Saturday 18 October 2014

Forgiveness xx

Hi all this is the second post I've started today I will put the other one up later I'm waiting on a few Facebook replies about our very wise soul that knows it's way in this our life if we can learn to listen to it we would be on the right path all the time, even when we have doubts about where we are going.. To look after your soul in this life time you need to forgive those from either your past or  present if they have hurt you, you do this for your own soul not for their benefit as they could not care or less as sometimes anger does get the better of us as a human emotion, we feel anger if the other person is not giving us what we want or they are not the person we expected they were.. This is the reason I don't expect anyone to be anything other then the person they are so don't hold judgements or expectations on them for making me feel a certain way as I know I am the one in charge of my own feelings and no one can make me feel anything I don't want to feel, so I let things go over my head when they attempt to hurt me and not let it get to me as that is how we work ourselves up by what goes on in our minds. I can generally tell when someone is not being their true self so no one can usually get anything past me no matter what other people's opinions are of someone I make my own mind up by listening to my feeling and intuition.
Negative people and emotions are toxic to your soul so the less of them you have in your life the better, surround yourself with optimistic people and do things that are good for your soul do things that make you happy and feel fulfilled. If you just can't get away from the negative people that pop into your life you can shield and protect your self by asking Archangel Michael to clear the negative energy away from your space, so you don't carry in on board your own soul. Some times our little soul can get lost in the big world around us so it is good to clear your mind, centre and ground yourself by doing those things you enjoy as often as you can, getting out in nature is a great way to do that I live near the mountains but would love to be near the beach as it is a great cleanser for your soul with the salty air and water a great way to detox your soul where you can just sit and watch the ocean.  I pulled the Ocean Oracle card out for me yesterday so I can only dream of walking up the beach and watching the waves.
Choose your battles as hurt feelings can last a long time if you are the sort of person that just can't let go of your anger and seeks revenge. One of my sisters is the sort of person that holds grudges but then not tell you why she has got the shits so you have to walk on egg shells in order to not upset her, me I like to know when someone has the shits with me because if you don't know what someone's problem is you can't fix it especially if it is something that you either said or done, it is no good to bottle up your feelings if you don't know how to get rid of them from your mind or soul, it is also beneficial for the person that is angry to get what is bothering them out in the open. My other 2 sisters will tell you if you have hurt them not that I hurt any of my sisters or anyone on purpose, I'd hurt myself before hurting another person.

The song I have on now is Katy Perry - This Moment
I do love the lyrics in some of Katy's songs as they are
very spiritual.
The one's that will win are the one's that let love in
Live for the moment as you can't tell what the
 future will be,  the past is gone and you have
learnt your lessons from it.
Sending Love and Light
Open your heart and let it
flood in to light up your soul
so you can hear your Angels sing.

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