Sunday 19 October 2014

Indigo Angel messages xx

Sending love to any Indigo souls that have found their way to my blog on this beautiful spring day. I've been out meeting some of my Victorian family we were celebrating my niece getting married last week and met up in Albury I went down with my mum, daughter and son in law we had a good time and a good meal. Sending my gratitude to the Indigo's and what you contribute to society in your own way as you all have your own divine purpose and calling on Earth at this time in order to make the World we live in a much better place to be. Which brings me to the cards this week I get the feeling you have been questioning and doubting yourself a lot lately with the cards that just came out. I like to choose 3 cards maybe after this course I can work with more the 3 cards represent Past, Present and Future so it could be anytime from now or coming up.
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL - I do love Archangel Michael he is there for all of us to help us with our life purpose no matter who we are but he is also the Archangel that is beside all Indigo's as they have a very important job he will give those Indigo's Courage, Strength and shield them from all negative energy as the Indigo spirit is continually attacked and those whose truth they are revealing will try and shut them down at every turn, that is why an Indigo soul does need to have an ego and confidence in order to do what they do but in having that they also tend to have a lot of self doubts about who they are and what their divine purpose is that is where you can call on Archangel Michael as he is the one closest to god and knows all that is written in your Akashic record so he can guide you on your way. If you have become a bit lost on your current path seek guidance as all your answers can be found within you as it is written on your own soul, seek it out go within your self and do some soul searching. Call on Archangel Michael whenever you have any issues to deal with as he can help you release what is bothering you.
DIVINE PURPOSE - I mentioned some of that above it seems some one must be struggling at the moment on what their Divine Purpose is maybe you are having self doubts and questioning yourself and what life means at the moment all the answers you are seeking are written on your soul, if you look at what you are passionate about what is driving you, your obsession that is your purpose this purpose may also stir up your emotions and make you angry at what some humans are getting away with. All your life experiences you have had so far were lessons for your soul to bring you to this point in your life so far, it may of not been easy for you as Indigo's are often misunderstood because they seem so strong but they are also super sensitive and pick up on others negative energy quite easily which will bring you down. Ask Archangel Michael to help you find your Divine Purpose if you are feeling a bit lost, listen to your intuition and your feelings and thoughts to hear the messages, quiet your mind and open your heart to receive those messages.
COMPASSION - Treat others how you would like to be treated as the way we act comes back at us, have compassion and empathy towards those you are dealing with as not everyone can handle the truth so they will fight back. The energy you are giving out will be returned so if you are hostile and angry at someone that treatment will be mirrored back to you especially around those that love you and only want the best for you they aren't trying to control you try and see it from their point of view and look at your own actions.  Remember you will get your own messages from reading my post so listen to your own thoughts and feelings, have faith and trust in yourself that you are where you're meant to be.
Music I do love this song from City of Angels
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
Life is never easy but we can get through the tough days
Open your heart let the Love and Light in
to hear your Divine Guidance if you are feeling
alone and lost.
Sending my Love and Light.
I love you always no matter
what chaos is going on around me.

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