Friday 21 November 2014

Daily Guidance - Life Review xx

Good morning all it looks like it is going to be a beautiful day here the sun is out I have some errands to run this morning so I better get a wiggle on.. I decided to use one of my new card decks this morning for our Daily Guidance so I have the Archangel Oracle deck by Doreen Virtue.. 
It's time to call on Archangel Jeremiel he is the angel that takes us through our life review when we get to heaven but we don't have to wait that long as we can go soul searching and have a life review anytime we like and every regret or action you are not so proud of or carry guilt over you can make amends with and apologise or make up for your actions (even if it is only in your thoughts to anyone you may of hurt), as every thought, feeling and action is recorded in our book of life. Once you make amends you need to let go of what ever it is that is carried on your soul as you will carry it with you and it will hold you back, so let go of any guilt, fear or negative emotion from anything in your past as it no longer carries any weight within your soul as your lessons from your past are exactly that no one is perfect and as humans we did come to experience certain lessons which is your past. Your past is what has made you who you are today a different person from those previous lessons you learnt.. Look at all the good things that have come out of your past not the bad or negative issues.. For everything bad that happens equally something good would of came out of the situation.. Forgive those that have hurt you also forgive your self for anyone you may of hurt don't carry the guilt with you for ever as it will hold your soul back from the big lesson it came to learn in each lifetime that is LOVE (love of self and love of others). Your life review may also include making changes if you are not happy where you are within your job, career, relationships etc.. Your soul needs to be in it's happy place then you know you are fulfilling your souls purpose in this life time.. Your soul will tell you when it is time for a change as you will feel stuck in your current position..
 A couple of quotes
Now some music
Katy Perry - Unconditionally
I do love you unconditionally no matter
what your past is because my love is always
unconditional no matter who you are or
what you've done as I know they were your
lessons to get you where you are now.
Sending Love and Light
have a great day or night if you
are from a different part of the World.
Love and Angel kisses

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