Sunday 12 October 2014

Mother Mary Message xx

Hi all another busy day for me some what interrupted from my usual routine at work also when I went for my walk as everyone is out and about today on this beautiful spring day getting about their day (well it was this morning a storm has just started as I type this).. I was interrupted from my routine as an Old Time Dance Group came in early for brunch before club opening hours so I had to work around them lucky I had the floor vacuumed before the big crowd came in, they had a ball last night which I had to clean up from as well so if I'd known I would of started at 6 and not 7.  Then when I went for my walk I decided to do a lap around the golf course unbeknown to me that a Golf Tournament was on all is well I didn't get hit by a golf ball and said g'day to a few of the golfers.
The 3 cards I've drawn from the Mother Mary oracle card deck are:-
(You will get your own messages from these cards as you read my blog listen to your own thoughts and feelings to get what you need to know.)
 TRUTH - "I am loving and honest with myself"... One of my favourite subjects truth we should all be truthful to ourselves first because if you can't be true to who you are and what you believe in from the start you not only cheat yourself but you cheat those who want to know you as they are not seeing the true person you are, you are only showing them the person they would like to see so when they find out who the true you is they may not like that person so an argument or parting of ways may occur. When you lie you are only cheating your self.
Some people lie to get what they want out of life they to are cheating them self as in their minds they are creating a person who they wish to be so more then likely they lie to other people in the process and con them that they are the person that their true soul is not. Some people just say words other people want to hear it's not what is in their heart and soul so a lie is created then the person who lied will try and justify that lie in their own mind first so it is okay they will then try and justify it to you if and when that lie gets found out. Lies always find a way to reveal themselves no matter how long a time frame it is.. So it is best to always be truthful no matter what.
FATHER - "My true father is God. Who shines healing light upon me, my birth father and our relationship".. I don't know if any blog readers are having emotional upsets concerned with their dad or maybe you are missing your father that has crossed over either way you may have a heavy heart so you may need to mend bridges or let any feelings of resentment go in order to heal that heavy heart.. If you are missing your dad that has passed over you can still talk to him if only in your mind as he will still hear you or you could write a letter to him to get out those pent up emotions your dad always loves you and is proud of what you do no matter what is going on in your life. If you can sense your dad around he most likely is right there by your side when ever you need him.
God is our father in heaven and we are all his children so he will look after us if we look after our self first, if we have love in our hearts for our self and others God is with you and will guide you where you need to be in this your life journey.
GRATITUDE - "As I notice and appreciate my blessings. I open the door to more of God's gifts" .
The more you are grateful for the things you have in your life already the more you will attract in to your life. Try to see the up side and the blessing in every situation you find yourself in if you are down for some reason try to just find one thing a day to be grateful for the more things will look brighter. I'm grateful to have the angels in my life when I need them as they have helped me even when I didn't know they existed around me from getting my job to having my last baby. I'm grateful for the beautiful spring weather as it brings out the gorgeous flowers that I just took a photo of when I was called out to take a photo of our little echidna visitor that I didn't see as he was hiding under the bush as there was too much noise with the lawn mower going but I can share a photo I took last year of one that was in the drive way. I'm grateful to you all that come read my blog also I'm grateful that I can go visit other blogs and leave my comments. We can all find something to be grateful for even if it is only a little thing..
So to sum up all 3 cards be truthful to yourself first and if you have any pent up feelings towards your father or father figure let it go to God and the Angels and do what you have to do to repair your own heart and then find something in your life to be grateful for especially if you are in a down mood..

 For any blog visitors that have not seen an Australian Echidna here is the spiky very shy little creature as when you go near them they do try to dig a hole to hide in they do not hurt you that I'm aware of. This one came to visit last year it might be the same one that is out there now at mum's you could guarantee every Christmas one would go wandering up through her yard as it would start the dog barking.
 Some Angel music
Sending Love and Light

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