  
Music today is Landslide by Fleetwood Mac.
I love this song because some of life changes has us going into an emotional landslide where we have to go soul searching and seeking answers to know if we are on the right life path, that is a question only our soul knows. As you do get older you seek those questions more so as you have become wiser.
Sending Love and Light
to you and your loved ones
in heaven know they are
still beside you and watching
over you and your family.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Let Go and Every time you cry xx

Hi all it is my lunch break again see if I can get a post and a couple of quotes in that were on my Facebook wall this morning, well one was the other one I did google earlier this morning. I walked a bit further this morning and done 4.176km if I do another lap I will probably make 5km. Well my motel room is now booked and I have 15 days to go until I go to Melbourne to meet Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine and to become a certified Angel Card Reader I'm a bit nervous and excited at the same time. I love this quote for your soul to be free from the shackle's of your past you need to let go of what no longer serves it, which may include people that are affecting your soul's spiritual growth because of the negativity they attract, if your feel that negativity is dragging you down also it may be time to let that person or situation free as it is no good for your soul to be hurt and angry all the time, you should be living a life of happiness, love and joy so all the chaos around you doesn't affect your own soul.
You need to be able to love yourself and all your flaws
before you can love some one else.
Call on your Angels to help you 'Let Go' of old hurts, pain, anger, resentment and other emotions your soul doesn't need to carry around with you.
Open your heart to receive the Love, Light and Guidance of your Angels.
One more quote again about letting go so it must be a Universal message at this
time as the planets are causing a lot of emotional upheaval in humans as it is a Mercury
Retrograde so I keep hearing, so 'hang in there' if you are feeling it emotionally
as it will pass when the planets and stars are aligned in a different position.
When you let go of your old pain it may hurt again so you will
encounter more tears but they can be wiped away as you face another
day. Crying is good for the soul to wash away all those pent up emotions
you are carrying deep within your soul.
We each have our own Angels that are with us through out our life time they
watch over us and when asked they will help you just be aware they are
around if you believe, have faith and trust you will notice their presence.
Build a bubble of light and love around you to beat the harsh
energy some souls may be going through. Ask one of the Archangels
to assist you in shielding from that harsh energy of others.
Music this song was on the radio when I finished my walk.
Human Nature - Every time you cry..
Every time you cry I will be there to pick you up
to take away the pain when ever you need me
just call on your Angels I will try and get that message
through my own Angels.. I ask for nothing in return
only your inner peace and happiness..
Sending Love and Light to you
and my Angels that help me
through the struggles I some
times encounter on this my Life Journey.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Sending Love xx

Hi all it is another beautiful spring day I do love the weather this time of year, I thought I would do a quick post with quotes while on my lunch break. I was a bit slack with my walking last week as it turned to winter weather for the first couple of days then I think I worked longer at the club for a few days so didn't get to walk, but I did today I brought a pedometer so I now know how far I have walked today I done 3.680km's so same again tomorrow. I love this time of year I'm sure those that need to mow lawns and gardening don't much as it is the time of year you need to be out cutting grass  once a week.
A quote from the Dalai Lama that was on my FB wall I do love the Dalai Lama he gives me a sense of peace maybe because that is the energy he gives off. I do have a few of his books I will eventually get to and read I follow him on Facebook so he puts little quotes up in his posts and his travels. 

 Our life is governed by our thoughts and our thoughts create our reactions and actions so try to stay centred and grounded in the here and now the present moment, don't let your ego and your mind take you to places you don't need to go. Change your outlook if you are in a negative space with your thoughts try and find a positive, just one positive thought can lead to others until you drown out all the negativity.. If you are caught up in someone else's drama that is bringing you down try and distance your self as their fight is not your fight some things you just need to let the other person work out on their own and not become a part of their drama especially if it is bringing you and your own well being down. If you have found your self in a dark place look to your Angels as they hold the Love and the Light to pull you through the hard times your mind is creating.
 Sending lots of love to those that think they are strong and don't need anybody to help pull them through the tough times as they are most likely the people who have built a wall around their heart in order to protect themselves from being hurt again.. So they need twice as much love and support as others because they are never going to tell you if something is wrong..
Music a quick one as I have to go my favourite one again
Remember Love will remove all the negativity
Sending Love and Light
Smile because you are loved
and never alone. Love is
in my heart for you always.

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Mother Mary messages. xx

I do love Mother Mary Queen of Angels as she is very much a nurturer like me and only wants people to be the best they can be so she lovingly guides us but she can be stern when she needs to be to make sure we are on the right path.
A message from Doreen Virtue first
 Today's 3 cards are:-
CARING - Some days we can feel a bit emotionally flat. I am tonight even after having a good day I think it is because we sometimes feel alone and are being taken for granted by those we love that are around us, I'm sure they do not do this intentionally. So the message from Mother Mary is that we  are never alone we are cared for by God and the Angels and we need to keep our hearts open to receive all the love that is given by others and the divine, we should also remember to take care of our self and our own needs especially emotionally as we are in charge of our own welfare you can't depend on others to look after you if you can't look after your own health and emotional well being first. I know a lot of people in the spiritual community often feel alone as a lot of people are ignorant to the things they do not understand so some people lash out at those in the metaphysical world with negativity and as spiritual people are often over sensitive as they need to be for what they do as messages do come in as thoughts and feelings, sight and sounds so your senses are very sensitive to all energy surrounding you.. I haven't experienced any negativity or hostility as yet but I'm sure I will in the future as I awaken to my full potential spiritually.
TRUTH - Truth again we had that card last week, so we should always be truthful to our self in order to be truthful to those we interact with, maybe sometimes I am to truthful and maybe confuse some people with my intentions which are always from the heart. We all have our own truths they are the things we believe in our belief systems and values so we should always be true in revealing to others what our truth is as not every one's truth is your truth so you should be tolerant of all people and what they believe in.
DEVOTION - This goes along with the card truth and if you believe something don't be tempted by others to change your own value systems or your moral fibre stay true to yourself and what it is you want from life like love don't fall for other people's promises if you know they won't commit or their values don't fit yours as that relationship will never work, when you have to compromise your own integrity. If you are lost remind yourself what is important to you? and devote yourself to that, which is most likely part of your life purpose and your souls commitment it made to itself before you were born into this your current life.
So to sum all three cards up take care of you and your own needs, stay truthful to what it is you believe in and stay on course and devote your energy to that what is most important to you and your own value systems.
Don't let other people's negativity drag you down.
Music I love this song I think the words in it are calling all lightworkers and Earth Angels
to awaken as your time has come to change this the planet into a better world.
Scorpions - Send me an Angel
Sending Love and Light again
May God send you an Angel
and you don't miss your calling
Sweet Dreams

Indigo Angel messages xx

Sending love to any Indigo souls that have found their way to my blog on this beautiful spring day. I've been out meeting some of my Victorian family we were celebrating my niece getting married last week and met up in Albury I went down with my mum, daughter and son in law we had a good time and a good meal. Sending my gratitude to the Indigo's and what you contribute to society in your own way as you all have your own divine purpose and calling on Earth at this time in order to make the World we live in a much better place to be. Which brings me to the cards this week I get the feeling you have been questioning and doubting yourself a lot lately with the cards that just came out. I like to choose 3 cards maybe after this course I can work with more the 3 cards represent Past, Present and Future so it could be anytime from now or coming up.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - I do love Archangel Michael he is there for all of us to help us with our life purpose no matter who we are but he is also the Archangel that is beside all Indigo's as they have a very important job he will give those Indigo's Courage, Strength and shield them from all negative energy as the Indigo spirit is continually attacked and those whose truth they are revealing will try and shut them down at every turn, that is why an Indigo soul does need to have an ego and confidence in order to do what they do but in having that they also tend to have a lot of self doubts about who they are and what their divine purpose is that is where you can call on Archangel Michael as he is the one closest to god and knows all that is written in your Akashic record so he can guide you on your way. If you have become a bit lost on your current path seek guidance as all your answers can be found within you as it is written on your own soul, seek it out go within your self and do some soul searching. Call on Archangel Michael whenever you have any issues to deal with as he can help you release what is bothering you.
DIVINE PURPOSE - I mentioned some of that above it seems some one must be struggling at the moment on what their Divine Purpose is maybe you are having self doubts and questioning yourself and what life means at the moment all the answers you are seeking are written on your soul, if you look at what you are passionate about what is driving you, your obsession that is your purpose this purpose may also stir up your emotions and make you angry at what some humans are getting away with. All your life experiences you have had so far were lessons for your soul to bring you to this point in your life so far, it may of not been easy for you as Indigo's are often misunderstood because they seem so strong but they are also super sensitive and pick up on others negative energy quite easily which will bring you down. Ask Archangel Michael to help you find your Divine Purpose if you are feeling a bit lost, listen to your intuition and your feelings and thoughts to hear the messages, quiet your mind and open your heart to receive those messages.
COMPASSION - Treat others how you would like to be treated as the way we act comes back at us, have compassion and empathy towards those you are dealing with as not everyone can handle the truth so they will fight back. The energy you are giving out will be returned so if you are hostile and angry at someone that treatment will be mirrored back to you especially around those that love you and only want the best for you they aren't trying to control you try and see it from their point of view and look at your own actions.  Remember you will get your own messages from reading my post so listen to your own thoughts and feelings, have faith and trust in yourself that you are where you're meant to be.
Music I do love this song from City of Angels
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
Life is never easy but we can get through the tough days
Open your heart let the Love and Light in
to hear your Divine Guidance if you are feeling
alone and lost.
Sending my Love and Light.
I love you always no matter
what chaos is going on around me.

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Forgiveness xx

Hi all this is the second post I've started today I will put the other one up later I'm waiting on a few Facebook replies about our very wise soul that knows it's way in this our life if we can learn to listen to it we would be on the right path all the time, even when we have doubts about where we are going.. To look after your soul in this life time you need to forgive those from either your past or  present if they have hurt you, you do this for your own soul not for their benefit as they could not care or less as sometimes anger does get the better of us as a human emotion, we feel anger if the other person is not giving us what we want or they are not the person we expected they were.. This is the reason I don't expect anyone to be anything other then the person they are so don't hold judgements or expectations on them for making me feel a certain way as I know I am the one in charge of my own feelings and no one can make me feel anything I don't want to feel, so I let things go over my head when they attempt to hurt me and not let it get to me as that is how we work ourselves up by what goes on in our minds. I can generally tell when someone is not being their true self so no one can usually get anything past me no matter what other people's opinions are of someone I make my own mind up by listening to my feeling and intuition.
Negative people and emotions are toxic to your soul so the less of them you have in your life the better, surround yourself with optimistic people and do things that are good for your soul do things that make you happy and feel fulfilled. If you just can't get away from the negative people that pop into your life you can shield and protect your self by asking Archangel Michael to clear the negative energy away from your space, so you don't carry in on board your own soul. Some times our little soul can get lost in the big world around us so it is good to clear your mind, centre and ground yourself by doing those things you enjoy as often as you can, getting out in nature is a great way to do that I live near the mountains but would love to be near the beach as it is a great cleanser for your soul with the salty air and water a great way to detox your soul where you can just sit and watch the ocean.  I pulled the Ocean Oracle card out for me yesterday so I can only dream of walking up the beach and watching the waves.
Choose your battles as hurt feelings can last a long time if you are the sort of person that just can't let go of your anger and seeks revenge. One of my sisters is the sort of person that holds grudges but then not tell you why she has got the shits so you have to walk on egg shells in order to not upset her, me I like to know when someone has the shits with me because if you don't know what someone's problem is you can't fix it especially if it is something that you either said or done, it is no good to bottle up your feelings if you don't know how to get rid of them from your mind or soul, it is also beneficial for the person that is angry to get what is bothering them out in the open. My other 2 sisters will tell you if you have hurt them not that I hurt any of my sisters or anyone on purpose, I'd hurt myself before hurting another person.

The song I have on now is Katy Perry - This Moment
I do love the lyrics in some of Katy's songs as they are
very spiritual.
The one's that will win are the one's that let love in
Live for the moment as you can't tell what the
 future will be,  the past is gone and you have
learnt your lessons from it.
Sending Love and Light
Open your heart and let it
flood in to light up your soul
so you can hear your Angels sing.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Thank God xx

G'day all!! -  this was just on my FB wall how true everyone Thanks God it is Friday especially if you don't work on the weekends, I'm sure glad it is Friday as my weekends are now free as my workmate is back that cleans on the weekend he is the Club steward I think so he does a bit of everything around the place from repairs to working behind the bar and cleaning. I thank god for everyday even if there are bad one's as some days I'm sure you wished you stayed in bed because everything seems to go wrong I haven't had one of those for a while so all is good, if you are having a bad day try not to worry as you get another turn tomorrow and it should be a great one if you carry that thought in your mind.
After my last post I'm sure you have had memories sneak down your cheeks as well, try not to bottle your feeling up as it is not good for your soul, if you feel you can't tell anyone your feeling write a letter to the Angels, to the person you are missing if they have passed over, to your self as it helps to get it out of your system so you can let the pain go.
As hard as it is to let go you have to try to LET GO AND LET GOD take care of your pain and what ever it is that is blocking your heart from feeling LOVE again.. The person that has gone to the spirit world (heaven) doesn't want to see you in pain or to have to carry the burden on your own soul they only want you to be happy and to get on with your life so you can love again and to not build walls around your heart in order to protect your self from being hurt again. I know I done that for many years but my heart is now open again and the love is flowing in and out as I share it all with you, you need to do it for your own soul and so you can find your inner peace.
Get out this weekend and do something that makes you happy and relaxed do it for your soul as well your worth it. I might make some cards tomorrow as I want to fill a box full to give away for a raffle they are having up the club for a little girl who has a brain tumour so they are raising money, her grandad works at the school as a handyman, her nan did work there as well but I now have her job.
Also my son (19) got the job today that he went for an interview for he seems to be a bit lost on the job front as he doesn't stay at one place for to long and he has big dreams and ego to go with it, he would really love to work with earthmoving machines like his pop. He will be working around silo's and seed so the harvesting industry  I think about 3 hours from home not that I see much of him or hear from him often, he turns up unannounced most times then is gone just as fast without telling us where he is going. He is so much like his grandfather it is not funny.
It's official my ticket came yesterday.. 'Yay'!! - 18 days to go.
It came with that Oracle Card in it from the Indigo Angel Deck
Release and Relax .. So let go of your past pain and relax and
live and love for now this present moment.
Music today the last song on my iPod I listened to
Bridge of Light
Another song that just came up on my FB wall
My favourite version of Sarah McLachlan's song
"Arms of an Angel"
Sending Love and Light
Open your heart don't shut
the love and light or your
Angels out.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Why xx

Hi all I'm still here I will put some photo's up of my birthday boy from Monday and his little journey into the World. I have been a bit run off my feet over the last couple of days so I haven't found time to scan some photo's and blog them.. I was longer at work this morning as they have had a busy week at the club with 180 Pioneers of the town (aged 65+) had a big dinner last night so I had the pleasure of cleaning away some of the mess, it is great living in a small community when people rally around to put things on like this for the oldies who love having a get together, I did hear they didn't want to go home last night. Just a few quotes before I head off to work this afternoon.. Our little town is also the backdrop for a movie coming up one day starring Sam Neil and Jeffery Rush it's called  'The Daughter', they had the clubs car park shut off this morning and the supermarket as well had no access as they were filming inside.. The film crew have been around for about a month and using different scenery from around the district.
May you always have
A sunbeam to warm you
A moonbeam to charm you
A sheltering Angel
So nothing can harm you
Laughter to cheer you
Faithful friends near you
And whenever you pray
Heaven to Hear you

Why?? was a question I always had after I lost my son it took me 16 years and a letter (I did ask the angels to help me write this letter) to re open my heart and hear the messages that we don't need to carry the burden of someone's loss in our hearts the spirit of my son was set free once I realised that.  I still miss him but I do have an inner peace and strength to carry me through the tough days that life does throw at you.
This quote came up on my FB wall the other day and the first thought as to why things happen for a reason is that we are being divinely guided and we don't always understand at the time why things happen as the reasons usually make themselves known further down the track and we know that things had to turn out the way they did.. I could never understand 'why me' and 'why my' son was taken from me so young at only five but I now understand that it had to be that way in order for both Phillip's soul and for Mine to grow spiritually and to evolve so I can pass on my thoughts to you to try and help you to know that everything does happen for a reason, so try not to blame your self and carry guilt over things that were not in your control as it is a burden on your own soul and heart you should not have to carry. It still hurts though when you lose someone especially a child but you don't need to carry the burden and guilt on your own soul as that is not what the person you lost wants or what your own soul needs, some things you just need to let go and give to god to deal with in order to find your own inner peace, it doesn't mean you love the person you lost any less it means your own well being is where it should be.. **Did you know I watched my son die that is not the easiest thing for a mum to go through and I generally don't talk about it as I can't bring myself to talk about it (especially with the family that are around me) that is how I keep my self composed as I don't like to cry in front of others I never have even on the blog and when I wrote that letter it wiped me out emotionally for near 2 days till I could bring my self around again so I know how hard it can be for some that keep things bottled up inside, but you just can't let things that have happened to you through out your life play with your mind especially when there was nothing you could of done to change the outcome.. Which goes back to why everything happens for a reason even if in our minds we can't understand it maybe some things will become clearer when we our self return to spirit, but we should wait for that time naturally and not try to do it before our time by our own hand. As I'm sure all of us at some time or other has thoughts about ending it all especially in those hard times I know I have but I could never bring myself to do it because I think about others before myself and how they may of felt on finding me, it was not something I would ever do to them so you just need to get through one day at a time when you are feeling down and low within your own soul and mind. I'm sure the Angels helped pull me through on those tough days, they can help you to if you feel you just can't cope just ask them to take away those negative thoughts and feelings  and replace it with their love and light, which they will do anyway.** p.s. I don't bottle my feelings up or share them with others I go inside myself and talk myself around to the optimistic person I am, I really think the Angels have helped me do this without me knowing it or before I realised they have been around me all my life helping when I needed it. 
Well I had to rush off to work so it is now 6.10pm and I've had a long day so I'm a bit tired I still have domestic duties to do yet so my day isn't finished because if I don't cook we don't eat and I couldn't starve the boys.. I lost my train of thought since I had to rush off so I may add to it later.  One more quote and some music for this post.
Some music I was listening to today
Sending Love and Light
Open that heart so you can receive it
and the messages from your Angels..