Friday 3 October 2014

A few quotes xx

Good evening it is now Friday night I just picked up some quotes off my facebook wall to share I have no idea who wrote them.. I did start a post this morning but I will work on it over the weekend after work so I can think on it a bit more as it is about our souls. Talking about souls I hope you are looking after yours and getting out and doing something you really enjoy or at least getting a bit of laughter and joy in your life as that really lights up your soul, being happy in general is great for your soul and will light up the life of those around you as well. 
Be happy with who you are now don't look at your past and wish you could have done things differently as you can't change or take back the lessons you have learnt from your past, you can only use them lessons to help you in life as you go into the future. Your future is unknown as you are making your decisions right now everyday which will shape your future which could change directions at any time as other people will be a part of your future,  those other people also make you who you are because you wouldn't be you if you didn't have others around you shaping who you are and how you behave..
Imagine if there was only you all by yourself and you shut yourself off from every one so as not to feel any emotions that others make you face with any relationships whether they be romantic, business partnership, family relationships or just a random person in the street you stop to chat to they will all leave you with some emotions in order for you to look at yourself.  We all feel happiness, sadness, grief, pain, joy, anxiety, guilt and any other emotion you can think of as we all are from the human race so we  all carry these feelings with us and have to face them on a daily basis with those we interact with wether that is in person, over the social media sites and blogs as all feelings are energy and you will pick up on that energy when ever you interact with another person.
Don't let other people's negativity get attached to you as it will bring you down like a sinking ship if you let it play on your mind the same goes for all the bad news you hear daily on the TV, Radio and in the newspapers don't let others sad, bad or indifferent news get you down or put fear into you so you lock yourself off from the world..
One of my grandmothers was a real worry wart every time she heard bad news on the TV she would warn us to be careful especially with the kids like she wanted us to keep them indoors all the time wrapped up in cotton wool and not let them explore or even get a bit of dirt on them in case something happened to them.. I am more a person that likes people and even my kids to be who they are and not who I want them to be so my discipline was more in order to keep them safe but not wrapped up in cotton wool or overly strict they have turned out okay maybe I could of done a bit better when I was in the years of grief as that must of affected them as well but I couldn't be there for them emotionally if I wasn't there for me first, so I might of pushed them away emotionally a bit in the early years of grief in order to protect myself from more pain if something were to happen to them as the pain of losing a child is a pain I wish for no parent to go through as a part of your own soul does die at least until you find that love/joy again to fill the hole that was left which could take the rest of your life to find. Knowing where my sons soul went did help me a great deal as I knew he was still around in spirit and he was being looked after in heaven as when he died I just wanted to know and understand where he went and that he would be safe and protected if I could no longer do it. P.s.  (I always made sure my kids were well fed, safe and cared for I never neglected them or the kids I baby sat, I guess I never let them close emotionally so built a wall around myself).
 If  I was to lose another child which I know could happen at any time as life is unpredictable and you can't see into the future I don't know how I would cope with that pain again but I will try not to think of that as if it were to happen again I know I would deal with it at the time and know I would come through it okay as I would call on the Angels to pull me through now I have found them in my life.

Have a great weekend what ever it is you are going to be doing..
Some nice relaxing music today with some Angel tones.
Don't forget to call on your Angels if you need any directions or
comfort and then watch for the signs, trust and have faith that your
requests/prayers are being answered or will be answered in
divine time..

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