Sunday 23 November 2014

Daily Guidance - Have you Asked for Guidance xx

Good morning everyone that comes to read my blog today's message is from The Messages from Your Angels deck by Doreen Virtue. The message is from Fiona .
 She asks us to open our hearts and listen to the messages from the Angels and God as they have heard your prayers/requests now they need you to receive the messages they have been sending through the divine guidance you are getting, you may be blocking that guidance through negativity so your ego is getting in the way of hearing the messages being sent to you. Open your heart and listen to your soul as it has all the answers you will ever need to help you on your path, if you are still struggling with stuff from your past you need to let it go as those lessons have been learnt.. It may help to write down what is going on within your own mind and to then say "here God/Angels please take these thoughts from my mind as they are from the past I don't need to deal with them anymore my soul has learnt that lesson" then rip up that piece of paper and let it go. You deserve heaven's help and to be loved unconditionally by who ever is in your life or who will be a part of your life in the future.
Signs that your Angels are with you every step of the way while you deal with your inner most thoughts and feelings that are blocking your path to the future.
I read the most interesting thing in "Your Soul's Path" this morning thought I would share the quote with you from one of the spirit guides that came through for Jon's case. (The Spirit guide is talking about us humans in the Earth realm.)
"You who are in that realm believe that that is you, that you are fear, that you are the hatred and non acceptance. And so you are able to murder one another. You are able to abuse and exploit one another. You act on baser frequencies. As the soul enters the body, the clarity for the most part disappears, and as a human, you begin to believe that you are the body. You cease to remember that you are the soul. This is part of the plan, because to forget your divinity and through many trials remember the truth brings about great poser, solidifies beliefs, and uplifts that frequency to higher levels"
So what the spirit was saying is that when we hit the earth realm we forget we are the soul that lives within the body and hatred and fear take over (our ego). So we forget the true purpose of the soul which is love (for each other and our self as we have to love and accept who we are before we can let another into our heart). Our challenges in life are to bring out our true soul and in each life time we set our soul a lesson or more to bring out and evolve who we truly are.. We are the soul that has come here to love and to be loved but we block that with our own fears of being hurt so those that come here lifetime after life time truly believe they are not deserving of unconditional love so challenges such as being in an abusive home is a challenge for the soul to bring the lesson that it is deserving of love even though the abuser kept putting down that person in the abusive relationship.. It would be up to that soul to rise above the abuse dished out to it and see that it wasn't them at fault and to know the lesson was to teach the soul to look into the inner self to see they are worthy of unconditional love it is to help the soul grow in that it will be how our mind (ego) reacts and either talks us down or if our heart can rise above the abuse and see our own soul for who it really is a divine being that is connected as one to God that deserves love from it's own soul as well as from other soulmates that may come into that person's life at some point. A lot of lightworkers choose that (of being born or raised in an abusive, or even enter an abusive relationship) challenge for their own soul to grow a lot of souls are probably still lost in this cycle of abuse, others have found the light within and are sharing there love and light with the world as they have found their true self and the soul that is within the body.  "Thank you guides for pointing out this book to me as I haven't read much of it but you are giving me lightbulb moments as to why I am here and why others are choosing certain challenges for their soul."
I am here as a light worker to give unconditional love to those that need it, even though no matter what anyone has done to hurt me I have never had the feeling of hate for anyone in my life and those that are having trouble opening their heart I will try and heal it or show them how as no matter what anyone does to you it is not your fault or your problem as we are all responsible for our own actions, thoughts, feelings and reactions (we create our own reality). If you come from a place of "LOVE" no one will ever hurt you as your soul knows you are not at fault because others are coming from "EGO" a place of fear so they react to something they do not understand that is true "UNCONDITIONAL LOVE".  Your angels will also come to you if you open your heart and come from a place of love as we are as one with the whole spirit world (and world as a living thing) we are not separated only by our ego.  My life purpose for being here is LOVE and service to others to help them see the light within and where ever my guides take me to be of service to  help other souls heal. **When your soul comes from a place of Love you are in a higher frequency energy wise so you can connect with your angels and those in the spirit realm so all your Psychics, clairvoyants and others in the spiritual world have a higher energy vibration so they can connect to the other side but with that comes a sensitivity to others energy so you pick up on others moods so you need to shield yourself from that energy if it is always coming from a negative place otherwise it will affect your own psyche. Don't get your self caught up in other people's drama's if you can help it, in the end don't carry their circus within your own soul if it doesn't belong to you, as it is a lesson for the other person's soul, 'not for you' support them  but don't feel guilt over things you cannot change as things do need to play out for a soul lesson to take place... **
Song is Avicili - Wake me up
A song for this Beautiful Sunday Morning
I will be back later for the weekly
 Indigo and Mother Mary messages
Sending Love and Light

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