Today the messages from the Indigo Angels with more Information from the Archangel Power deck..
SELF CARE -It sounds like you may be neglecting your own needs with this card in order to hear your direct divine guidance your body needs to be in it's peak condition so you can hear that guidance from your Angels and spirit guides. So are you getting enough sleep, exercise and eating properly? because our body is made up of energy we need to keep our mind, body and spirit in a balanced position so we don't feel drained of energy. We also need to balance work out with time to do things we love and to play as our passions could lead us to a more rewarding way to earn money. If you love what you are doing you are on the right path. Your guides, angels and your own body lets you know if you are not taking care of it so listen to what it is saying to you and fix it as our body is the vessel for our soul and it needs maintenance like a car, if you don't maintain your car and keep the fuel, oil and tuned up it may very well stop or just cause you problems until it is fixed.
THREE OF ARIEL - This could be a great time of personal growth both spiritually, and financially for you at this time if you are taking good care of your self and fitting in time to do those things you love to do as that does give you more energy. If you feel you are stuck doing the same old thing day in day out it is because you haven't made some "You" time. Those around you may be helping you out with ideas of what you should do so just take notes and co-operate as you do have your own ideas of what it is you want to do and need to do.
LEARN SOMETHING NEW - It's never to late in our life to learn something new if you are feeling stuck in your current situation. As learning something new will open new opportunities for you and this may be the direction your soul is trying to take you so listen to your mates or those around you giving advice as their may be some of your guidance within the conversations you have been having with others. Maybe you have also been putting off something that you started to learn years ago for what ever reason your life went in a different direction so just do a bit of self reflection of what it is your soul has been trying to tell you as all our answers are written with in our soul.
EIGHT OF MICHAEL - Have courage as what ever it is making you feel stuck in your current situation you can be free from it Archangel Michael is the angel of strength and courage so call on him for some guidance and direction in your life as you can free yourself of this situation when you put your mind to it as an Indigo when you get your mind set on something there is no stopping you maybe only your own ego which does like to put a dampener on things so you may not be seeing things from all angles with in this situation. If you look at the picture on the card Archangel Michael is opening the gate for you to walk on through he is behind encouraging and giving you the courage to make the change you are free to do what ever it is you need or want to do.
PRAY - Again your prayers will be answered and a solution will come to you from this situation you have found yourself in probably through no fault of your own just hang in there and have some patience, faith and trust that God and Angels are working with you learn to listen to your heart and your own intuition as to when it is the right time to make a change whether it is to do with your own health, career or any relationships.
SOLUTIONS - Archangel Zadkiel message is to compromise as Indigo's can get their minds set on a particular outcome, when you pray you can never control the out come of those prayers as they are in the hands of the divine and they will come to you in divine time when you are in the right place either spiritually, emotionally or both. Indigo's must also learn to forgive themselves as they are very sensitive and blame themselves for all that goes on around them when they have to show some of the leadership qualities whilst getting to the Truth so others see them as ignorant and unforgiving. I do think the Indigo's tend to be unforgiving about themselves more so than towards others as long as they apologise when they know they may of been a bit harsh towards others. The solutions to your prayers are coming so listen to your thoughts and feelings and notice the signs the angels are sending you, your mind may be to busy with what is going on around you so try to quiet your mind listen to some relaxing music and let your thoughts flow freely as well as your life don't try to control a certain outcome. This change if you are considering one will be a life long change that you have been praying for so listen to your intuition and go with the flow of life don't try to force anything.
So the messages are when all put together take time out to do the things you love and look after your own welfare don't be afraid to learn something new if you feel stuck where you are as change can be good and may be the path you need to go down and any prayers you have been putting in you can't control the outcome so be objective and go with the flow have patience as all prayers are answered. You can manifest what it is you desire Indigo's are good at that God will always look after your needs if you look after your self
Love you always Indigo's as you tread where most fear to go.
When you are faced with negativity in your life turn to
love to pull you out if you can't find it in your own heart
turn to someone that holds the love and light with in always.
The last nurturing word is from Mother Mary
Open your heart to give and receive love.
I feel like some Alica Keys today
If I Ain't Got You
Sending Love and Light
Look after your self
Life is about Learning
Don't be afraid to go down
another path in your life
as it may be what you
were praying for and be
just the solution you needed.
Love you always