Sunday, 30 November 2014

Indigo messages and one from Mother Mary xx

Hi all well it is now Sunday afternoon the day has gone so quick and I feel as if I have not achieved much as yet I've just been mucking around with my blog and put another layer of gesso on the canvas I was playing with yesterday so I will finish that this afternoon. I decided I won't do a separate post for Mother Mary today.  I will just draw one card to see if she wants to give us a message. Next week I will do Mother Mary on a Saturday and the Indigo Angels on a Sunday and do the daily guidance one through the week so if you need to ask your angels anything you may get the answer or guidance through my blog as well as listening to your own thoughts and feelings as they are the most important messages you will get from your own soul.
Today the messages from the Indigo Angels with more Information from the Archangel Power deck..

SELF CARE -It sounds like you may be neglecting your own needs with this card in order to hear your direct divine guidance your body needs to be in it's peak condition so you can hear that guidance from your Angels and spirit guides. So are you getting enough sleep, exercise and eating properly? because our body is made up of  energy we need to keep our mind, body and spirit in a balanced position so we don't feel drained of energy. We also need to  balance work out  with time to do things we love and to play as our passions could lead us to a more rewarding way to earn money. If you love what you are doing you are on the right path. Your guides, angels and your own body lets you know if you are not taking care of it so listen to what it is saying to you and fix it as our body is the vessel for our soul and it needs maintenance like a car, if you don't maintain your car and keep the fuel, oil and tuned up it may very well stop or just cause you problems until it is fixed.
THREE OF ARIEL - This could be a great time of personal growth both spiritually, and financially for you at this time if you are taking good care of your self and fitting in time to do those things you love to do as that does give you more energy. If you feel you are stuck doing the same old thing day in day out it is because you haven't made some "You" time. Those around you may be helping you out with ideas of what you should do so just take notes and co-operate as you do have your own ideas of what it is you want to do and need to do.
LEARN SOMETHING NEW - It's never to late in our life to learn something new if you are feeling stuck in your current situation. As learning something new will open new opportunities for you and this may be the direction your soul is trying to take you so listen to your mates or those around you giving advice as their may be some of your guidance within the conversations you have been having with others. Maybe you have also been putting off something that you started to learn years ago for what ever reason your life went in a different direction so just do a bit of self reflection of what it is your soul has been trying to tell you as all our answers are written with in our soul.
EIGHT OF MICHAEL - Have courage as what ever it is making you feel stuck in your current situation you can be free from it Archangel Michael is the angel of strength and courage so call on him for some guidance and direction in your life as you can free yourself of this situation when you put your mind to it as an Indigo when you get your mind set on something there is no stopping you maybe only your own ego which does like to put a dampener on things so you may not be seeing things from all angles with in this situation. If you look at the picture on the card Archangel Michael is opening the gate for you to walk on through he is behind encouraging and giving you the courage to make the change you are free to do what ever it is you need or want to do.
PRAY - Again your prayers will be answered and a solution will come to you from this situation you have found yourself in probably through no fault of your own just hang in there and have some patience, faith and trust that God and Angels are working with you learn to listen to your heart and your own intuition as to when it is the right time to make a change whether it is to do with your own health, career or any relationships.
SOLUTIONS - Archangel Zadkiel message is to compromise as Indigo's can get their minds set on a particular outcome,  when you pray you can never control the out come of those prayers as they are in the hands of the divine and they will come to you in divine time when you are in the right place either spiritually, emotionally or both. Indigo's must also learn to forgive themselves as they are very sensitive and blame themselves for all that goes on around them when they have to show  some of the leadership qualities whilst getting to the Truth so others see them as ignorant and unforgiving. I do think the Indigo's tend to be unforgiving about themselves more so than towards others as long as they apologise when they know they may of been a bit harsh towards others. The solutions to your prayers are coming so listen to your thoughts and feelings and notice the signs the angels are sending you, your mind may be to busy with what is going on around you so try to  quiet your mind listen to some relaxing music and let your thoughts flow freely as well as your life don't try to control a certain outcome. This change if you are considering one will be a life long change that you have been praying for so listen to your intuition and go with the flow of life don't try to force anything.
So the messages are when all put together take time out to do the things you love and look after your own welfare don't be afraid to learn something new if you feel stuck where you are as change can be good and may be the path you need to go down and any prayers you have been putting in you can't control the outcome so be objective and go with the flow have patience as all prayers are answered. You can manifest what it is you desire Indigo's are good at that God will always look after your needs if you look after your self first as well.
Love you always Indigo's as you tread where most fear to go.
When you are faced with negativity in your life turn to
love to pull you out if you can't find it in your own heart
turn to someone that holds the love and light with in always.

The last nurturing word is from Mother Mary
CHILDREN - Children are great as they are so filled with love and innocence so they usually tell you the truth no holds bar as they say things as they see them. Funny this card just came out as I just had about 5 mischievous boys throwing water bombs at the house I growled at them "what are you doing" and they ran away so funny they can't see me either as I was looking out the window and there is a tree in the way  I recognise some of them from school so just kids looking for something to do they are a bit older than my son,  he doesn't generally run around the streets as that is not what I want for him anyway (that is to run around making a nuisance of himself  some of his little school mates might of been in that crowd). Indigo's get on great with children because they are Truth tellers so they have fun together being with kids is also a great way to open your heart which is great for both the kids and the Adults. So love and nurture the kids around you as they are here to teach you very important lessons in unconditional love as adults we are not only here to teach them lessons.
Open your heart to give and receive love.
I feel like some Alica Keys today
If I Ain't Got You
Sending Love and Light
Look after your self
Life is about Learning
Don't be afraid to go down
another path in your life
as it may be what you
were praying for and be
just the solution you needed.
Love you always

Our Oversoul xx

Hi all I have just been reading "Your soul's plan" by Robert Schwartz I really love this book and I am only on the second chapter about Physical Illnesses our soul can choose an illness as a challenge either from pre-birth planning or choose that option once your soul is here it does it in order for your soul or soul group to gain a lessons usually to do with self-love.
The first part in the chapter was about Jon he chose AIDS pre-birth in order he be shamed and learn about self-love and accepting who he was the same with Doris with breast cancer but with Doris the interesting part I just read was about our 'Oversoul ' Doris has channelled this oversoul in herself and when it talks is mentions 'we' so it is a collective of all the personalities that Doris has had in all her incarnations but the interesting thing is we can have more than one incarnation as a soul at the same time on Earth because this is our souls school so it is planned when, where and at what time (our soul) comes in for a lesson while on earth. Anyway the Oversoul oversees both Earthly incarnations and guides them so my thinking is that the 2 incarnations may be your Twinflame (TF) or twinsoul because you are one soul but in 2 bodies (Male and Female energy) and you would be a mirror of each other in a world of duality we need to have a negative and a positive so the Twinflame is the whole of 2 parts of a soul and they would of been together in previous incarnations at some time or another playing different roles such as siblings, mother and child, partners etc.  they are always connected by the power of love  your Twinflame could be still in spirit as is the case most times but your TF is guiding you till such time all your soul lessons are learnt more info about Twinflames can be found on the link on the side of my blog in the Spiritual online world I like to follow Liora but there are heaps of different website available on the net. {I'm trying to find out if our oversoul is our spirit guide or if in actual fact it is our higher self so when I find that answer I will let you know as it could be written in any of the books I read}.
The quote from the book about the oversoul Robert questioned Doris (or the oversoul) why he kept saying we when talking about Doris this was being channelled through Doris as she is clairaudient..  "We are the oversoul. We encompass all personalities. The personalities do not die. They are a part of the great chorus. We leaf through them together with our guides as we plan the life as a painting in 3 dimensions, a collage." 
Reading that it sounds to me like it is your higher self and you pull in the bits of past personalities to make you who you are this life time and the oversoul guides the parts of you that are needed for the lessons you have chosen in any particular life time as you (your soul) have both male and female energy so you get to chose which sex to be in the painting of the life and lessons you want every time you choose to be a human.
Each soul is different and the personality of you are fragments of your personality from each incarnation and each incarnation comes/came in to learn a specific lesson to help the soul evolve spirituality we still have the option of freewill and choices once we get here so you can pull out of a pre-planned challenge or take a different route to learn it so nothing you do in your life is ever a mistake or error but rather a soul lesson, look at yourself as a soul rather than the body (that is just your mask) your soul is so wise and magical and a part of the divine as it is the part created and connected to God so religious belief's don't really play a part in your connection to God as that is just an illusion and a part of your programming from the belief instilled in you from maybe this life time but it could also be a part of your DNA and a part of the soul group you came from so a part of your soul. God has got a bad rap and is so related to religion and religious belief systems that humans actually fear believing in him/her as (God has no gender and is non-denominational) because there is only one God and he is within you he is the Love that you feel and the energy that keeps every living thing alive. I did do a post about God earlier here is the link to that post. Also is a link to a channelled message on another blog site from Krylon.   
Last night when I was writing this post I decided to draw a card to add to it from the "Asccended Masters" deck and I got Thoth so from that I take it I was on the right track with my thoughts and also a bit of encouragement from above to keep going which I will as this book is very thought provoking every page I read as in my mind when something is mentioned I can link it to other stuff either from what I know or where I have read something and the two just go together.
Here is a link to the Ascended Master Throth he is the keeper of all Akashic records so he knows every souls words, thoughts and deeds through out humanity more information is in the link.
  He is the keeper of all the records of humankind’s evolution on Earth.  He is therefore the knower of the Akasha and the keeper of the Akashic records.  These records are the account of every soul’s deeds on Earth throughout multitudes of incarnations.  When he brought the mysteries from Atlantis to Egypt he had to create languages for human beings to communicate with one another, as humanity had fallen to levels of darkness where the knowledge of communication through telepathy was closed.  Thoth created all five sacred languages which are the roots of all spoken word on the planet. - See more at:
  He is the keeper of all the records of humankind’s evolution on Earth.  He is therefore the knower of the Akasha and the keeper of the Akashic records.  These records are the account of every soul’s deeds on Earth throughout multitudes of incarnations.  When he brought the mysteries from Atlantis to Egypt he had to create languages for human beings to communicate with one another, as humanity had fallen to levels of darkness where the knowledge of communication through telepathy was closed.  Thoth created all five sacred languages which are the roots of all spoken word on the planet. - See more at:
With this card it is also a signal to grab your pen and paper or computer to do automatic writing so you will write straight from your ascended masters so who ever decides to come through you so you just type and edit later. I notice some times when I type up my posts for card readings one word that always pop's in is 'as' I'm pretty sure that is not me that speaks like that with a lot of 'as's' in it,  I generally just type the thoughts straight from my head without thinking about it and because I've done a business administration course a couple of times I can touch type without looking at the keys I do edit later if I have time but quite a few 'as' do slip by. When you do automatic writing/typing it will come through as if it isn't you and you will type with a different context or way of talking if you know what I mean.  So some of my writing/posts  are my thoughts other times it is automatic typing just so you know.
When every soul comes to earth it has the choice to come from a place of fear which would be all the negative energy from your ego that does talk you down and out of what you know is in your heart the energy that comes from your heart is your soul talking and it generally knows which path to take for the lessons you came to learn but we still get the choice and freewill to go which path we want to follow as you can get the same lesson (which would be your life challenges) but take a different route than was pre-planned by you and your soul group. So our freewill and choices are voices between our hearts and our ego so you always get to decide what it is your soul needs. All the lessons you learnt while in a human body go back to the soul group so they can plan the next trip and lessons and whose soul will come to earth. Earlier in the book it mentions a place where all the souls go to do this pre-birth planning we and the soul group usually go to the same building and rooms as each building is round in appearance and there are 8 rooms, 8 floors and 8 buildings (8 is the number of infinity so it is never ending) all our souls records or our book of life are in these buildings and we prefer to go to the same room every time we die where we are greeted by those from our soul groups so all your family will come and greet you once you reach the spirit realm.
 So remember if you always come from a place of LOVE it is your true self and your soul coming through if you are always coming from a place of FEAR it will be your ego coming through so it is just an illusion of who you truly are that you are showing to those that you meet. Your soul will always be truthful, honest, loving and come from a place of integrity as your soul only knows Love and positivity so a higher vibration energy wise. Your ego will always come from a place of negativity and be pessimistic in outlook and it feeds off your fears so it doesn't want your soul to learn a thing it will keep you in limbo of where you need to grow spiritually it is of a lower energy vibration.
Your thoughts and choices will create your reality.
 Chose wisely as it is your destiny you are creating.
Create drama in your life you will have drama.
Create Peace you will have peace.
Some relaxing Angel Piano music for Sunday
I will be back later after lunch to do the Indigo messages.
Sorry it sounds like I have repeated myself through out my post as I started it
yesterday and finished it off this morning from the "Write" card but
I'm not editing any out now.
Sending Love and Light
to you have a great day.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Daily Guidance - Forgive yourself xx

Good morning today looks to be another beautiful day with the sun shining I called on Archangel Michael for our daily guidance today I love to work with him.  Two of the boys went camping so I still have the big boy Michael (nearly 19) home playing with his vehicle which he seems to do a lot of.
Today and everyday we need to be gentle with our self as we are our own worse critic and a lot of our internal dialogue is to do with our own behaviour  or with how we have behaved in the past especially towards others. Well it is time to let the past go as those lessons were learnt and time heals all wounds so you don't need to carry around guilt, anger or any other negative vibe you put upon yourself. Take the lessons from those experiences and move on as your soul is crying out to live in the here and now not in your past. Reflect on how those experiences have helped you and your soul grow spiritually as that is what all our soul lessons are aiming for it is to have acceptance of our true self and for our soul to grow towards self-love, because to love yourself is to love others in a kind compassionate way. If you can harm your self you can also harm others whether it is using words, anger, physical, or psychological means so forgive your self first in order to forgive others that may of hurt you or who you may of hurt. Forgive others as well if they have hurt you as it will be for your own inner peace and it will help you move on emotionally.
A prayer on the card to Archangel Michael to help you to be kind to yourself.
Thank you Archangel Michael, God and all Angels love and light xx 

All compassionate hearts come from a place of unconditional
love it is not who you are but how you are feeling.
LOVE is the key to all our souls 
We are LOVE
God is LOVE
Spirit is LOVE
Angels are LOVE
Our Soul is LOVE
LOVE is a high vibrational energy
and we are all deserving of LOVE
unconditionally as to have conditions attached
is to have control over some one's emotions and life.
Rob Thomas - All that I am
When you love someone unconditionally you will give
them all that you are not an illusion of who they want
you to be.
Sending Love and Light
Love you always
Forgive yourself
for anything you may think
you have done in your life
in error as there are no
mistakes in life only lessons.
Have a great day

Friday, 28 November 2014

Daily Guidance - Communicate xx

Good morning it is a beautiful day,  the dog and I went for walk already this morning. So I thought I would do the Daily Guidance for anyone that comes to my blog it is also for me. This is from the newly released Angel Answer deck of Oracle cards. They are gorgeous cards and so brightly coloured and are great for a clear easy answer if you want to ask your angels anything.
Today the message is to Communicate Clearly with what it is that you need, want or desire with your angels but also with those that you come into contact with throughout the day and if you have had an argument with anyone make sure you clearly communicate what your position is as you need to let others know what you are feeling in order for them to fix it or their own attitude towards you, there is nothing worse than having someone cranky at you and you not knowing what you've done to upset them or if they have a problem they need to communicate it to you so you can make it better other wise that person will just let it go over in their mind and make them more angry or put them in a mood where they seek revenge. That is coming from such a negative ego based state it is not good for either of you in that relationship. It is better to communicate to let out those feelings so you can let them go and move on with your life and it will also give you an inner peace when others know how you feel, you don't have to let those feelings out with anger though as that will only make you both feel bad and words can't always be taken back once said especially in anger.
We must learn to listen to others without judgement in order to learn who they are and how we can help them if they are in need of help. We can also learn a lot from others wisdom if we learn to listen more and talk less.
I'm not a real big talker so a great listener I love to learn who others are and how their mind works, I generally just say what I need to especially if others are talking as I hate to interrupt other people if they are in conversation so just wait till they are finished to speak sometimes the others don't stop for breath so I am usually left quietly to observe. I always answer when asked a question and am polite and acknowledge others in the room sometimes they either ignore me or don't hear either way I just shrug my shoulders and say I tried and go on my way. I'm also not great at conflict with others I really don't like the harsh energy that goes with fighting I think it makes me feel worse and guilty if I have to raise my voice so I generally don't let others make me feel how I don't want to feel, I can't say I give others my power as I am in charge of how I feel which is something I deal with internally. I let others be angry, cranky or whinge as that is how they like to let off steam it is just not my way to deal with things some times others use these methods so they can  get to you and to make you feel guilt in order for you to do what they want. Stand your ground and don't let others make you feel that way if you are not responsible for what ever it is they are trying to get to you with. Sometimes others will come at you in anger just for a reaction as they feel powerful for putting you down this is their ego working and bullies come to mind in order for them to feel big they need to raise voice, and use negative put downs as it makes them feel big if they can make others feel small they don't necessarily mean what they say they are just trying to get your reaction so they feel more powerful in order to tower over and control others. Bullies are really wimps if you stand up to them as they are playing on your fear and making you feel guilt for not giving them what they want. Stand up say "NO" and don't let the situation go over in your mind over what they said and also let some one else know you are being bullied.
When I was a kid we used to get teased on the way home from school there was my sister, me and neighbours we used to have to walk past this person's house everyday to go to school there was a girl and her sister sometimes cousins would also chime in they used to throw rocks, name call etc but they would go home and tell their parents we were bullying them and they would get their dad to come out with his axe to get us (which he did one day), we avoided them by walking the other street behind their house,  but one day one of the cousins was on his bike and my hand went into the spokes of his bike as I tried to push him away so my hand was so swollen, I never told my mum about all this but my sister did so mum did go up and talk to these people one day I'm not sure what happened after that they probably kept taunting us but we did try to avoid them. Would you believe this girl was also younger then us and is still known as a b**ch she no longer lives in town but her sister lives a couple of doors up from me but she wasn't as bad and was just an observer of her younger sister. I don't think I feared them but rather just avoided them when I could so I didn't have to deal with them. **Girls are most likely worse then boys these days when it comes to bullying as they have a nasty streak of jealousy within them especially towards other girls and how they look so very judgemental when it comes to boys.**
We all have a story to tell so to learn about others we also need to know who we are so we can empathize with them it doesn't matter if you have been in the same situation or not when you empathize you can feel them and how hurt or happy they are as it is the energy from their feelings you will pick up on. If you are in your ego mode you may miss the feelings of others as you are so focussed on your self. 
I love Rob Thomas and his music I really love this song
Her Diamonds
This was about his wife who suffers some sort of depressive illness and he has to sit by and watch because he feels hopeless as he can't help her. Her diamonds are her tears but because of her illness he is shut out from what is going on inside of her. He just has to sit by and hope his love is enough to bring her out of this dark state.
Sending Love and Light
Have a great day and remember
to let others know how you feel
if you are in a dark place as it
will help lift the burden from
your soul if you let others help.
Love you always

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Daily Guidance - Signs - Balance and Prioritize xx

Good morning I drew 3 cards today from the Archangel Oracle cards as 2 have come out earlier in the week. I crashed out last night before 10 so I think my body is calling out that I'm working too hard and not prioritizing my time to fit in the things I enjoy like reading up on my spiritual books so I can give you all more insight as we all have this spiritual knowledge within us from our previous incarnations we just need a reminder from those that have awakened and can communicate with their spirit guides, our ascended masters and Angels. My angels must also be giving me the message to look after myself as when I draw cards for myself lately it has been about body, sleep and stay focused as I have been a bit emotional as well at the start of the week so have been neglecting myself exercise wise. . We all can and do communicate with the divine only you probably don't realise it, it is just those that have awakened spiritually have a higher energy vibration so can communicate a lot easier for many reason as we can block our own energy centres (Chakra's) so the messages are not coming through as easy. Coffee and Alcohol and other toxin's will also block your energy centres and prevent you from hearing your divine guidance loud and clear you must also remember your angels do communicate through energy and frequencies so the clearer your own energy centres are the easier it is to receive your divine guidance.  It's now lunch time I sort of ran out of time this morning before work so I will finish it now.
So the reason I chose 3 cards this morning was because we have had to first 2 earlier in the week so have you been taking notice of any repetitive thoughts and feelings as that is your divine guidance for what ever it is you have been questioning yourself over, also look for the same theme that comes up in conversations around you whether you are a part of them or just standing near others having one, also songs I get a lot of messages through words in songs on topics that are on my mind and I'm questioning my angels about, maybe you have been questioning and doubting yourself and need to strike a balance  within your life as to what you know you want or need but your past experiences are getting in your way but you know you need a change as your soul is crying out as it is not in a happy place which may also be to do with your work which is the 3rd card to Prioritize your time so you fit some time in for yourself to do the things you enjoy to keep your soul in it's happy place even if you can just set aside half an hour of your day for you to do what makes your heart happy. So call on Archangel Raguel to help sort your confusion between your thoughts and feelings Achangel Jeremiel call on him to help with your life review and if it is time for a change and call on Archangel Metatron to help you find the time to play and do what you enjoy so you are in a place of joy and feel more organised to do the daily grind in life as we all have responsibilities to take care of but you need to make time for play as well.

If you are having a bit of a rough trot lately try and keep the faith that you won't be in your current position for too long just try and stay positive and look for the signs that things will and can change as it all starts with your attitude as you create your own reality, if you see things in a negative light all the time that is the life you will live, when you are more optimistic about whatever changes you are going through you won't feel as stuck as you are as God has brought you to this place where you currently are as there are lessons for your soul to learn but have faith that you won't be in that position forever as God and your Angels will pull you through it as well. When you come out on the other side you will realise what that lesson was and you will wonder what all the worry was about. Worry and negativity will also block your divine guidance as they come from a lower energy space.
Try to always come from a place of love as it is the highest frequency energy wise and you will hear all your divine guidance if you are struggling to find the light of love that is within you look to others that have that light as they will lead you out of the darkness and negative energy space with the love that is shining from within them.
The 2 doves that landed near me when building our house looked like this with the fanned tails they were beautiful birds to look at they are pictured in my mind.
Music today from Muso he has some gorgeous images of doves the birds of peace within his clip and I do love the sound of wind instruments the most I think. When we were building our house one day a couple of doves came and watch over us as you could get real close to them and they didn't fly away they had big fan tails pity I didn't have a camera with me as they are beautiful birds sent straight from heaven so if you see some take that as a sign you are being watched over.

Sending Love and Light
to you open your heart and receive it
from me and your angels
try and find some 'you' time
everyday so you enjoy life
outside of work.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Daily Guidance - Abundance xx

Good morning today's message is one of Abundance and Grounding Yourself I chose a brand new set of cards I've never used before 'Healing with the Angels' and for more information I also used the Daily Guidance cards.
God has made enough of everything in this world to go around so there is an abundance of emotional, spiritual and material support to go around for everyone if you feel you are stuck and don't have enough it maybe time to ground your self and look around you as your life is full of things that you do have so appreciate what you do have now and more will come to you, the more you are grateful for what you have the less of what you don't have will be seen. God never lets anyone go without as long as you are looking after yourself and your needs both emotionally, spiritually and in healthful ways your material needs will be catered for. Our EGO tells us we don't have enough and to get more in fact we have all we need we just may be missing it because we are focused on the negative and what we want not what we already have as long as we have the basics of love, shelter and food that is all we truly need the material things will come later to make you more comfortable but they aren't necessary for your survival. This card also could mean you have an Abundance of what ever it is you need on the way to you keep the faith and trust in god that he will take care of every need you desire.
Here is a little affirmation to help the flow of Abundance "I accept good graciously into my life. All of my needs are met abundantly for me now and always".
In Melbourne at the Workshop for Angel Card Reading Hay House gave us all a little gift it included a calendar it doesn't have a year on it so it can be used all the time on each page is a saying a lot from Tao this is today's one. The more you give to others the more your life will feel fulfilled as you aren't focusing on what you don't have. Those that take all the time will become unbalanced as they have their hand out all the time and take advantage of people especially those that are willing to give all the time.. We all need to balance out giving and receiving otherwise those doing all the giving will eventually burn out and feel used and feel things are so one-sided whether it be in a relationship, friendship or business partnership, marriage etc. 
If you have never had nothing in your life how do you know what it feels like to have much or too much either materially, emotionally or spiritually some souls come to learn the lesson of having nothing so choose to be born into poverty this is decided within a soul group before we choose our parents who are also from our soul group.

have a great day I better get ready. I leave you with this song.
 A New Day - Celine Dion
May you have an abundance of love in it
Well you can from me as I will
Send you my Love and Light within
Love you always
Remember that and have a great day

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Daily Guidance - Your Feelings xx

Good morning today our guidance comes from Archangel Raguel he is an angel that will help you sort out your feelings and where they are coming from and if they are your divine guidance if you are confused.
Archangel Raguel would like us to take notes of all the physical and emotions our body are telling us as you may be missing the divine guidance you are getting through your feelings, our feelings are a part of our divine guidance and it is called Clairsentience we all get this guidance no matter what race, religion or belief system we have. Our feelings usually come from the heart and are messages sent to our brain via our thought processors so our own body will let us sense when something is wrong or when you need to change things on your path, or when you are missing something in your life. If you are confused by your feelings and your ego (your ego will send you negative energy and thoughts as to why you can't do something) gets in the way call on Archangel Raguel to help sort what you are feeling and which ones you should be taking notice of as your divine guidance.
This is the canvas I had fun playing with over the weekend my favourite saying when talking/guiding anyone is to "Follow your heart as your soul always knows which path to take on this journey called  life."  Most of my life I have always followed my heart sometimes it gets a bit caught up in my own ego so gets in a rut but sometimes I can be a bit impatient waiting for what I know is in my heart to go do in the future so you have to work with your heart/soul to put it in a place of contentment and to be happy where you are as your destiny will come to you at the right divine time when everything is as it should be in God's eyes.
Enjoy your day a quick song to start it off as I have to go get ready for work
One of my favourites from Lady Antebellum
You're Never Alone
I'm with you and your Angels are to
look into your soul
Open your heart and you will
find us in there.
Sending Love and Light
Love you always

Monday, 24 November 2014

Back again lunch time xx

Hi all well it is raining so I can't go for my walk so I thought I would blog again about how I'm feeling you probably feel a bit alone to some days that is how I am today I don't know why as I know I'm not alone as I was thinking this at work this morning I looked down on the floor and there was a feather so I know I am never alone as the Angels are always by my side.
I changed my mind I do know why I feel this way only I don't want to elaborate it on my blog as it is between  me and the Angels. You can't hide anything from the Angels, God or your (loved ones in spirit) as they know every thought and feeling you have that is why with the Oracle Card/Tarot card readings what ever card you pull by Law of Attraction will be relevant  to who ever you are doing the reading for but it will also be relevant to the person doing the card reading because we are all energetically connected some way. I think a part of why I do feel this way is because of Facebook and the block they have put on my account I can still put posts up on my page and use the chat/message box but apart from that I can't comment under anyone's post or click on any like button as they have been removed from my account, it makes me feel guilt that I can't communicate with my new spiritual graduates from Melbourne especially after I also offered to do Realm readings for them it makes me feel as if I have let some of them down but it is out of my control as I didn't do anything to anyone or cause any offence it makes me wonder if some one reported me for something?  I am grateful that I can at least put my own posts up but only on my own page as posts within the Angel Card Readers graduate group from Melbourne won't go through. The other part in why I feel so alone is the part I will keep to myself.
This must be what it feels like to live in a Communist country just the thought of having someone be silenced sends chills up my spine apart from my purpose being about LOVE I also believe I am here to help clean up some of the political system or be a support for those that do all the hard work as over the last 6 years I have been doing a lot of research into the Labor/Union party and they aren't who they purport to be and the media is also a part of the problem that Australia was facing and still is as they aren't telling the whole truth to the public on Labor's true intentions. I hang out a lot at Michael Smith News he is I believe an Indigo and from the Knights Paladin Realm (though he probably doesn't know it)   and here to do the job so I have been supporting him and in the early days I was doing a lot of research on the people involved within the Union and Labor movement so over 6 years I have researched a lot on the background of the Union and the ALP it seems they are really Marxists, Fabians and are/were working towards a Communist country for Australia so over the last 40 or more years they had been working on infiltrating the political and judicial systems of Australia that has been my discovery as I was not much into Politics before then so now along with all my 'Spiritual' books I have to catch up on I have Political ones as well which I also find interesting.
**Earlier in the year of 2014 when I saw this video I knew someone was on the right track from the Yearly reading from Doreen Virtue.
Doreen did tell me on one of the pages I communicate with her through.  She thought that I was a Crystal/Indigo blend so I think I have more Crystal energy then Indigo maybe just my interest in Political Corruption is the Indigo energy in me. As I don't see myself as a leader or having as much guts as an Indigo as I avoid conflict as I can't handle the harsh energy conflicts bring out in people. **
You probably have some in your life right now, they usually get the nickname
or mentioned to them they are an Angel, I have mostly got how sweet I am.
If anyone that reads my blog wants to subscribe to it there is a little box on the side column, yesterday I thought I would see what it does so I entered one of my email addresses so the whole post goes to your inbox so you don't even have to come visit my blog as it comes to you via email if you are interested or guided by anything that comes on my blog. I will start to do a daily guidance post every morning it just means I have to get up earlier before work. I have been lately anyway it must be my body clock working before I get up I do a 20 minute meditation while laying in bed since Melbourne I have been using one of Doreen Virtue's morning meditation and Chakra clearing ones as I purchased the CD and put it onto my iPod.
You have your own shit to carry to help you grow spiritually try to avoid
carrying other people's negative shit on your shoulders as they also need to
grow spiritually and they have done this with the own seeds they have chosen
to sow before the consequences came crashing down on them.
We all have our soul lessons to learn so try to stick to what belongs to you
don't get involved if you don't have to.
Sweet Angels
Music my favourite at the moment I hope you aren't sick of it yet.
 Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud
I thought I would put up the Official Video today.
Sending Love and Light
Love you always

Daily Guidance - Peace xx

Good morning well we had some showers of rain through the night so it has cooled the weather down nicely as it was hot over the weekend. Today Archangel Chamuel brings us a message of PEACE - As you interact with people throughout your day come from a place of love for your own inner peace.
Notice the Indigo Blue shadow and bird in the photo Archangel Michael's energy is that colour.
Archangel Chamuel wants to remind us that to find your inner peace to remember only 'love is real'. So if you have that as your central thought all your actions will be centred around Love as it comes from a higher energy then hate, anger and any negative thought or action especially towards others. Call on Archangel Chamuel if you have lost your inner peace or anything in your life as Archangel is the angel that can locate things for you and bring them to you such as your soul mates or anything you feel is missing from your life.
Another quote from Rumi
Your soul has come here to give love, receive love and to show love in all your actions.
Have a great day I had better go get ready for work.
Beatles with the universal message
All you need is Love
Sending my Love and Light to you
I will love you always
so smile :)
and have a great day

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Mother Mary and Guardian Angel messages xx

I'm back again with Mother Mary Queen of Angels and Guardian Angel deck and the messages for this week.
ENTHUSIASM - It a message about whatever you are most passionate about as that is your the direction you should take as our souls have a way of telling us which direction to take in our life we always have freewill and other choices but if you are sort of stuck with any decisions you have to make go with your heart and your feelings on what direction or change you must make to put you on the right path.
EIGHT OF THOUGHT - Are you feeling stuck where you are because of this decision that has been going over in your mind you don't have to be in this position you can  become unstuck at any time if you are feeling unhappy where you are in this situation you can free yourself and look at where you are from a different perspective and follow your heart to where it is you need to change things so you are in a happy place. Being positive about anything in your current position  can make a difference as it may only be a temporary situation until your guides and God think the time is right for you. Ask your Guardian Angel for assistance to help if change of this situation is on the cards. Don't overthink things either as that is bound to get you wound up and confused. Some times we just need to let things work themselves out.

INNER CHILD - Have you been neglecting the little girl or boy within as that inner child in you really loves to play and have fun as well as be tended to and cared for emotionally, spiritually and in a healthful way so are you getting enough sleep and eating well. Don't let your life revolve around work as sometimes that inner child needs to get out and play and have fun too other wise life can become a drag if it is all work and no play.
ACE OF EMOTION - This card is about something new coming into your life so maybe if you are so busy working you are missing out on meeting people that you could have fun with. This card is also about your spiritual growth and if you let your inner child out to play you will feel joy again as you will be opening your heart.
HONESTY - Are you being true to your self and your own feelings in the above situation because if you don't let others know how you feel they won't know as not everybody is a mind reader or can see how you feel they do need you to let them know if something isn't right, they need to know just as much as you need to let your feelings out in the open.
THREE OF THOUGHT - Is about letting go so you can heal any sadness that is holding you back spiritually as the past lessons are over and your soul needs to move on to the next phase in your life don't over analyse the situation just let it go and trust that your future will take care of itself as long as you leave the past behind and don't carry that weight on your shoulders as it doesn't help your soul to be sad because of what was in your past.
Well I've let my Inner child out to play with my craft stuff I can hardly see my craft table I really need to clean the clutter from it so I can start again with the mess, I haven't quite finished my canvas yet I just put some Kindyglitz on it and not to mention all over my shirt so I am all glittery now I hope it washes out of my shirt and shorts. I will put up for show and tell when I have finished.
Enjoy some music now
Keith Urban - For the Grace of God
Great lyrics in this song
Sending Love and Light to you
Mother Mary, God and the Angels
for allowing me to pass any messages on
to those that need it .
Thank you.

Indigo Angel Messages xx

Good afternoon everyone sending lots of love to all Indigo souls today's messages are:- From the Indigo Angels and Archangel Michael Oracle decks.
ACCEPTANCE - This is a message to have faith in your self and acceptance of who you are and why you are here as Indigo's you will take the brunt of everyone's annoyance especially when you are fulfilling your purpose and getting to the Truth of  all matters in which you are exposing for the World to see, you are here to change things that are not working for the human population this may  include anything that you are passionate about and what really makes you tick. As Indigo's you do let your passions get the better of you so may at times let others bear the brunt of your frustrations when no-one seems to be listening.. Ease up on others try and approach them in a diplomatic way but don't blame yourself all the time when things get a bit heated as you are both tough and very sensitive so you carry a lot of guilt within your own soul for your behaviour. There is no need to do that. Sometimes others don't like to be faced with the 'Truth' so they will react and hit out at you if you are the one that carries truth on your side, being Indigo's you are good at finding the truth and not afraid of authority to let them know when they are in the wrong.
ASK ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TO HELP YOU WITH SITUATION - If you have let your temper get the better of you ask Archangel Michael to shield you from others harsh energy which may of fired you up  AA Michael will give you courage and strength to know when you are in the wrong and make amends as Indigo's can  be very opinionated and not always see the other person's point of view. Prayer on card "Archangel Michael, thank you for assisting me with [describe your situation]. Please help me be filled with faith and peace at all times."
PATIENCE - Have patience with others that have not seen the truth yet also have patience with any wishes or dreams you have asked for as now may not be the time for them to be fulfilled as everything has to happen at the right time otherwise it may not work out if you are too eager to fulfil your dreams and wishes you can't control everything as much as you would like to some times we just have to go with the flow of life and let things happen  in their own time especially when you know in your heart that it is in your destiny. Keep the faith and trust in God that in divine time all that you wish will come to you. This may involve family or loved one's and being patient with them if you are finding things a bit challenging at the moment for what ever reason it may have you worrying for nothing.
YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES ARE SAFE - If you are worrying about those closest to you or those in your heart and you can't  be with them at the moment there is no need to worry as your loved ones are being looked after by the Angels and those people that surround them. Prayer on card "Dear God and Archangel Michael, thank you for watching over me and my loved ones [name specific individuals]. Please help me feel secure and at peace; and fill me with faith so that I may focus on my priorities and enjoy a healthful, happy life".

SHARE YOUR WISDOM - Are you holding back on letting others know some of what you know or have found out in your quest of knowledge and knowing what is wrong within the system of society you came to change. It is essential to let others know what is wrong in order for it to be changed/fixed you are very intelligent as Indigo's and know how to get to the heart or truth of the matters that are close to your own heart. Now is the time to share your knowledge as it dates back to ancient times when your soul learnt lessons from the past what didn't work then still no longer works in this modern society it may have got even worse as everyone lives in their ego and has stopped caring about their fellow human being. This may have something to do with Love or not enough of it going around the world so your wisdom may lay in letting your own spirituality out and to stop hiding within yourself your soul needs to express it self to others in order for things to change.
ETERNAL LOVE - Love is eternal within our souls and those we have met before from our soul group will show up again at the right time for your own soul development and your own soul will know all from your soul group as you have the same energy and frequency patterns so you will just have a familiarity with them. Prayer on card "Help me perceive all of the love that surrounds me so that I can feel safe receiving expressing and giving love".
Don't hold your heart to ransom because of past hurts it is time to open your heart and express what your soul already knows it's purpose in this life time is love. Indigo's are very sensitive souls so do hold lots of love in their heart but they may be blocking or building a wall around their heart because of guilt and past hurts in previous relationships. You need to open your heart in order to hear your Divine Guidance. This card also gets drawn when the person that first comes to your thoughts is thinking about you too and loves you just as much as you love them. So listen to your own thoughts and feelings as you read my post as they are your very own personal messages from the Angels and God also look at the pictures on the cards as you will get your own messages off them as well.
I will be back later with Mother Mary reading for this week. I am going to go and play with some crafty stuff I started a canvas last night with some gesso so some lovely mess I have been playing with, I am in the process of colouring up an image.
A clip from Muso with a song I love and beautiful images to go with it
 The Sound of Silence.
Sending Love and Light to all Indigo's ACCEPT who you are
 a warrior of light in this darkened world  that needs changing.
Have PATIENCE for things you cannot change
your dreams will manifest at the right time and
let other see your WISDOM so they can also learn from you.
Open your heart and let LOVE in from those
that care for you.