"Here is a question I put to David Richards on Facebook after he posted a bit of wisdom on our "Freewill and destiny".. October 16 post... (My thoughts "Our soul already determines what it is going to achieve while in this lifetime it is our choices and freewill which takes us on the path to reach that destiny sometimes our paths do take a detour and we make the wrong choices but our soul will put us back to where we are destined to go at some point just listen to your heart, thoughts and feelings to end up where you are destined to go.").
My Question to David
I have a question if you have any wisdom you can share thanks David.. I was wondering does our soul know how we are going to die and when?? .. As my son did know he wasn't going to be around, I am pretty sure the Angels were coming in his dreams getting him ready he was 5 and my 2 and a half year old was having nightmares before the accident happened of what eventually did happen. He was taken from us suddenly I also had a gut feeling in my stomach for a while so maybe I sensed it as well.
My Answer
David Richard Psychic Medium Vicki Michelle Firstly the soul decides when to go home, once the objective of the life path has been experienced, no doubt Guides who have helped him with the crossing over process, possibly leading up to his passing he also might have sensed this event, I have heard of this occurring with younger people and older people. Secondly you and your daughter would have sensed this event using your clairsentience abilities, ( Clear sensing ) especially when family members are involved, its like a giant link between family members. It is tragic when we loose a family member especially one so young, just doesn't make sense at all and is extremely hard for us to understand. Perhaps one day once we meet again in spirit the reasoning will be understood, till then based on my own experience of death, we really never die but just change form. I am sure that you have connected the dots as so to speak with messages sent from the other side regarding your son. He is and will be still walking through life with you, just like some one being in another room in the house you know they are there but just cant see them. My heart goes to you, massive blessings to you and every one in your family
Interesting that David mentioned my daughter as no where in the question did I mention any sex of my children (how did he know I have a daughter) so I left another comment after it about the clock."**]
A quote from the book channelled from one of Jon's guides/angels "Challenges thoughts and feelings create our reality. Challenges are mirrors that reflect to us our feelings about ourselves. In that sense, they are gifts. Wisdom allows us to recognise them as such." (My words now - so how we react to the challenges life throws at us is in fact the reality we create for our self so if you are stuck in a negative space after a challenge is given to you that will be your reality and you won't get your self out of that challenge until you can look at it from a positive point of view as every challenge our soul sets itself has both good and bad points it is our soul that is looking at you to notice the positive in every situation. Our heart/soul will always come from a positive place it is our ego/mind that throws us the negative feedback).
I love reading books about our soul it is so interesting to learn all about who we are and why we came here as our soul and other souls that come into and out of your life had all planned this pre-birth in a little room in the spiritual realm where we all go when our old/young body goes after it has learnt the lessons it has come to learn while in each incarnation we all belong to a soul group so in each incarnation it is planned in that group who will be re-born and which lesson that soul will be getting while on earth and those still in the spirit realm are watching and guiding that soul unless it was planned to enter that person's life previously.. I came upon this book by my own guides as I was enquiring about do we plan how we are going to die, it came up as a suggestion in an email from Kobo so I think I have my answer as to do we know how we are going to die and when we know it is time even though I haven't finished reading this book I get the feeling of a big "YES", as the chapter I just read was about Jon whose soul elected to come to earth to get AIDS so an illness where he would be shamed because that was his soul lesson that the soul group decided on before he incarnated for this lifetime.. A psychic channelled his guides and angels from his group some of which were angels that had previously been incarnated lives with him before. So any of your soulmates in your own soul group could be your sister, mother, brother, friend, partner, child or even your enemy as even they are here to teach you something, they did mention in one of the 867 incarnated lives that one angel had even murdered Jon (he would of been known as someone else in a different century) as that was the lesson that both soul's had to learn in that lifetime. I recommend this book if you want to find out the who, why and what for of all the challenges you have faced in your life time as this is what your soul planned to do pre-birth. Just imagine those in your life at this moment you planned to meet at a certain time in your life if you still are struggling to find those soulmates call on Archangel Chamuel as this angel helps you to locate anything that you have lost including soulmates then when it is the right divine time in your life you and your soul mate will connect for how ever long it takes for you both to learn the lessons you pre-planned so don't feel bad if you parted ways at the end of a relationship as that is most likely how both your souls planned to get together and then part when you both learnt your lessons (karmic debt may also be a part of your meeting again).
Did you know we all have freewill choices as well when we get to the Earth plain and our soul forgets all of our incarnates what does get left on your soul is the feeling and lessons it has already learnt, this is why when we get to heaven Archangel Jeremial takes us through a life review of each incarnation so every thought, feeling and action is recorded and if you hurt others while on this journey your soul will feel that same hurt you caused someone else. You can make amends with that soul you hurt now if it is only in your mind which was my Daily post on Thursday. Karma is also mentioned in this book but I will cover that topic another day.
So if you are a part of my life at the moment both our souls probably planned on meeting this way even if it is only over the internet at this time, your own soul will always know when it meets someone from within your own soul group by the same energy and frequency you both carry that is how you feel the familiarity with someone as if you have met them before even though you have never actually met in person as it is the energy you both feel, the whole world is energy every living thing is energy and has it's own frequency.
One more quote for all light workers that are here to help others on their souls journey
Keep on shining your light and energy for those souls that need to find themselves in this the big wide world as some times all our souls can get a bit lost in the confusion that is going on around us.
My favourite singer is Celine Dion and this is playing right now as I type.
Sending Love and Light
Love you always
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