Wednesday 15 October 2014

Why xx

Hi all I'm still here I will put some photo's up of my birthday boy from Monday and his little journey into the World. I have been a bit run off my feet over the last couple of days so I haven't found time to scan some photo's and blog them.. I was longer at work this morning as they have had a busy week at the club with 180 Pioneers of the town (aged 65+) had a big dinner last night so I had the pleasure of cleaning away some of the mess, it is great living in a small community when people rally around to put things on like this for the oldies who love having a get together, I did hear they didn't want to go home last night. Just a few quotes before I head off to work this afternoon.. Our little town is also the backdrop for a movie coming up one day starring Sam Neil and Jeffery Rush it's called  'The Daughter', they had the clubs car park shut off this morning and the supermarket as well had no access as they were filming inside.. The film crew have been around for about a month and using different scenery from around the district.
May you always have
A sunbeam to warm you
A moonbeam to charm you
A sheltering Angel
So nothing can harm you
Laughter to cheer you
Faithful friends near you
And whenever you pray
Heaven to Hear you

Why?? was a question I always had after I lost my son it took me 16 years and a letter (I did ask the angels to help me write this letter) to re open my heart and hear the messages that we don't need to carry the burden of someone's loss in our hearts the spirit of my son was set free once I realised that.  I still miss him but I do have an inner peace and strength to carry me through the tough days that life does throw at you.
This quote came up on my FB wall the other day and the first thought as to why things happen for a reason is that we are being divinely guided and we don't always understand at the time why things happen as the reasons usually make themselves known further down the track and we know that things had to turn out the way they did.. I could never understand 'why me' and 'why my' son was taken from me so young at only five but I now understand that it had to be that way in order for both Phillip's soul and for Mine to grow spiritually and to evolve so I can pass on my thoughts to you to try and help you to know that everything does happen for a reason, so try not to blame your self and carry guilt over things that were not in your control as it is a burden on your own soul and heart you should not have to carry. It still hurts though when you lose someone especially a child but you don't need to carry the burden and guilt on your own soul as that is not what the person you lost wants or what your own soul needs, some things you just need to let go and give to god to deal with in order to find your own inner peace, it doesn't mean you love the person you lost any less it means your own well being is where it should be.. **Did you know I watched my son die that is not the easiest thing for a mum to go through and I generally don't talk about it as I can't bring myself to talk about it (especially with the family that are around me) that is how I keep my self composed as I don't like to cry in front of others I never have even on the blog and when I wrote that letter it wiped me out emotionally for near 2 days till I could bring my self around again so I know how hard it can be for some that keep things bottled up inside, but you just can't let things that have happened to you through out your life play with your mind especially when there was nothing you could of done to change the outcome.. Which goes back to why everything happens for a reason even if in our minds we can't understand it maybe some things will become clearer when we our self return to spirit, but we should wait for that time naturally and not try to do it before our time by our own hand. As I'm sure all of us at some time or other has thoughts about ending it all especially in those hard times I know I have but I could never bring myself to do it because I think about others before myself and how they may of felt on finding me, it was not something I would ever do to them so you just need to get through one day at a time when you are feeling down and low within your own soul and mind. I'm sure the Angels helped pull me through on those tough days, they can help you to if you feel you just can't cope just ask them to take away those negative thoughts and feelings  and replace it with their love and light, which they will do anyway.** p.s. I don't bottle my feelings up or share them with others I go inside myself and talk myself around to the optimistic person I am, I really think the Angels have helped me do this without me knowing it or before I realised they have been around me all my life helping when I needed it. 
Well I had to rush off to work so it is now 6.10pm and I've had a long day so I'm a bit tired I still have domestic duties to do yet so my day isn't finished because if I don't cook we don't eat and I couldn't starve the boys.. I lost my train of thought since I had to rush off so I may add to it later.  One more quote and some music for this post.
Some music I was listening to today
Sending Love and Light
Open that heart so you can receive it
and the messages from your Angels..

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