Some quotes
Reach for the stars, you can have what you dream of just
keep the faith and trust that God and your Angels are working with you.
Patience it will happen at the right time in Divine Time which isn't measured in hours.
It is now 6 o'clock the day just flew by and I did go visit my parents this afternoon so I just got back I better go find something to do I was going to create but picked up my craft stuff and decided I better go visit my mum and dad first. It is very quiet in the house with only me here ah! the serenity. Do you know all my life I have heard how quiet I am one of my co-workers told me on Friday but it is something I've heard many times. I'm like a mouse you will never hear me as I'm quietly spoken the shy introverted personalities like mine are very misunderstood as we don't crave attention so we mostly get ignored which is fine as we just sit back and observe the human race around us which is probably why most introverts are empaths and can work people out from all the observations while no one knows your in the room, you let others talk first and if you have anything to add to the conversation you will without interrupting others, we do talk and can talk though but we do like to warm to people first, so from all that observation if you are not a trustworthy character we will probably by pass you for a more genuine person. Introverts don't go much on crowds as empaths the energy of a crowd is just too much to handle as they prefer one on one conversations if that conversation is of interest. Shy people usually get the not confident wrap but that isn't so either they are usually confident in them self so don't need to prove anything to anyone of what they can do or what they are capable of, they some times do need to push themselves out of the comfort zone in order to achieve what they want out of life when they know what that is.
I just Love the uplifting feeling of love, being loved and
giving love to those that need it, we all want it but if you haven't
been Lucky in Love yet never give up hope as your soul mate is
also looking for you ask Archangel Chamuel to bring your 2 souls
together and you will have that chance meeting in Divine Time.
I'm off to go do some homework and read some spiritual books before the workshop next weekend. Like this one and also some others I have in that big pile I put up on my blog last month. Plus I may go play with some craft stuff..
I will back here tomorrow with the weekly card reading for the Indigo souls and Mother Mary.
Music today is Savage Garden
I Knew I Loved You..
Sending Love and Light
God bless your souls
Strive to be the best you can
be look into your own soul to
find the real you and stay true to you.
Those that love you for who you are
will stay with you and support you no matter what
those who never knew the real you will leave
you as you don't fit into who they think you are.
Love you always.
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