Sunday 19 October 2014

Mother Mary messages. xx

I do love Mother Mary Queen of Angels as she is very much a nurturer like me and only wants people to be the best they can be so she lovingly guides us but she can be stern when she needs to be to make sure we are on the right path.
A message from Doreen Virtue first
 Today's 3 cards are:-
CARING - Some days we can feel a bit emotionally flat. I am tonight even after having a good day I think it is because we sometimes feel alone and are being taken for granted by those we love that are around us, I'm sure they do not do this intentionally. So the message from Mother Mary is that we  are never alone we are cared for by God and the Angels and we need to keep our hearts open to receive all the love that is given by others and the divine, we should also remember to take care of our self and our own needs especially emotionally as we are in charge of our own welfare you can't depend on others to look after you if you can't look after your own health and emotional well being first. I know a lot of people in the spiritual community often feel alone as a lot of people are ignorant to the things they do not understand so some people lash out at those in the metaphysical world with negativity and as spiritual people are often over sensitive as they need to be for what they do as messages do come in as thoughts and feelings, sight and sounds so your senses are very sensitive to all energy surrounding you.. I haven't experienced any negativity or hostility as yet but I'm sure I will in the future as I awaken to my full potential spiritually.
TRUTH - Truth again we had that card last week, so we should always be truthful to our self in order to be truthful to those we interact with, maybe sometimes I am to truthful and maybe confuse some people with my intentions which are always from the heart. We all have our own truths they are the things we believe in our belief systems and values so we should always be true in revealing to others what our truth is as not every one's truth is your truth so you should be tolerant of all people and what they believe in.
DEVOTION - This goes along with the card truth and if you believe something don't be tempted by others to change your own value systems or your moral fibre stay true to yourself and what it is you want from life like love don't fall for other people's promises if you know they won't commit or their values don't fit yours as that relationship will never work, when you have to compromise your own integrity. If you are lost remind yourself what is important to you? and devote yourself to that, which is most likely part of your life purpose and your souls commitment it made to itself before you were born into this your current life.
So to sum all three cards up take care of you and your own needs, stay truthful to what it is you believe in and stay on course and devote your energy to that what is most important to you and your own value systems.
Don't let other people's negativity drag you down.
Music I love this song I think the words in it are calling all lightworkers and Earth Angels
to awaken as your time has come to change this the planet into a better world.
Scorpions - Send me an Angel
Sending Love and Light again
May God send you an Angel
and you don't miss your calling
Sweet Dreams

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