Saturday 25 October 2014

Have faith xx

Good morning all it is another beautiful day in my part of the World I hope it is where you reside as well I hope you get a chance to get out and do something that will make your heart and soul sing this weekend. Other then grocery shopping I have no plans maybe a walk with the dog and Sammy later and that blog post of his journey I haven't got around to yet. I'm not one for making plans at least not to far ahead as I go with the flow of life and take a day at a time as most days are the same with the same obligations one has. I don't plan for the future as it usually takes care of itself as I have faith in what destiny has in store for me and that everything will fall into place as it should at the right time..
Yesterday I forgot to put this up.
I pulled one card out from Mother Mary this morning.
The cards you pull out from any Tarot or Oracle deck come
 by the Law of Attraction so are in spiritual truth the message you
are meant to get by what your soul is asking.
Have faith in God and his Divine Plan for us as we walk along this our life's path know that everything is already in divine order and things you dream of or wish for will happen in divine time when everything is as it should be. Use your freewill and choices that have been provided to all our souls if you are struggling with some thing at the moment and need to make some life changing decisions listen to your heart  and have faith and trust that is your divine guidance and your souls purpose you are fulfilling when making any decisions that may affect your future. You always have more chances if you feel that you are not where you should be as things will always change in divine order and you will get to be on the right path and fulfil your life purpose that was pre-determined before you came to this your current life. Our life and our death is pre-determined by our soul before coming to earth and the lessons we need to learn on this trip as well was established it is part of our souls lesson to find out what our path is as we all go soul searching at critical times in our lives. We  will always end up where ever we are meant to be at any given point of our life, if you feel you are not in the place you are meant to be currently maybe it is time for a change listen to what your feelings are telling you as your thoughts and your feeling are your divine guidance. Just keep the faith and trust in yourself and God that you are both working together to put you on the right path to fulfilling your life purpose.

 Most days I pull a card out from the Messages from your Angels Daily Guidance Oracle cards today I thought I would put it up for all of you as well.
So have confidence in your self and what you know and that God does work through you everyday if your confidence does waver at times call on your Angels to restore it. I know I need to work on my confidence in doing this oracle card reading as I feel I get the messages through both my thoughts and feelings as my ego is the part that causes doubts about what I know and feel usually when you question yourself about what you know and feel is the times that those doubts creep in and you think you are imagining things, then you get a reality check and you know this stuff is for real and we are being guided into being the best we can be as a human at any given time.. Again it comes down to "Faith and Trust" in both yourself and in God that you know what is best for you and your soul as you go through any changes in life.
If you can find something to be grateful about each day and keep positive thoughts running through your heart, mind and soul you can create your own Heaven on Earth while in this life time as all the chaos of the World goes on around you if every person done this it would be a peaceful planet. One person at a time can change the energy of the universe and that person is you..
Today I am grateful that you come and visit my blog and that the Angels are in my life.
I love David Palmer I was just watching this about his talks.
Some relaxation Celestial tones this morning it is playing as I type this.
It goes for 3 hours so you may not want to listen for that long.
 Sending Love and Light to you
and my Angels open your
heart and mind so you can hear
their guidance and feel their presence.
I will do my 3 card readings tomorrow.

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