Sunday 16 November 2014

Mother Mary and Flower Therapy messages.. xx

Back again these cards are just amazing as these one's I've just drawn sort of tie in with the Indigo messages about friendship which will be explained as I go first I wanted to say thank you to Chris who gave me these Flower Therapy cards  for our last reading we had to do a professional reading so give our client something in return for a reading.. Which I must say were spot on for me and the questions I asked Chris which I will go into later but that topic sort of also ties in with part of this reading..
The first card from Mother Mary is:-

JOY - It's in the past position so maybe you  haven't been seeing everything in your life as being in a place of joy or happiness, we should all be grateful for what we do have in our life so far as the best place to be is in a positive frame of mind no matter what chaos is going on around us.. Joy comes when you open your heart and see things from a different perspective as face it life is never going to be easy for all of us all of the time as we all have our struggles and difficulties as we walk this path of life. I am an optimistic person so  generally don't take too much notice of the negative or try to find an upside or something to be grateful for one positive can turn into many as long as you don't lose sight of the light especially the one within. Joy comes from an open heart which is the next card that paired up with this one.
If your heart is closed you may not see everything as it is as you are so caught up in your own thoughts you miss out on seeing the beauty that is within the moment you are living now as you are caught up in past actions which sometimes do affect your future or present moment as this sort of ties in with the Indigo section of friendship with the next 2 cards which are:-
ACTION - It is time to take action against those priorities you have been putting off like finding joy which might relate again to something within a friendship or relationship of some sort and not being given a fair hearing or a fair amount of giving and taking in that relationship as we must all learn how to give but also return the favour as things do get a bit lopsided if one in the partnership is taking all the time as the giver can feel as if they are only being used for the kindness they show. Some people only turn up in your life if they need something from you those are the sort of people to avoid if they only want something from you all the time as there is only so much one can give on the emotional stakes before the relationship gets lopsided and when they show up the first thought that will ring in your mind is "what do they want?" as that is the relationship you have let happen, take that first thought in your mind when you see them as a warning sign you are being used and it may be time to call on Archangel Michael to cut the cord or to clean it up a bit so the giving and taking starts to take place. Which is actually the Flower Therapy card and it's message ..
BALANCED FRIENDSHIP - (Gerbera/African Daisy)..
The card says "Your friendships work best when there is an equal share of giving and taking."  So this card could relate to any sort of relationship that is currently in your life at the moment as that card is in the present position even your mother as that was a jumping card so an extra card that wanted attention in the reading.. Maybe if one of you turned up at the others doorstep with a lovely bunch of Gerbera's but the ideal one to buy those would be the taker as a peace offering but that may not be likely to happen but miracles do happen or there is always hope yet for the taker of the relationship if they get an attack of the guilts and realise what they have been doing.. Ask the Angels that may help the taker to see the light either way try not to dwell on it as it will only upset you.
QUIET - is the last Mother Mary card this is in the future position so it is time to quiet your mind and listen to what your heart and mind is saying and a chance to put in your request as to what you would like to see happen within this relationship mentioned then the next Flower Therapy card says:-
PATIENCE - (Begonia)
So after your quiet contemplating time after you have put those prayers in have Patience for those prayers to be answered and your relationship repaired or they are taken out of your life whatever it is you want to happen to occur as all our prayers do get answered maybe not always how we expected them to, but at the end of the day everything does work out how we want or  even better.. Have faith and trust in God that those you want and need in your life will be there at the right time and when they are no longer required by you or their purpose has been fulfilled they will be back out of your life especially if they are using you and draining all your energy.
The MOTHER card came out so she might need some attention wouldn't she just love it if you brought her a big bunch of flowers.. If you love your mum do something nice for her to let her know how much you appreciate her as your mum loves you unconditionally or she should if you don't get along try and build the bridges or at least pray for her to not to be so stubborn if she is the kind of mum that puts you down no matter what you do as it isn't your fault she is the one with the attitude, don't feel guilt because of her behaviour towards you as you don't own her negativity.

So to sum all the cards up find something to be happy about with in the situation you are in for your own inner peace and happiness more than anything then take action to rectify that situation you have found yourself in with any relationships, find yourself  some quiet time and have patience for things to work themselves out. Don't forget to ask the angels to help you through it..
Sarah McLachlan - One Dream
Have a great night I am cooking a lamb roast tonight for
the boys so I had better go dish it up for them.
Sending Love and Light to you
and all the Angels that
look out for us..
Love always.

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