Wednesday 8 October 2014

Reiki tomorrow morning xx

Hi all well tomorrow I find out what Reiki is and to have some treatment I'm not sure what to expect but I know it should be relaxing. I shall let you all know tomorrow if I get time to blog as I have to be up very early in the morning as I'm hitching a ride with my daughter and she wants to leave her place at 7.30 which is about 40 minutes from my place so I have to drive that far and go from there. There is a blood moon tonight I've been watching it through my window from my seat here it has just gone dark so it is completely covered by the sun and when it moves it should be bright like it was before hand, it has already passed over and turned red so it is going back the other way isn't the universe a wonderful thing to witness as this is the second blood moon this year. I go to David Palmer for an explanation of the planets and how it might be affecting you, he is pretty spot on with what he says.

I thought I would also just draw 3 Indigo Angel cards to see what was going on with those souls and the cards I got were
STAY - This card means to stay the course as I feel you must be facing a few challenges and maybe the moon is playing with your emotions right now as the other cards that came with it are about your life purpose and authority but I will get on to that in a minute.. What ever challenge you are facing it is a lesson you currently need to learn so hang in there know that there is a divine purpose behind everything what ever that challenge is you will handle it after all you are an Indigo soul who puts more stress on him or herself then you need to if you find yourself surrounded in harsh energy ask Archangel Michael to clear that energy away from you and to then shield you from any negative energy that attaches it self to you in the future, as negative energy will drain you. You will know what the lesson was later just trust that it will pass and it is what your soul needs to learn at this moment. One of my favourite quotes is "Everything happens for a reason, and there are no coincidences" that is because we are all divinely guided.
DIVINE PURPOSE - With this card it sounds like you must be struggling with a few decisions and which pathway to take that will bring you closer to your life purpose and fulfilling what your soul promised before you came to the earth plain to help restore Integrity back to your part of the World as it is in chaos at the moment with every one's ego taking over what is true and just. Maybe this has something to do with the card I got on Sunday where you already know the answer to what you've been asking the Angels and what you need to do. You must need to let go of something that is diverting you away from your true purpose the one your soul promised to undertake in this lifetime that brings me to the final card which also has to do with your divine purpose..
AUTHORITY - As an Indigo you have great instincts so you can detect when we are being lied to especially by those that are in a position of Authority as that is your job as an Indigo to return our society to one of integrity, truth and fairness for all souls especially when they have to deal with authority figures. Try to stay calm and keep your anger in check when you have to deal with and following their rules especially if you don't agree with them you can be assertive without getting angry and yelling or screaming at the person that is trying to control you. Here is a great quote from Ghandi about truth and speaking your own truth, you need to remember your truth may be different to some one else's so don't get angry if their opinion is different then your own.

We should all speak our truths both to ourselves and to those around us. Our truths are what we believe in, our feelings and thoughts which will come from what you believe plus the wisdom that your own soul knows once you search your soul the wisdom from life experiences in previous incarnation will be revealed.

Some Instrumental Angel music tonight.
Sending Love and Light
Open your heart and receive from me
and your Angels.

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