Tuesday 21 October 2014

Sending Love xx

Hi all it is another beautiful spring day I do love the weather this time of year, I thought I would do a quick post with quotes while on my lunch break. I was a bit slack with my walking last week as it turned to winter weather for the first couple of days then I think I worked longer at the club for a few days so didn't get to walk, but I did today I brought a pedometer so I now know how far I have walked today I done 3.680km's so same again tomorrow. I love this time of year I'm sure those that need to mow lawns and gardening don't much as it is the time of year you need to be out cutting grass  once a week.
A quote from the Dalai Lama that was on my FB wall I do love the Dalai Lama he gives me a sense of peace maybe because that is the energy he gives off. I do have a few of his books I will eventually get to and read I follow him on Facebook so he puts little quotes up in his posts and his travels. 

 Our life is governed by our thoughts and our thoughts create our reactions and actions so try to stay centred and grounded in the here and now the present moment, don't let your ego and your mind take you to places you don't need to go. Change your outlook if you are in a negative space with your thoughts try and find a positive, just one positive thought can lead to others until you drown out all the negativity.. If you are caught up in someone else's drama that is bringing you down try and distance your self as their fight is not your fight some things you just need to let the other person work out on their own and not become a part of their drama especially if it is bringing you and your own well being down. If you have found your self in a dark place look to your Angels as they hold the Love and the Light to pull you through the hard times your mind is creating.
 Sending lots of love to those that think they are strong and don't need anybody to help pull them through the tough times as they are most likely the people who have built a wall around their heart in order to protect themselves from being hurt again.. So they need twice as much love and support as others because they are never going to tell you if something is wrong..
Music a quick one as I have to go my favourite one again
Remember Love will remove all the negativity
Sending Love and Light
Smile because you are loved
and never alone. Love is
in my heart for you always.

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