Friday 14 November 2014

Getting things off your chest and letting go xx

Good morning all another beautiful day here but my internal dialogue is driving me up the wall since the week end in Melbourne and I have to get it off my chest and out of my head in order to move on and let go which I suggest you all to do when you are having inner doubts about yourself maybe not blog about it but I will in order it may help others to call on the Angels to help you let go of what is holding you back. I know my inner dialogue are deep seated issues that are from past life memories within my own soul and it is the essence of what makes me who I am the last weekend sort of brought them to the surface besides it is a universal thing if you caught the Leo King yesterday the Universe is forcing us to look deep with in our self and boy is that happening with me at the moment..
Sorry I didn't get my Indigo messages up yesterday because this (what I'm about to write) has been playing on my mind as well as our power went off for a short while last night when I was going to do it so I decided I will leave it for now and just do it on the regular Sunday when I can focus if my mind is wandering I find it hard to bring in the messages I'm to deliver with the cards.
The Universe does leave us messages and signs all the time if we are tuned into what they are you can pick them up I had plenty over the weekend in Melbourne from when we had the break I found a feather in the toilet (not in the loo itself but on the floor) so that was a sign the Angels were with me after I was pushed out of my comfort zone and had to do my first reading on a total stranger which was pushing me out of my comfort zone (not to mention the big crowd and being in this environment as this is the first time I had ever done anything like this and for me but I knew I had to do it) to start with as I've mentioned on the blog before I need to get to know people before I open up to talk about me and what I want even asking questions about myself or for myself is something I don't do as a general rule, if I do on a rare occasion ask for something for me I am usually ignored so I guess I just got into the habit of never asking for what I need or what I want.. So here were all these 3 things confronting me on my first reading and my fears and ego had a field day on my mind and I sort of froze up the poor girl that I had to read for could feel and see how nervous I was so as usual I put up my protective shield which is my shyness (this is I believe the deep rooted issue with in my soul from past life trauma's where I did speak up and got persecuted for it I believe 2 marks on my neck which just appeared from nowhere one day are the actual marks where I got hung I'm thinking maybe I was one of the witches that got persecuted, I would really love to have some of my souls past life revealed to me one day).

 Here they are on my neck I'm not sure how long they have been there or why they appeared, but reading Dr Brian Weiss soul transgression books 'Miracles Happen' and 'Only Love is Real', marks can be left on you from wounds in a previous life time I'm not saying that is what this is as I have no idea until I actually went under hypnosis and went into my souls past lives.
Here is the gorgeous girl Jacinta the third one in with the striped top and jeans, she is next to her friend the brunette I did talk to them on the Sunday and pass Jacinta her messages  that came to me later on Saturday night after I had a heart to heart with my spirit guides I used the automatic writing method which I sometimes use on the blog it is like channelling where I push my own mind aside so I am egoless and just let my pen or my typing fingers flow with what they want to tell me I call it being in my philosophical mood (it is actually called Claircognizance or clear thinking which must be one of my stronger clairs I am working on opening up my clairvoyance but it hasn't happened yet maybe because of this past life issue I mentioned above, or my guides don't think I am ready as they won't let anything happen until you have learnt lessons or it could be other reasons why but we all have these abilities as we are born with them, it has something to do with our own energy and vibrations if we can pick up the messages from spirit and become aware of our owns souls wisdom).
Anyone can do this automatic writing if you can push your own ego out of the way, you grab a pen and a couple of sheets of paper and you ask your spirit guides or angels a question or I wrote the questions down and let the pen flow at first it is you writing you should be able to tell the difference as it will be a different writing style and when you write you will be saying (I) but when your guide comes in they start saying (you) and maybe it is different language or grammar then you use your self, you just type or write then edit later,
Anyway my inner issues are to do with my shyness, giving to others with out asking for anything for myself and being able to voice my feelings I can do it here on the blog no problems  but if you were to meet me in person up comes my shyness shield which I do let down and let people in when I warm to them and trust them, so on first meetings I am pushed out of my comfort zone as I was on the weekend, growing up my sister sort of took that pressure off me as I was by her side constantly and she did do all the talking because she is an extrovert and not afraid to speak her mind I guess I was her shadow and she did give me confidence in knowing I never had to ask or speak up as she always did it, I also must mention when I did talk she teased me about my voice as it wasn't as loud as hers which I suppose is also a part of why I am guarded when it comes to talking or speaking my mind as I was shut down as a kid,  the reason she did this was because she wanted all the attention, I don't hold anything against my sister for doing this it was just a part of what made me who I am today and something I have to deal with as it goes to my inner core along with what I believe are past soul life traumas I suffered. This inner dialogue sort of came up over the weekend which is why I had trouble sleeping as things just kept running through my mind of the days events plus the city noises and heat didn't help this rural girl when it came time to sleep I felt a bit tensed up on Saturday night and felt the need to be alone with my thoughts and feelings I needed to work through which wasn't possible as I was in the same room as family, which is why I turned to my spirit guide to help talk me through it and I asked Archangel Michael to help me out in which he did for the Sunday which was a more pleasant day when it came time to read for others as I was more relaxed and not so nervous because the previous readings from the Saturday did come through for the girls and I wrote them down as they came and passed them on when I spotted the girls.. Jacinta seemed really pleased and amazed as she had got the same sort of message from the cards they handed to her in the morning as the message I had come through I think that was confirmation for the both of us. I never caught up with the other girl whose name was Michelle so I hope her message was the one she needed to hear.. I have to go to work now so I will leave you with this song and I haven't proof read this post so I will be back later to do both but I will publish it now..
Pump It - Black Eyed Peas
As I need get up and go music for my soul
Sending Love and Light.

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