Sunday 26 October 2014

Mother Mary messages xx

Here is one clean little doggy with her toy
Mother Mary Queen of Angels messages for today the cards are..
Remember you will get your own guidance and messages from reading my posts on
the card readings and messages from Mother Mary and the Indigo Angels, listen to your
own thoughts and feelings.
Statue of Mother Mary
MERCY - Be kind and thoughtful towards your self because most of the time we are our own worse critics and put our self and our abilities down all the time that is our ego and its negative thoughts that do that.. You should also be kind and caring towards others as we are all on our own life path so we all have our own independent thoughts, feelings, belief systems and life lessons to learn so have mercy and try not to judge others until you are in their place and have walked in their shoes you have no idea what they may have been through in their past.  
FEMININE - We all have the feminine and masculine energy within our bodies so allow the feminine side of your nature shine through that would be your nurturing side, your caring side that you use when dealing with others whether you are a male or female, a mother or father. Like all nurturing souls we can be sweet and strong at the same time when having to deal with others try not to let your anger come through if dealing with some one that really tests your emotions, some times to be strong we need to turn the other cheek in order to not let our own anger show because we can say things in anger we don't really mean, but once harsh words are said feelings get hurt and not all people can let those feelings go so will hold it against you later on. We also need to nurture and care for ourselves and to receive love and other gifts when offered to us.
JESUS - Jesus is the Virgin Mary's son we can turn to Jesus to look for help and guidance while on our life's path Jesus fills us with Love, Integrity, Courage and Faith as that is what his message was as he walked the Earth. Jesus, God and Mother Mary all hear our prayers and will answer them if you keep the faith in them and your self to get you through what ever situation you find yourself in whether it is a life changing event or a tough decision you need to make you can turn to either of them or your own Guardian Angel for some guidance open your heart and mind to hear that guidance.
To sum all 3 cards up be kind and thoughtful to others and treat them like you would like to be treated, look after and nurture yourself and others and if you need guidance or extra strength to get you through ask Jesus to help guide and give you the strength and courage you need.
 Music when I drew the Mercy card this song came to my mind.
Motion of Mercy - Francesca Battistelli
Sending Love and Light
Have a great night
sleep tight and sweet dreams
when you get to bed tonight.
I might go and create some cards now.

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