Thursday 6 November 2014

Every soul is here to learn and to teach xx

Hi all well I have one more day until I head off to Melbourne for the Doreen Virtue Workshop I can't wait it should be a very enlightening weekend with a room full of Earth Angels there to learn the fine art of Tarot and Oracle card reading so I won't be here Sunday to put up the Indigo or Mother Mary messages so I will do that Monday I may even use a different deck for messages we will see then how I go for time I will be back late Sunday night as I have work Monday morning.  Talking about learning stuff every single human soul that enters into your life is here to teach you something about yourself even me on this blog, my life purpose is 'LOVE' (maybe to show others, as well as to experience myself and to give to those my heart and soul belong to..  the only way I have ever loved is unconditional  and selfless no matter who you are) but it is also everyone else's only I do think our soul can get a bit lost in amongst the chaos of what is going on around us in our life and some of us can get caught up in the dark spaces but they are only temporary and little set backs and most likely lessons our soul came to learn such things as marriage or relationship breakups they can scar your heart so you fear opening your heart again to someone else in case you have another heart breaking encounter, some humans have many I found a couple of Video's on Youtube to share with you. Think of all the people that have come into your life and at what moment and if they left what did you learn from that encounter whether it was only a short one, life long, or some friendships that just didn't quite make it?
The second video to share is everything happens for a reason which I believe whole heartedly even death of others in our life happens for a reason, I know the loss of my son has brought me here to you reading my blog as he has helped me find my way after being lost for so long he chose me to love and care for him while he was here for the short years he was, but he has taught me a lot more than that about life and death which I am still learning as all the questions I have get answered by others or I get guided to where to find the answers which may also be the reason you come to read my blog as we are all here to learn and find answers to the mystery of life and what our soul purpose is for being here, all our souls are searching for something that something is the love we felt when we were home (heaven, spirit world) that love is held with in another human soul also your own soul which you must love first then you can love another the other soul you will spend your whole life searching for you may make a few mistakes or error of judgements along the way, but they are not really mistakes or failures they are really soul lessons in which you came here to learn as your soul evolves spiritually you will find all the answers written within your soul, you will  have to do a lot of soul searching and reflecting on your life thus far then learning to find the answers if we learn to listen to our hearts and not our ego we should be on the right soul path we chose to experience.. Since God gave us freewill and choice some times our soul gets a bit lost on it's path. Anyway here is that other video it is sort of the same as the other one everyone that comes into your life and everything that happens in your life is not a coincidence or accident as we are all divinely guided your own soul, thoughts and feelings brought you to where you are if you have evolved spiritually you will have an inner knowing of what the reality or truth to life is, that we are all eternal souls and we create our own reality..
I will leave you with the 1st song on one of my iPod playlists
If I Ain't Got You - Alicia Keys
Sending Love and Light
Look into your soul
find the light within
and shine it on others.
Thank you for being a part of my
life even if I've never met you.
Love always

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