Sunday 5 October 2014

Queen of Angels Mother Mary message xx

Back again today it was a beautiful day here and the start of daylight savings so that sort of puts you out for a week or two while your body clock adjusts to the new timetable, wouldn't it be great if we didn't have to run our lives by the 24 hour clock and we could do things in our own time maybe nothing would get done if that was the case as I probably waste a lot of time at the computer when I probably should be doing other stuff, oh! well! I do love coming on the computer and doing research and talking to others on other blog sites and FB though I don't give too much of my life away through the pages of Facebook I do get a lot of quotes off there though.
I did go to work this morning and had a big walk around the Oval and Golf Course when I knocked off now I'm here alone as the boys are camping still as it is a long weekend for those that watch the Football I hope your team wins or won as it is Grand Final week as well..
What Mother Mary and God want us to know this week.
ACTION - I think this one is for me it may be for you as well if you have been putting things off and not prioritising your time.. I still want to get through those books I put up last month some I want to read before I go on my card reading course so I should get my act together. So the message is stop procrastinating if you have things you want or need to accomplish especially if you have been talking about it for a long while.. It may also be a message for the Indigo's from the last post that have been putting off a decision that they already know the answer too it may also be the case for you.. So now is the time to act.
ENTHUSIASM - What ever you have been procrastinating about if you are passionate about it and know it is the direction you want or need to go just do it and do it with great gusto as it is in your heart and it makes your soul light up. If you are not so enthusiastic maybe it isn't really something you want to do so keep putting it off either way you must need to make a decision or drop it for the time being until you get the passionate, enthusiastic feeling back then follow your guidance by listening to your heart not your ego that does try to talk you out of things and come back to it later. Then find something else you are passionate about as it may be the direction to take instead.
BLESSINGS - Be grateful for those little things in your life and count your blessings, the more you do this the more the divine gifts come into your life as that is what you are attracting from the universe.. If you are ungrateful for what others do for you as well as for what you already have in life you will only attract the low energy negative attitude you are giving out..
So too sum up the three cards put your talk into action and prioritise your time and go forth with enthusiasm if you are passionate about something then count your blessing for what you already have in your life don't wish you had more if you are not grateful for what you already have..

Now to finish off for today some beautiful Angel instrumental tones
Enjoy the rest of the day or night
Sending LOVE and LIGHT
Open your heart to receive
from me and the Angels.

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