Thursday 9 October 2014

Clear your mind xx

Good morning well I'm up and nearly ready to go now but I had some further thoughts for the Indigo's from the cards I drew last night but it could help anyone as it is about overthinking things and it sounds like Indigo's have been going through the motions of what their life purpose is and when they have the answers right in front of them, but they may just be overthinking things and stressing themselves out so it might be a good idea to clear your mind by going for a walk or doing something you enjoy that will de-stress you then the answers you are seeking may just come to you.. Whatever it is that is challenging you at the moment just go with the flow as it will pass you might just be bringing on your own stress by the thoughts running through your head from your emotions that is why you may need to clear the decks. If you meditate do it if you don't now might be a time to start it doesn't take long and you just need to listen to some relaxing music and clear all the thoughts running through your mind there are plenty of video's on Youtube or on iTunes that may help.
Try to stay positive and focused on your life purpose if you are having trouble with finding that purpose it is written in your soul keep searching, clear your mind, open your heart, open your mind and the divine guidance will come to you and if you are in an emotional storm ride it out as things will get better don't forget to ask your Angels to help clear that storm away if it is bringing you down.
Let the Angels lift your spirits and send you Love
Sending Love and Light
The sun is just coming up over the hill
have a great day I will catch you later.
I love you always

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