Wednesday 26 November 2014

Daily Guidance - Abundance xx

Good morning today's message is one of Abundance and Grounding Yourself I chose a brand new set of cards I've never used before 'Healing with the Angels' and for more information I also used the Daily Guidance cards.
God has made enough of everything in this world to go around so there is an abundance of emotional, spiritual and material support to go around for everyone if you feel you are stuck and don't have enough it maybe time to ground your self and look around you as your life is full of things that you do have so appreciate what you do have now and more will come to you, the more you are grateful for what you have the less of what you don't have will be seen. God never lets anyone go without as long as you are looking after yourself and your needs both emotionally, spiritually and in healthful ways your material needs will be catered for. Our EGO tells us we don't have enough and to get more in fact we have all we need we just may be missing it because we are focused on the negative and what we want not what we already have as long as we have the basics of love, shelter and food that is all we truly need the material things will come later to make you more comfortable but they aren't necessary for your survival. This card also could mean you have an Abundance of what ever it is you need on the way to you keep the faith and trust in god that he will take care of every need you desire.
Here is a little affirmation to help the flow of Abundance "I accept good graciously into my life. All of my needs are met abundantly for me now and always".
In Melbourne at the Workshop for Angel Card Reading Hay House gave us all a little gift it included a calendar it doesn't have a year on it so it can be used all the time on each page is a saying a lot from Tao this is today's one. The more you give to others the more your life will feel fulfilled as you aren't focusing on what you don't have. Those that take all the time will become unbalanced as they have their hand out all the time and take advantage of people especially those that are willing to give all the time.. We all need to balance out giving and receiving otherwise those doing all the giving will eventually burn out and feel used and feel things are so one-sided whether it be in a relationship, friendship or business partnership, marriage etc. 
If you have never had nothing in your life how do you know what it feels like to have much or too much either materially, emotionally or spiritually some souls come to learn the lesson of having nothing so choose to be born into poverty this is decided within a soul group before we choose our parents who are also from our soul group.

have a great day I better get ready. I leave you with this song.
 A New Day - Celine Dion
May you have an abundance of love in it
Well you can from me as I will
Send you my Love and Light within
Love you always
Remember that and have a great day

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