Wednesday 22 October 2014

Let Go and Every time you cry xx

Hi all it is my lunch break again see if I can get a post and a couple of quotes in that were on my Facebook wall this morning, well one was the other one I did google earlier this morning. I walked a bit further this morning and done 4.176km if I do another lap I will probably make 5km. Well my motel room is now booked and I have 15 days to go until I go to Melbourne to meet Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine and to become a certified Angel Card Reader I'm a bit nervous and excited at the same time. I love this quote for your soul to be free from the shackle's of your past you need to let go of what no longer serves it, which may include people that are affecting your soul's spiritual growth because of the negativity they attract, if your feel that negativity is dragging you down also it may be time to let that person or situation free as it is no good for your soul to be hurt and angry all the time, you should be living a life of happiness, love and joy so all the chaos around you doesn't affect your own soul.
You need to be able to love yourself and all your flaws
before you can love some one else.
Call on your Angels to help you 'Let Go' of old hurts, pain, anger, resentment and other emotions your soul doesn't need to carry around with you.
Open your heart to receive the Love, Light and Guidance of your Angels.
One more quote again about letting go so it must be a Universal message at this
time as the planets are causing a lot of emotional upheaval in humans as it is a Mercury
Retrograde so I keep hearing, so 'hang in there' if you are feeling it emotionally
as it will pass when the planets and stars are aligned in a different position.
When you let go of your old pain it may hurt again so you will
encounter more tears but they can be wiped away as you face another
day. Crying is good for the soul to wash away all those pent up emotions
you are carrying deep within your soul.
We each have our own Angels that are with us through out our life time they
watch over us and when asked they will help you just be aware they are
around if you believe, have faith and trust you will notice their presence.
Build a bubble of light and love around you to beat the harsh
energy some souls may be going through. Ask one of the Archangels
to assist you in shielding from that harsh energy of others.
Music this song was on the radio when I finished my walk.
Human Nature - Every time you cry..
Every time you cry I will be there to pick you up
to take away the pain when ever you need me
just call on your Angels I will try and get that message
through my own Angels.. I ask for nothing in return
only your inner peace and happiness..
Sending Love and Light to you
and my Angels that help me
through the struggles I some
times encounter on this my Life Journey.

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